The book in our leaders hand is titled "The Post-American World". I realized back in the early eighties that we were being destroyed. It started in the sixties,the mainstreaming of divorce and homosexuality, vulgarity and sexual inuendo in the media. Then the wholesale flight of our industry and the lax control of our borders.
Obama is the executioner. We will be taxed,fined and fee´d into oblivion. Expect confiscations of property,political imprisonment,new laws and penalties. This land is systematically being stripped by the locusts of Abaddon´s bottomless pit. After they take your house,bank account and car you will work in the civilian inmate labor camp on a closed military base. When you are no longer productive out come the gold teeth and useable organs.
This is not a drill. This is the beast of the apocalypse about to unleash the unfathomable evil that festers in his black (no pun intended) heart. "Flee into the wilderness", and pray to God this will be over soon.
Friggin' Amazing! Thanks KK! All I can say is WOW!
ReplyDeleteIts treason plain and simple,unbelievable treason.
ReplyDeleteRussian Professor Igor Panarin says that events are continuing to confirm his doomsday prediction first made over 10 years ago, that the United States will completely collapse like the Soviet Union before the end of 2010, and warns that the chaos could begin to unfold in as little as two months.
ReplyDeletePanarin, doctor of political sciences and professor of the Russian Diplomatic Academy Ministry of Foreign Affairs, told journalists during the unveiling of his new book yesterday that President Obama has done nothing to forestall the fast approaching crisis and that it could begin to properly unfold in November.
“Obama is “the president of hope”, but in a year there won’t be any hope,” said Panarin. “He’s practically another Gorbachev – he likes to talk but hasn’t really managed to do anything. Gorbachev at least had been a secretary of a regional communist party administration, whereas Obama was just a social worker. His mentality is totally different. He’s a nice person and talks nicely – but he’s not a leader and will take America to a crash. When Americans understand that – it will be like a bomb explosion.”
Since 1998, Panarin has been warning of a future disintegration of the United States and the collapse of the dollar. The recent election victory for Japan’s Democratic Party is another sign that the economic collapse of the U.S. is imminent, according to Panarin.
“Today I received another confirmation that the collapse of the dollar and the US is inevitable. Japan’s Democratic Party won the election, and I’d like to remind you that its leader [Yukio Hatoyama] has the snubbing of the dollar among his economic plans. In plainer words, he plans to transfer Japan’s monetary reserves from US dollars into another currency. The move will seriously accelerate the dollar’s exchange slump as early as this November. Disintegration will follow shortly,” he said, adding that next year China would also begin to massively dump the dollar and that Russia would begin to sell oil and gas for roubles.
Panarin previously stated that the dollar would eventually be replaced with “a common Amero currency as a new monetary unit”, referring to the Security and Prosperity Partnership agreement between the U.S., Canada and Mexico.
He foresees the U.S. breaking up into six different parts, roughly along lines similar to those of 1865 during the Civil War, “The Pacific coast, with its growing Chinese population; the South, with its Hispanics; Texas, where independence movements are on the rise; the Atlantic coast, with its distinct and separate mentality; five of the poorer central states with their large Native American populations; and the northern states, where the influence from Canada is strong,” according to Panarin.
Longer term, Panarin predicts that the breakaway states will eventually be taken over by the European Union, Canada, China, Mexico, Japan and Russia and America will cease to exist altogether, as depicted in the illustration above.
Panarin blames the collapse on a “political elite that implements an absurd and aggressive policy that aims to create conflicts around the planet” and warns that increasing firearms sales in the U.S. are a sign that people are preparing for “chaos” in the aftermath of a total financial meltdown.
“In my opinion, the probability of the US ceasing to exist by June, 2010 exceeds 50%. At this point, the mission of all major international powers is to prevent chaos in the US,” Panarin concluded.
We agree. I'm getting that book today and will take it with me on vacation this week.
ReplyDeleteBTW, I just went and purchased some horrible country-destroying grossly overpriced private insurance today and had a lovely discussion with my salesmen about the nationalization of health care insurance. Needless to say it but they had some pretty tough words for the destroyers of private enterprise. I smirked at them, hey, how much do you want to bet those liberals are gonna come after your insurance companies next???
Why auto insurance is outrageous! How dare anyone make a profit! Time to hand it over to the government to insure all of us at everyone's expense! Vote free ride! If looks could kill! It was hilarious! I set them off on liberals before heading out the door to go register my new SUV. I think its vacation time... time to head off for a week and do some fishing and recreation... and try not to worry about what comes next.
Keep at 'em KK! Someone has to try and wake up the dreamers of this world to smell the coffee. Maybe an economic collapse will wake them up??? If they survive.
Also, I just went to and read some of the reviews on this book shown above. The book is not getting good reviews. Most of them say it is broad sweeping generalities we are already familiar with. I plan on reading many of the reviews before plopping my money down. I am still trying to catch up on that list from Brad Griffeth.
You know KK, what is really sad is for Obama to actually get caught reading such a book. It shows he is a traitor to this nation and NOT a patriotic leader. Our founding fathers would not think highly of a president who reads about a post-America book.
Obama was elected to THIS America, not some idea of a post America.
This is really a sad statement for all democrats and a sad statement for the supposed leader of this nation. How dare he even consider anything remotely post-American. That is self-defeating in and of itself. Really quite sad! This photo should be splattered all over the place come next election and hopefully a photo like this one will get him tossed out ASAP.
Sure looking forward to some fishing! Yeeehaaa! In between other preparations of course... gotta get my dear ole' mother her concealed weapons permit at 75! and sell her house and move her somewhere she can be protected better if anything should happen to this economy. We are running out of time it appears... judging from Obama's course of thought anyways... God help us... and like democrats like to say it- Lord hear our prayer... while god laughs at us and pours it on even thicker... testing creation.
Yeah, I already posted that but no one around here cares much for it. Liberals like to think all is well in lala land while they hang onto the phone and hope someone to help them is a call away.
ReplyDeleteWhen shit hits the fan all they will have will be a phone in their hands with nothing on the other end of the line. Try stopping gangs over running your neighborhood and homes with a phone! Hilarious!
Tormenting insurace salesmen ? Thats like pulling wings off flies !
ReplyDeleteLevin, you LIKE insurance companies??? You gotta be insane. I work for orthopedic surgeons. I know the evil of insurance companies and so do the drs I work with.
ReplyDeleteAnd once again with emphasis.. OBAMA IS NO LIBERAL AND NO SOCIALIST ! HE"S A FASCIST! The dumbass dems and libs who followed him this far should have their heads examined just like the dumbass Bush followers.
ReplyDeleteHe's the insurance industry and big pharmas buddy Levin. That should make you happy.
I find it so strange you don't hate being ripped off by corporate pigs as much as you hate being ripped off by the govt.
We must pay insurance or we are fined,arrested and our cars can be confiscated. Its part of fascist creep.
ReplyDeleteIS NO