In 1995 the FBI spent $500 million to equip phone companies to allow tapping of 0.25% of all phone lines in the country on short notice. They claim they wouldn’t tap any more lines than about 1000 a year. That's about $50,000 per wiretap, if the equipment lasts 10 years. Taxpayers money of course.
PROJECT Cyber-Knight - Magic Lantern
FBI is reportedly using a new and improved version of Carnivore, a software program designed to monitor secure e-mail over the Internet. The new FBI program, called Magic Lantern, is described as key logger software designed to steal the pass phrase used to start the popular encryption program PGP, or Pretty Good Privacy. As early as 1993 the issue of encryption became a serious concern for government. How to be able to safeguard their agendas but be privy to the publics?
MEETING WITH DCI John Deutch, AG Janet Reno,
DAG Jamie Gorelick, and FBI Director Louie Freeh
DATE: Thursday, May 9, 1996
LOCATION: Justice, AG Reno's office
Time: 4:30 - 5:30 p.m.
Brief Overview of Encryption Issue
Export controls on encryption have been a long-standing issue for exporters, the intelligence community (NSA), and domestic law enforcement. Efforts to maintain tight controls on encryption in the "Internet age" lack credibility, threaten to impose real costs on U.S. industry and, its competitiveness, and are becoming a political embarrassment for the Administration.
NSA has been the lead agency in the government for encryption policy, although much of the debate has been driven by Justiceand FBI domestic law enforcement concerns. Most encryption exports are controlled on the State Department's Munitions List (to the chagrin of exporters - our allies control encryption as a commercial good). State has de facto ceded much of its authority to NSA, which has tried to limit the spread of encryption through very tight export control. Growing demand for encryption reflecting growth in electronic commerce (software and hardware) has led NSA to try to manage the spread of encryption overseas by promoting a "key escrow" policy, which involves a third party holding a "key" (the encrypting algorithm) that can be used to encrypt and decrypt messages and which could be accessed by government under certain defined conditions.
NSA proposed in 1993 that the Government be the third party to hold the keys. This was roundly rejected by industry and consumers. NSA has now accepted the idea of "Trusted Third Parties," such as banks or other fiduciary institutions, holding the keys, which is acceptable to many consumers. Access to a key would require a court 'order. Law enforcement agencies like this approach. As there could be many different key escrow encryption systems, national and international standards would need to be established to ensure sufficient commonalty.
Janet Reno and Louis Freeh are deeply concerned about the spread of encryption. Pervasive use of encryption destroys the effectiveness of wiretapping, which supplies much of the evidence used by FBI and Justice. They support tight controls, for domestic use and exports. NSA is chiefly concerned with exports. The Vice President chairs the senior, group that set the Administration's encryption policy; since February, 1994, it has been supported by a working level group co-chaired by NSC and OMB, composed of NSA, CIA, FBI, State, Commerce (BXA, NIST), and Justice. Last summer, the Vice .President agreed to explore public acceptance of a key escrow policy but did not rule out other approaches, although none seem viable at this point.
Before leaving for GSA, former Commerce Deputy Secretary Barram served as the chief Administration liaison with industry for encryption policy. In the past several months, DCI Deutch has taken he lead in developing encryption policy XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX He advocates a flexible approach to key escrow, but resists (at least as an opening position) any other export liberalizations, such as permitting longer algorithms to be exported without a State license or excepting additional sectors from restrictive treatment. Deutch has worked closely with his UK counterpart to develop a common approach to encryption policy for both exports and for electronic commerce.
The interagency working group met on April 25, 1996 to discuss Deutch's paper. The Department of Commerce, NEC, and OMB expressed the need for some liberalizations of export controls, in the short term, in order to "buy" industry into key escrow for the long term. If consensus is not reached within the next week at lower levels, the issue for Principals will be the tactical question of when or what to give industry in terms of "relief' from current export controls. Economic agencies firmly believe it would be a mistake to present industry with the key escrow proposal without addressing liberalization of export controls.
Industry argues for decontrol of encryption, for moving it from. State to Commerce control, and for allowing DES (a powerful encryption algorithm whose export is tightly controlled) to be sold freely. The three industry sectors (hardware, software and network services) do not always agree; hardware and network firms are more amenable to key escrow; software firms oppose it strongly, and are seeking legislation to achieve decontrol. Some support Deutch's call for a "flexible key escrow only" approach most are undecided or opposed.
To date there is no clipper chip technology, key escrow or crypto law set. Though VP Al Gore pushed for such legislation, it would have interfered in the PNAC ZIONIST-NEOCON planned WOT which is the 2nd level of Israeli-US collusion in the WTC attacks.
In 1993 it went to international monitoring software by the use of Israeli technology. Comverse Infoysy and AMDOCS.
Which is Israeli owned and serviced. Out of Woodbury NY in the US, this company tied to Israeli MOSSAD has been involved in the spying and tapping of twenty five telephony providers. Please review the 8200, the most secret surveillance OP in Israel.
VeriSign announced in early June 2002 that it will offer CALEA spying services to US ISPs and wireless providers through the use of Verint's products:
Outside of the illegal FBI ~ DOJ wiretapping is a backdoor operation [NWO global project] system is that the wiretap computer programs made by (Israel’s) Comverse Infosys have, in effect, a back door through which wiretaps themselves can be intercepted by unauthorized parties, namely foreign intelligence and private entities.
Back to 911 and the question of Israeli software in the FAA system. The tiny company out of Massachusetts, Ptech whose links go to Saudi and yet the links also find Michael Goff, an attorney who ran an Israeli security firm called Guardium. Interestingly his father and grandfather were Freemasons of the Worcester lodge of B'nai B'rith, a secret Jewish Masonic group formed in New York City in 1843. Like Chris Bollyn, I choose to believe the MOSSAD, CIA, 8200 and NSA involvement in 911 under the NWO. These links tie to PROMIS Case Law software that was produced by INSLAW, Inc in the early 1980s and acquired by Israel's Mossad intelligence agency, which then sold its own versions to other foreign intelligence agencies in the Middle East, Asia and Eastern Europe.
The triad is consistent with all the facts and ongoing investigations and published reports. This includes the beginnings of the plans for 911. It caters to the knowledge obtained by Israeli intelligence to gather and complete critical stages for the COMMITTEE's purposes.
1.) All DOJ and FBI investigations - PROMIS, INSLAW
2.) All Foreign intelligence gathering by US prior to 911 - PROMIS, PTECH, MITRE
3.) All Domestic US backdoor surveillance of Government and Journalist activities for possible blackmail, extortion or termination - PTECH, FISA
4.) All post 911 evidence WT7 - PTECH, COMVERSE, CALEA, FISA, PATRIOT ACT
5.) ALL future US telephony contracts for Comverse, NSA-MOSSAD wiretapping and backdoor spying - COMVERSE, CALEA, FISA, PATRIOT ACT
6.) Election tipping and control - COMVERSE, CALEA, FISA, PATRIOT ACT
7.) Permanent surveillance acts and policies - ?
It suggests spying and deep planning from the eighties in stage one HUMINT efforts, early dossiers, plants, coercion etc., to stage two, the actual implementations of trap doors in all US government, NSA and military systems to the third stage of total control and access of personal information which will likely be the model for coming world order plans.
Purrrrrrrrrrr ..........
ReplyDelete"complete critical stages
for the Committee's purposes" ?
Tier 1
ReplyDeleteUnder the standard devised in Basel, banks will need to raise the quality of their so-called Tier 1 capital base, which measures a bank’s ability to absorb sudden losses, the group said. The majority of such reserves should be common shares and retained earnings and the holdings will be fully disclosed, it said.
"Somewhat like a junkie hiding some stash for a rainyday, Huh?
Some lost and wayward nationalists worldwide must be getting their indoctrination into the all seeing eye. The committe is finishing their spring cleaning.
Ron Pauls 1207 ~ Audit the Fed getting swept out the doors must be on the list. GRRRRROOOOWWWLL!!
If PROMIS software is used to track wire transfers such as those made by Madoff and he was not forthcoming with the whereabouts of the loot then gubmint goons might have the details and PIN #s of the transactions. Mr. Madoff conveniently gets cancer and dies and 100 billion can be collected using the ill-gotten data. Oh what profitable snooping we can legally undertake. The investors hung out to dry and all thefts covered in a cloak of gubmint secresy ?????
ReplyDeleteVery astute King. Madoff played the perfect shill for this little triad. Also see if you can reason the theft being largely of Jewish and Jewry minority philathropy.
ReplyDeleteIf you understand my theory of the triad and a win, win, win each time for the COMMITTEE, it becomes obvious. The crime syndicate dwelling within the Gov-Corp-Bank has it's hands deep in the pot, indeed but look for the collateral benefits.
1. What currently was a huge anti-semetic sentiment of late over Israels suspect movement in GAZA, FED and BANKING fraud by so-called Jews and the focus of late of AIPAC and US government ties, the orchestration of the private MADOFF PONZI will not add to the ill-sentiments of the gentile population as once again the real jews are the victims of this FINANCIAL holocaust. These particular COMMITTEE members are of course no members of Judaism, Christianity or Islam. Just claims they spew as empty as the pockets they pick.
2. The need for further monitoring, policies and back door invasion into the financial system by the COMMITTEE themselves will further their control over the manipulation and surreptitious accounting in lieu of financial transparency.
3. Then of course there is a payday always. And again it comes from the sweat of taxpayers. Be assured when the illuminati and COMMITTEE speak about 'we the taxpayers' they refer to us as [ASS]ets. No delineation here.
The sting as depicted in Hollywood always concludes with a great laugh and congratulatory confirmation of another TRIAD [con] completed, settling the accounts and a massive recon by MSM to misinform, muddle and manipulate the truth. Then to the history books and COLD CASE files it goes.
When I heard Madoff had cancer, I thought he'd be whisked off to an island to spend the rest of his life in posh seclusion with Ken Lay. But the Washington Post ran a story that said he did not have terminal cancer.
Well, if not, there's always that fatal heart attack waiting just around the bend for bigtime financial scammers.
Thanks for another informative post Patrick. It's so comforting to know Big Brother is watching over us.
The "all seeing eye" is not just a symbol or figure of speech anymore.....
FINalternatives (FIN-alter-natives)
ReplyDeleteSeptember 3, 2009
Cerberus Capital Management is making sure it never again suffers a redemption crisis like the one in which it is currently enmeshed. The New York-based alternative investments firm will impose a three-year lockup on two new hedge funds it aims to launch later this year.
Cerberus hopes to raise several billion dollars for its Cerberus Partners II and Cerberus International II, successors to its current hard-luck funds. Investors in the existing funds are pulling more than 70% of their assets after they lost nearly 25% last year on bad bets, including Cerberus’ ill-fated takeover of Chrysler.
The long-term lockups are Cerberus’ way to make sure that never happens again, according to the Financial Times.
But many of the firm’s redeeming investors balked at a lockup, demanding quarterly liquidity to join the new funds, Cerberus said last month. Mark Neporent, the firm’s chief operating officer, said investors holding about 60% of the fund’s total assets were moving their money into a liquidation vehicle that will return capital over the next three years. The rest are moving to the new fund, lockups and all.
He's currently Parked at Butner Federal CC outside Raleigh NC my new home state. One of several facilities for MK Ultra programmed subjects.
ReplyDeleteAllumni include:
Duke Cunningham, former California Congressman convicted of taking bribes while in office.
Carmine Persico, 74666-158, Boss of the Colombo crime family.
Jonathan Pollard, 09185-016, civilian United States Navy intelligence analyst convicted of spying for Israel. Interesting.........possible BETA SUBJECT stooge for MISTER X.
Omar Abdel-Rahman, 34892-054, Islamic terrorist nicknamed "The Blind Sheik"; masterminded 1993 World Trade Center bombing. DELTA SUBJECT
John Rigas, 53983-054, former CEO of Adelphia Communications Corporation convicted of bank, wire, and securities fraud. Rigas was accused of looting the corporation by concealing $2.3 billion in liabilities from corporate investors and of using corporation funds as personal funds.
Russell Eugene Weston, Jr, 22372-016, murdered Detective John Gibson and Officer Jacob Chestnut after entering the United States Capitol. DELTA SUBJECT
Past notable inmates have included:
Jim Bakker, televangelist imprisoned for accounting fraud. BETA SUBJECT?
John Hinckley, Jr., attempted assassin of President Ronald Reagan. DELTA SUBJECT
Growing up in Lake Worth Florida and being a young boy when Charles Whitman was unleashed by the COMMITTEE to initiate the slaughter in Austin. His brothers were later taken out. John in a big daddys bar hit and Patrick succumbing to the aids virus the COMMITTEE dispensed so thoughtfully.
My guess is Madoff will die soon of some disease they decide to foment. Having been taken to see the Manchurian Candidate 1962 and later A Clockwork Orange, it set off the alarm in my brain that won't shut off. One of those buzzing and annoying ones that says we are all members of the Alpha-Beta-Delta fraternity and waiting for our number in the lottery.
I have subscribed to the Triad of self inflicted destruction of Investment and Banking institutions through design.
ReplyDeleteAided by committe members in the X-factor, attrition and merger don't cut it. Enter sabotage and crisis takeover.
Steve Feinberg and Chrysler. What a boondoggle, but then again he took Dan Quayle into the fold???? Must shine Rumsfelds shoes.
“We are on the verge
ReplyDeleteof a global transformation.
All we need is the right major crisis
and the nations will accept the new world order.”
“Sometimes it takes a crisis for people to agree that what is obvious and should have been done years ago, can no longer be postponed. . . .
We must create a new international financial architecture for the global age.”
“The powers of financial capitalism had another far-reaching aim, nothing less than to create a world system of financial control in private hands able to dominate the political system of each country and the economy of the world as a whole. This system was to be controlled in a feudalist fashion by the central banks of the world acting in concert, by secret agreements arrived at in frequent private meetings and conferences. The apex of the system was to be the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland, a private bank owned and controlled by the world’s central banks which were themselves private corporations.”