Friday, August 21, 2009

Obama Keeps a Promise



  1. I don't like this cartoon because it insinuates that our military leaves our killed in action buried in Afghanistan and that is not how I think it should be portrayed and I will leave it at that.

    This cartoon is sure to rile quite a few...

  2. That weapon is portrayed as a fully automatic assault rifle,the ATF will visit You shortly.

  3. You're entitled to you opinion, but it's total bullshit. I did it this way for maximum effect.

    Your splitting hairs on insistence on political correctness is a red-herring taking away from the message that people are dying over there, where they're buried is really beside the point.

    The point is we don't need to be there. Figuratively we're ALL being buried over there.

  4. As mentioned, you're entitled to your opinion.

    Perhaps you've never heard of artistic license. Most people are aware we don't bury our dead in the field. As mentioned this was done for effect, apparently it had it's effect.

    Again, figuratively this whole country is being buried in these bullshit wars, and that's what I'm trying to get across. If you wanted to be absolutely politically correct in cartoons than we couldn't portray congressman as pigs,
    obama with a Hitler mustache, or any other liberty artists take to drive there point home.

    Otherwise, I'm glad this toon disturbs you, that's what I want it to do, although not necessarily in the way you're taking it. Thankfully I have to believe you're way in the minority. My I suggest you get your undies out of your crack and lighten-up.

  5. There is also the fact that you totally missed the Pat Tillman reference, (check uniform). They DID bury his uniform and personal belongings where he died. What makes you think that isn't what I'm making reference to?

    There are several messages in this toon you probably will miss. So be it. You can't please everyone. Some people are tone deaf, you're apparently "toon deaf."

  6. You are welcome to your opinion as well which don't cut it with me.

    Your cartoon plainly shows a man in uniform about to dig a hole and bury a man killed in action right there on the battlefield inside a foreign nation.

    This is unacceptable to me and I don't care who's name you put on the uniform. I did not get out a magnifying glass to read it, and frankly it doesn't matter.

    We bring our dead home. We do not leave them behind and bury them in foreign lands. This is not the policy of our U.S. military and will not be the policy of our U.S. military.

    As far as you claiming to reference burying Pat Tillman's clothing and personal belongings in another country, that may be true from your perspective, but that is NOT what your cartoon is showing. I do not see a pile of clothes there so your reference is lost and unconnected. I see a man in uniform about to be buried in a foreign land and that is the message your cartoon is sending and it is just plain wrong in my opinion.

  7. HA! We don't bury our troops in foreign lands? Really? Well, after just a short Google search ...

    This one shows 512 American cemeteries in France, Belgium and other countries.

    or this one showing preparation for mass graves overseas

    or this one from Stars & Stripes ...

    I could go on, but what's the point? As I said, get you panties out of a knot. If you're going to make a statement as dumb as the one you made you should check the facts first.

  8. Levin, I'd bet money on the fact that there are plenty of unmarked graves of dead american soldiers in Afghanistan.

    Besides you missed the entire point of the cartoon. Mainly that the only sure job available for a young person today is becoming cannon fodder for the MIC.

    5 stars M

  9. I never said we did not bury our military overseas in the past such as you noted way back in WWI and WWII.

    I do have my facts straight. It is you who does not have your facts straight.

    I said, and I will repeat, I said it is the policy of the U.S. military to bring our boys home- today in 2009. I never said one word about what happened in WWI or WWII or what the policy was way back then 80 friggin years ago- that is not policy today.

    My words were very clear: "This is not the policy of our U.S. military and will not be the policy of our U.S. military."

    I should have added they bring our dead home "when they can."

    You provided links to burials that are 80 years old. That is NOT the policy today, unless as one of your links suggested that the bodies are contaminated in some way which would cause harm to repatriate, and that info was dated way back in 2003.

    Time for you step into today's world.

    If you would have looked on the Dept. Of Defense own website instead of googling ancient history you would have been able to find up to date info from the DOD on exactly what their policy is today so let me you show you since you are so out of date:

    Department of Defense INSTRUCTION NUMBER 1300.18 January 8, 2008 USD(P&R)

    SUBJECT: Department of Defense (DoD) Personnel Casualty Matters, Policies, and Procedures

    4.3. The remains of deceased personnel will be recovered, identified, and returned to their families as expeditiously as possible while maintaining the dignity, respect, and care of the deceased as well as protecting the safety of the living.

    4.4. The remains of deceased members will be continuously escorted by a uniformed member of appropriate grade and/or a special escort if approved by the appropriate Military Service or DoD Component concerned from the preparing mortuary to the funeral home location requested by person authorized to direct disposition of human remains (PADD). When remains are being returned to the United States from outside the continental United States (OCONUS) (to include Alaska and Hawaii) by military air or military-contract air, the aircraft commander will serve as the official escort until arrival at the continental United States (CONUS) port mortuary for final processing. If remains are processed at an OCONUS location and are ready for transport to the destination identified by the PADD, an escort, other than then aircraft commander, will be provided from the preparing mortuary to the final destination."

    And you have the audacity to draw up some cartoon showing a man in a U.S. military uniform about to dig a hole to bury one of our own inside a foreign nation and this is NOT the policy of this nation.

    Like you, I write to push people's buttons and this cartoon did push mine. I do not like the thought of leaving our men behind. I guess you did not read my post on Honoring Capt. Scott Speicher and what was said below in the comments about what the family are doing in Congress.

    "This is not the policy of our U.S. military and will not be the policy of our U.S. military." Got it?

    Are we straight now?

  10. Levin.. do you really trust the DOD to be on the up and up??!!

  11. Disagree JG. It is one thing to try and show men dying in Afganistan, and it is quite another to take up a shovel and act like you are about to bury him on the battlefield.

    Our men in uniform have some honor amongst themselves over this issue and I don't like the thought of leaving one behind or burying him on site like that. Surely he could have done something different to make his point instead of showing something that is absolutely contrary to honor and contrary to U.S. military code per DOD.

    Because of what has happened in the past, this is an emotional issue and most men in uniform and vets would agree with me, we do not like to leave our boys behind and that is what this cartoon shows. Dig and hole and throw the dead in on the battlefield. Not too swift there.

    Would your family approve if that is what is done to you on the battlefield? Would you want to be left behind and buried where you died in a foreign land?

    It took 18 and half years to find Capt. Scott Speicher and we did not give up on him. Just one man and he is home today where he belongs and where he deserves to be.

    Shame on the artist of this cartoon. Shame, shame, shame! The message it sends is a bad one and dishonorable regardless of why they are there. You can not fault the men in uniform for the evil of their government. Don't lay that on the men who fight and die as told. Give them some respect and do honor to them and this cartoon does not do honor to them.

  12. Levin.. I know how the soldiers feel about their buddies. I am not doubting that. I also know they have been brainwashed into believing they are fighting for democracy and freedom in Iraq & Afghanistan. BULLSHIT & LIES. They are fighting for power and greed for the PTB. It's time they were truly honorable and laid down their weapons and refused to do so.

    Ask Pat Tillman's family what they think about what happened to him on the battlefield .

  13. Now your talking M. This is what it's all about. Levin's protecting the honor and code of the Military and so be it. Those on foot are honorable.

    What he fails to ID are the fat f**ks with the clusters and the bankers who masquerade around the honor when in fact they see the troop as just another weapon.

    Your rifle, your boots and socks and your life, just the tools of the trade. Afghanistan is a suicide mission, a game of Russian Roulette and our people are carnival ducks.

    When the brits go postal over the this and the crap hits the fan, well see some fireworks here.

  14. Deb,

    All this is, is bullshit bravado.

    Yeah, yeah, the troops are Gods. Can't do no wrong. Just follow orders no matter how illegal, blow the shit out of as many living things as you can for, for ... gee, just what is it all for?

    If they had any honor at all they'd turn their guns on those giving these orders and march to the front steps of the WH door kick it in and drag the criminals creating all these wars out and have them meet justice.

    I'm over this troop-worship bullshit!

    Yes they are good ones, but not enough to stop taking orders to fight in bullshit conflicts all to make a few sociopaths richer than they already are. And I'm out there trying to reach them and get them to do what's right.

    I went through this before with Vietnam. Same shit. Support the troops, my ass! I'll support the ones that just recently were convicted for refusing orders to deploy. These heroes deserve respect.

    As for the rest of them ... yeah, they're in a tough spot, but if after a short period of time you can't figure out you're being used, killing and dying for nothing more than to fulfill some evil wish of a group of power mad sick pricks, well, than, go charge a hill, and after you're blown six-ways to Sunday, it won't make a Tinkers-damn where your remains are buried.

  15. Damn right M. In my opinion, the troops aren't very bright if they think what they are doing is a noble cause. At least the kids from our generation knew enough to protest and burn their draft cards. These kids today sign up willingly to be used as cannon fodder !

    Unfortunately, many are tricked into signing up by the hired gun, scumbag recruiters with promises never intended to be kept. Still others are reeled in simply because they can't find a job doing anything else. How f'in sad is that? Between endless wars and obama youth, they got the younguns tied up for years.

  16. It is too bad art is not explained to children, e.g., the role of images and irony. Some do grow up to understand artistic license though, given hints, and can safely be taken to scandalous exhibits, so long as there are enough guards, an American staple. None of the myths in any civilization was strictly true, so M is no different from other balladeers and troubadours. M plays the ancient role of trickster or jester, a catalyst who makes us see the higher reality of a situation through irony. There is an irony in the waste of life these troops suffer for an illegal government. They know full well the US killed over 55,000 of them in Vietnam for a falseflag phony war and yet they volunteered for more potential needless sacrifice because they were told that if they died they would at least go to heaven as heroes. Where is the protest over that inaccuracy? The important thing is that if their calculations were correct now they are in heaven and their bodies wherever they are are beyond any more deception.
    The cartoon shows the irony of a work program that is ready to go, the only one US citizens have left in these final days of empire. Your tax money goes toward the work programs around the world with neverending phony war and never ending will never end at this rate without somebody saying look the empereor wears no clothes, he can only drive us into the ground somewhere, everywhere, be it Flanders fields or wherever. I think you will find some parts of bodies are left over in the places we invaded criminally, a nasty fact that would support whatever M shows. Blood is an important body part. Can anyone seriously claim the US cares about leaving the blood of its soldiers behind? Do they clean it up and package it respectfully and mail it to the families? I would want mine if it were missing. Those who make wars never fight them. Where the burying goes on is minor compared to not bringing back souls. they bury the souls in Afghanistan. The local people have to struggle because of the invasion. What about the locals the troops sent to their graves? That is the message, these GIs bury their own souls forever, and it is sad to see anyone present in time who failed to develop their real humanity which in no way depended on a falseflag murder spree for shady people in three piece suits. The best would be if Mr. M could show tillman with the three tightly spaced holes in his forehead from the Americans that got him. I mean this is a good point because the Americans in an artistic sense buried him in Afghanistan with that hit. Oh wait, what does the current general in Afghanistan say, Tillman was a hero and went down fighting Al Kiter, who tragically got him. Where is the truth these days? Jessica lynch fought like a wildcat they say. Our militarymyth is shovel ready, can you dig it? meeow......scatch.....laters......

  17. Smedley Butler said "war is a racket" so soldiers are the poor suckers. Butler is not required reading in school,but the recruiters are there. Mid-lifers arent sought out by the military,we are onto the game. The military relies on the young and dumb.
