This is an excellent movie about the chemtrailing of our skies. Aerosol plumes that billow out into toxic clouds that paint the blue skies gray are altering our weather & making us sick. You can watch the full movie or watch in 10 minute segments in higher quality.
( The picture above was taken in February of the skies over my house in southern New Jersey) ~
jgWatch here
So they got You too. We are in the grips of a two year drought here. I wonder what kind of pilot would spray crap on his own country and then go home to face his kids ? If I could afford to lease an exec jet I would follow those idiots to the secret base and expose this crap. Anybody got a jet ?
ReplyDeleteIf I did korn, I'd help ya track the bastards down.. I have pics worse than this one where the sky is just covered in these weird clouds. I've been tracking chemtrails around here for the past two years. It's become an almost daily activity around here.
ReplyDeleteObviously this is all part of their depopulation plan...
I doubt the pilots are being told the real reason of their mission Korn. But at the same time, their are plenty of sadistic scum in the elite hierarchy who relish such missions.
ReplyDeleteThanks Jersey Girl for posting this very informative link.
ReplyDeleteHow do we even know there are human pilots in these jets? If so, are they American?
Sadly, we could show each and everyone of these videos to this complicit, corporately controlled media and they wouldn't care. Oh, I'm sure many at the television stations know what the heck's going on? But they're told to shhhhh!
Too bad, because they and their children, and their childrens children are also breathing in the poisons. And these weather people, some who are being paid well over a million a year to forecast poisonous fake weather. Amazing!
This is indeed something outta a Sci-Fi movie. And it appears to be occuring all over the planet. Look inside of your homes windows when the Sun shines in, especially if you have indoor plants. Look at the web filaments, they are everywhere.
We're all being sprayed, like F'n bugs.
Nothing but doom & gloom speculation. That sky looks normal to me. Not even a spec of kerosine colouring.
ReplyDeleteWell, you may or may not call me stupid, but what I see are what, sixty-five and seventy years ago we called con-trails, which is short for 'condensation trails'. They vary according to the altitude and the temperature and moiisture content of the air at different heights and seasons, as the cold air condenses on the planes' hot engine exhaust gases.
ReplyDeleteI used to bitch about it fifty-odd years ago, as the trails would often persist and then form a high-altitude overcast which, as we generally had clouds anyway, seemed a bit mnuch on the few occasions we saw the sun. But it was never anything more than that.
There are a lot more of them now than there used to be, but that is because of the hold that the 'tourist industry' has on the human mentality at the behest of those who grub money from such things.
Whether they are now spicing up some of said con-trails with suspect substances, I do not know. It seems they could, and with the intentions of the present shower of evil bastards who are pulling the strings of the politicians of the world, I would not be totally surprised. The pullers are called Rothschild and Rockefeller, by the way. And in any case, those trails sare simply an indication of how much jet-fuel is being burned up in transporting people to places thay are persuaded to want to go quite needlessly, simply for the cash it milks out of the world. And so on and so forth.
BUT, I wouldn't get paranoid if I were you, about - THERE'S ANOTHER OF THEM! OH MY GAAAHHHD, THEY'RE SPRAYING US TO DEATH! - about the hundred thousand of otherwise inoffensive passenger planes going all over the world taking passengers to places they otherwise have no need to go.
And, of course, we can legitinately bitch about the military hardware built simply for the cash that building them and then producing wars to fly them in produces for said evil Rs and their country-cousins, but that again is a little aslant the subject of 'chemtrails', no?
So, have a nice cup of tea and calm down, eh? First things first. Let's take care of the wicked Rs and their venal politicians and the planet will then take care of itself and of us.
Flak... first things first.. .. Watch the movie and then come back and tell me what you think, ok? That's the whole point of my posting it in the first place. So people can become educated on what they are spraying in our skies.
ReplyDeleteTHose are NOT contrails. Also, normal planes don't criss cross in the skies, leaving x's and circles do they? THese planes are not normal airliners. They fly in tandem many times and make lines in the sky that cross over each other and make weird patterns. THese lines turn into huge clouds that cover the sky in a haze of gray.
Please just watch the movie and learn.
Dear JG,
ReplyDeleteI watched, and I have my own eyes, ears and mind, and a lot of experience, and I don't need anyone to tell me what to think.
I've seen military pilots weaving trails for fun, like kids on bikes, and jet fighters gamboling around the skies like fish in a bowl in simulated dogfight exercises, and different passenger routes take planes on different courses so that their tracks cross - I can tell where they are going and from where they are coming. I can usually tell what type of plane it is by its type of con-trail, and I used to be able to tell them ALL by sight, as I had good eyes until my first glasses at fifty.
But I am NOT saying I can swear that this or that plane may not actually be doing what you are suspecting of them all. Maybe so, but not ALL of them, nor maybe damn nearly all.
I am saying that I know very well what's wrong with the world, and I know who are doing it and exactly how they are doing it, and I advise remedies accordingly. But I'm not running around screaming at every shadow, and I don't propose to start now, no matter what the blandishments, and no matter what the rest are doing or saying.
You call your shots as you see them, and I'll call mine.
Flak, I know what contrails are. Those are those smoke tails behind planes that dissipate before the plane is even out of view. I grew up seeing those in the skies and I still see them. These are NOT contrails.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe you watched the movie at all. If you did, you'd have NO explanation for what you just saw other than something nefarious is happening in our skies. Planes do NOT criss cross in the skies purposely as these planes do which are clearly on a "mission."
For someone who claims to be so knowledgeable about the NWO you certainly sound very naive and quick to accept the contrail explanation put out by the disinfo agents of the global governments when it comes to barium, formaldehyde aluminum & disease containing bacteria etc, raining down on your head.
Do some real research.
Curt, huh?
ReplyDeletethey ARE using planes to shower sulphur dioxide I read, although as it affects the entire planet a world vote woulda been thoughtful..
ReplyDeleteidea being to dim the sun , and defer the Warming...(thought it was depop areas only though)
I went ape when the Aussie Tim Flannery came out in support.
blocking the sun screws up plants and bees. and affects us too. already Vit D deficiency is a worldwide issue, this is not going to help.
if the world goes into the cool cycle I suspect, well it will be that much colder, that mush longer.
foolish indeed.
"global dimming" as in dumbing the dim sheeple down further with overhead chemcial bombardment ;)
ReplyDeleteThose black trails are smoke and unburned fuel trails - It means you burn more fuel for the same power, which is good for the oil barons. Yes, this has been visible at low altitude particularly in American planes since fitting them with jet motors.
'Con' is an abbreviation of 'condensation' which happens normally between 18,000 and 40,000 feet, for the reason I stated previously.
I'm not going to argue with you because I see it is futile and would not be of worthshile benefit anyway. So I'll save my breath and get back to explaining the situation to governments to try to persuade them to see sense.
Right flak... those aerosol plumes that criss cross the skies and make circles and then turn into giant clouds that cover the sky so that the sun doesn't shine through are water vapor contrails.. ok....... if that makes you feel better, go ahead and believe what the government tells you.
ReplyDeleteBtw, Dennis Kucinich knew about the dangers of chemtrails in '01
Some people Jersey Girl just don't get it. They believe everything is normal. There is nothing that you can do to change their minds.
ReplyDeleteThis image of the corduroy sky is perfectly normal. It has nothing to do with HAARP. The cloud streaks at the bottom of the image are normal contrails and not Chemtrails. And I have a piece of swamp land in South Florida that I'd loved to sell ya, right off alligator alley.
That's an excellent film, by the way. Notice the build up of con(dense) clouds? Did you also notice the rapid dissepation of the same toward the end of the day? Could have something, er, to do with temperatures at high levels AND frequency of transcontinental passenger flights.
ReplyDeleteTandem flights. Saw one last....wednesday. Here where I live. Looked okay to me but it was two very large aircraft riding almost side by side at what appeared to be the same elevation, give or take a few hundred meters. What was it? Why tandem? No idea. It was a rare sight and I was in conversation with a young lass from around the corner so I really couldn't get my camera out on time. Contrails, none. Wierd how we have contrail days and then less contrail days. Again, probably the weather, the humidity, temperatures (at those elevations) and a few other condistions. However, I would never dis the idea, just as I would never ride it to town without a sadlle.
saddle, duh (ride hard on facts)
ReplyDeleteDo you really believe these plumes are caused by humidity or lack thereof? Well how do you explain them appearing everywhere in the world?
ReplyDeleteRight here in the U.S. they are seen on the east coast AND west coast especially in arizona & new mexico...two very different types of weather wouldnt you say? FYI it's VERy humid here in summer and VERY dry out west, yet the phenomena is the same in both climates. Odd isnt it?
Perhaps there is no chemtrailing in Germany if you don't see what we see here in the U.S., Canada , the UK & elsewhere.
ReplyDeleteOh come on Munich!! that can't be CHEMTRAILS covering the earth can it?? Must be some slow moving contrails .. or perhaps it's snow............
ReplyDeleteYes Jersey Girl, it - is - just - ice - crystals. Why - on - Earth-would - they - Oy! Vey, be spraying poision par-tic-u-lates into the upper atmosphere?
ReplyDeleteWhere's the barium and aluminum coming from then?
This is the last I'll post on Chemtrails. There isn't a bloody dam thing we can do about it anyway. We can complain and we kvetch, that's about it. NO-ONE will cover this.
So we just "breath deep" and be happy, pretend all is abby normal.
Here's a minor point for you to think about -
ReplyDeleteLook at the tumultuous orchestration of protest we receive from shills when we happen to mention 9-11 having been done by Mossad and the admin., or about such longer-term traditions of fraud as the hollowcast.
But when 'chemtrails' are mentioned 'they' are perfectly happy for you to go on believing in the existence of that, and to watch you flap and squawk on about it in your little cages. Because you are distracting our attention from what they are really doing.
Funny, that, eh?
Are we being poisoned? Oh, sure, via processed foods and adulterated water, and the poison industry they call pharmaceuticals, and toxic pesticides and herbicides and chemicals used in plastics and so on - Sure, and SOME spraying of the skies . . . maybe?
But you're not going to point to a sky criss-crossed by perfectly genuine condensation trails of passenger liners flying mindless package holiday-makers bound on sex-and-vomit-laden sprees to Pahdise and convince me that the evil ones are even there spraying boron and such on us all. Are you even going to try?
And spiders live everywhere up to about 18k, and regularly float about on their lines of gossamer. It's how they transport themselves about the world. You can see them spurt out a line on the breeze, nip it off behind them and just float off. And, yes, their gossamer shines across whole landscapes like . . . well, like gossamer, because that's what it is. It's how they get about.
So, end of paranoia? Let's concentrate on what they're really doing, and let's stop them, eh?
Flak, they are poisoning us in many ways, including by air.
ReplyDeleteHave you heard of HAARP? Chemtrails are most likely part of that program. Their purpose ? militarization and weaponization of the weather. The govt just recently came out and said they were going to START geoengineering the weather. Even though they've been doing it for decades. They know people are noticing those strange white patterns in the sky that turn their blue skies gray.
I've been gathering research to do an entire article on the weaponization of the weather but haven't had the time I need to complete it properly. When I do perhaps we can discuss this again then.
As far as it being a distraction..that's the same tactic the 9/11 naysayers use to discredit 9/11 truthers. That is not a cool remark coming from a member of coto.
Most here at coto, including me, are intelligent enough to "squawk" about many issues at once. Being concerned about more than one problem at at a time is not a distraction. For me, it's a way of life. Chemtrails should be a concern to everyone in coto. I believe they are making us sick. If you don't consider that important,that's your perrogative. I do.
If you think that 'they' in the shape of your government is 'militarizing' even the weather to use against others, don't you think it's time that you marched over there, dragged them out and axed them to pieces? - They're yours, remember, not ours. And it's up to you to do something about them.
ReplyDeleteIf you genuinely think that you have such a pack of dogs leading you, surely a few million of you could go there and DO something about it?
I've talked to many folks about Chem-trails. Talked with a military guy who oversaw the entire airbase operations in eastern Washington State (they chem-trail the hell out of it most every day). I asked him privately what was going on in the skies. His reply with a smile was, "I don't know what you're referring to...the government would never do anything to harm Americans". Uh-huh.
ReplyDeleteAnother flyboy (in the same area) swore they were con-trails. I told him to look up once in awhile. I explained the difference of the quickly dispersing con-trails and the shit they were spraying that clouded up the entire sky virtually every day. He explained the "condensation" meme at certain altitudes, where they'd just hang around longer. O.K. Here's where this is debunked...
I'm in the south now, and have witnessed the exact same blue sky erasing airplane created cloud cover. As I watched a chem-trail spraying plane do its dirty work, another plane coming from the opposite direction at the exact same altitude passed it -- without leaving any trail whatsoever. So that blows the one theory up.