“You’re with us or you’re with the enemy.” - Thus quoth the now most infamous odious puppet on behalf of his knowingly most evil puppeteers, and I trust that the ire of most of us instantly hit purple.
Most of us should instantly have realized that we were being instructed to become the enemy of Truth and Justice and Good and align ourselves with the worst intentions of the most evil crew of mendacious malefactors of recorded history. And I hope that the Good God also took due note of it, and that He was also being inducted on the same draft.
So, which enemy, and the enemy of what?
Most of us by nature are on the side of Good and Right and Truth and so on, so that puts us rightly on the side of those who recognize that the greatest enemies of Right and Justice and so on are the Bush-Cheney crew, their wicked puppeteers, and all who aid them.
Ask yourself: what other species has ever turned suddenly on its own kind, enlisting the aid of others of the same species to wipe out the rest, while all the time maintaining an attitude of pious devoutness and, oh of course, urbane good taste.
In the light of this, the natural lawful targets of us all should be those who perpetrated 9-11 as an excuse to start criminally illegal wars against innocent countries for mere fiscal gain, and those who then helped cover up and explain away such crimes; those who designed the still impending financial collapse that is intended to wipe out society as we presently know it and will do so unless we intervene; those who are busily manufacturing viruses and the even more deadly antidotes designed to promote the sickness they are falsely claimed to suppress; those who deliberately manipulate the genetic composition of food plants and manufacture deadly herbicides solely to act in the massive elimination of others; those fomenting strife among the peoples of the earth; those who actively pervert our governance worldwide to work in their interest and against the interests of those who elect them, and those who accept such corruption; those who invent and inflict and manipulate finance to manage all these evils to the disadvantage of all the planet’s inhabitants for supposed gain and from simple malice . . .
Therefore we can now justly say, You are with us, the world’s great majority for good, or you are with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, and any and all those who are aiding them in their avowed intention to obliterate any who will not help them to take over the planet by such foul means.
‘Good’ is helping others, ‘bad’ is harming others. Similarly as simple, ‘common sense’ is: Don’t do anything stupid, or you will hurt yourself and others. ‘Truth’ is the coincidence between what is supposed and what is real. ‘Justice’ is ‘what ought to be’, and we all know what that is. ‘Law’ as ‘laid down’ is often simply what a few dictate that the rest shall obey and do in order to keep them controlled and working to the benefit of those who dictate the laws. ‘Natural law’, however, is the same as natural Justice. You don’t do anything bad, and you try to stop others doing bad to others.
Then, you law-enforcement agents of all the world had better wake up and decide which side you are on. – This is real Law and Justice we are talking about, which you are supposed to be upholding, so you had better think just what you are doing and in whose interest you are doing it. Or, again, what you are not doing, and in whose interest you are not doing it.
And all you military men had better think whether you are going to continue taking orders to do bestial things to others from brass that you know has sold its soul for cash and promises to the most wicked perverts the world has ever known. You know that is wrong. You are not children. So you have to quit doing it.
At the moment all you who are aiding them are ‘with’ the worst crew of malignant perverts in human history and you know it. These are not cannibals for the sake of hunger; these have become hyenas for the sake of fictional cash for their pockets. And if you are helping them, then you are helping them for the same reason, merely not yet knowing that you are also scheduled to go as soon as you have finished doing their dirty work.
It is time for you all to change, and to change direction radically.
So, to start with, should any of you boys be tooling around the skies with a few atomic weapons thus-far intended to wipe out innocent populations in the interest of these human hyenas, I would invite you in your own interest as well as that of the rest of us to reset your mental co-ordinates.
And you folks in charge of atomic silos, and you kids just recently taken on to use computer toys to blast the bejaysus out of women and children in foreign parts, take note.
Your first best bet to achieve positive results would be at 51 50 32 00 N, 0 56 16 00 W – nice round numbers easy to remember.
Next? Well, of course, should you conveniently happen to be carrying more sizeable eggs, then it goes without saying that for the general good you couldn’t do better than lay them on the square mile of The City at the centre of the web of London, ditto NY, TA, Frankfurt, Milan etc, wherever you see the towers growing tallest and thickest in the present sole interest of The Few harvesting their fictional crop of cash.
Got that, lads? Then, good luck, and God and Good be with you.
And, you vermin, as the rosy flowers blush and rise beside you, remember that this is what you wanted for others, and it is not being done by any invented ‘the enemy’. This, in the name of all of us, will be justly done by us to the only real enemies that we have ever had.
And, in that it is really happening at last as a result of your own misdeeds, you are the worst enemies that you have ever had, too.
FlakMan -- I liked your rant a lot! Your directions couldn't be any easier to follow or more on target.
ReplyDeleteNow, let's all turn this ship-of-state around so it serves the people that do the heavy lifting.
beautifully stated, Flak.
ReplyDeleteonly problem I see is they that work solely for money and have NO affiliation, being bought and controlled by the bank/corps. so even if the legit and moral truth and justice crew listen, still a lot we cannot get through to, who will act for evil as ever.:-(
but I will hold the thought of retribution where it IS deserved, to warm me as my rights, power and food and housing all slide further away.