A certification of birth document has surfaced placing the birth of Barack Obama in the Coast General Hospital in Mombasa, Kenya, not Hawaii as the Obama administration insists. In the last week, the corporate media has launched an especially vicious attack and dismissed the issue as a fabrication devised by “birthers” who are said to be racists and rightwing extremists.
The latest document was released by Orly Taitz, a California attorney who has filed a several lawsuits demanding proof of Barack Obama’s eligibility to serve as president. The Kenyan document lists Obama’s parents as Barack Hussein Obama and Stanley Ann Obama, formerly Stanley Ann Dunham. Although there is not a signature by a doctor, the document is signed by the deputy registrar of Coast Province, Joshua Simon Oduya. http://www.infowars.com/purported-kenyan-obama-birth-certificate-surfaces/
Well if this thing pans out to be true, then just maybe we have found our constitutional crisis after all!
ReplyDeleteThe democrats will elect anyone!
I always said they could not care less about the constitution!
And yeah, I play party politics. I use to work Republican campaigns what can I say?
Before I became a 'duopolist' (heh), I voted Dem in every election ...when I voted.
ReplyDeleteFrankly, I'm hoping the BC is real. I want this brewing totalitarian pot stirred up .. a lot. So much so, that they forget their damned vaccines this autumn. That they forget to support Israel's looming attack on Iran. That the war in Af and PK bogs down...
Of course, none of that will happen. And the BC will be dismissed by the main Obama-stream media ... if, IF, they even acknowledge it.
You elected Bush.. TWICE...which leaves you NO bragging rights.. nuff said ..
ReplyDeleteWhat I don't get is that if Obama were a US citizen and can prove it then why don't he? Just show everyone your Hawaii birth certificate and be done with it!
ReplyDeleteRight now high ranking military are writing letters to Washington telling them they have a growing mutiny problem on their hands! Men in reserves are not going active. And others in uniform are stirring up problems.
When you have high ranking military crying to Washington to do something before the pot boils over, Houston, we have a problem!
Another thing, if Obama was born in Kenya, then every law he has put his illegal signature on is as worthless as he is right now.
We have a constitutional crisis in the making here big time! And like you, I hope it stirs the pot real good! They asked for it! Bunch of idiots!
I hope that BC is for real! I want that BC to be real. I would love to see Obama run out of Washington for being a fraud! The fallout will be tremendous!
First we have to see if this bc is legit. Phil Berg who has been on the case from the get go has his doubts. Could be a psyop like Alex was saying.. time will tell.
ReplyDeleteBush is peanuts compared to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. And how about the UN? All democrats. And how about the laws presently ripping families apart and sending dads to jail? All democrats. And how about our dumb-down schools creating little new world order puppets who can't read or write, but they feel good? All democrats! And how about restraining orders removing children from dads and their homes and cars and careers and income without DUE PROCESS of any kind! All democrats!
ReplyDeleteTraitors to this nation! Don't get me started JG!
I would re-elect Bush in a heart beat over that! Jeb Bush for President! Next week!
You gotta realize, all presidents since the passage of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 have all been puppets even the Bush you hate so much! Just a puppet serving his masters and you want to hate Bush for it just because you don't like him personally when all he did was what his zionist AIPAC-Israeli masters had him do! You can try to lay it all at his feet, but you would be wrong! Look behind the curtain at who pulls those strings and never forget it was yankee liberal democrats who signed into law the federal reserve act of 1913, the single worst law ever! All downhill since and I blame democrats now and forever for it! And I am not alone!
This is just an observers opinion, and I do NOT endorse violence of any kind, but this is how I see it:
Do any of you recall that man who went inside a church and opened fire on those people because they were liberal democrats! He jumped the gun! I feel sorry for the roll call of the democrat party when shit really hits the fan in this nation! It will be party politics all over the place from coast to coast!
Help! We need food! And you were a member of what party? Eat this!
Sad to say, but this is what it is coming down to in this nation. No wonder democrats are whining about how we should all get along and please please forget about party politics! Yeah right.
I took my 75 year old mother to a gun show today to look for her new 38. All over the place was photos of Obama with the description underneath:
Obama: Number One Gun Salesman of 2009.
Democrats are in for some fun in the future when all their warm and fuzzy socialism comes back to bite them in the ass! And you can't blame me! I just sit out here and watch and observe and that is what I see in my crystal ball. Democrats are blamed for destroying this nation as traitors to the U.S. Constitution.
And Florida loves Jeb Bush! He was very popular here and very well liked and he is waiting in the wings.
I forgot...
See I do have a sense of humor sometimes!
If someone faked it, it would be really stupid and easy to read through- I hope.
ReplyDeleteI want Thomas Jefferson back.
ReplyDeleteMe too! And Thomas Paine too! And we will need George Wahington as well! Ben Franklin can go screw himself like he screwed eveyone else and play with his kites!
ReplyDeleteI'd also like my uncle Phil Sheridan back, but on OUR side this next time!
I am soooo jealous of what uncle Phil got to do! He had a way of changing opinions real fast! lol
Phil Sheridan invented the pellet gun,right?
ReplyDeleteIt is a fake.
ReplyDeleteIt is signed Feb. 17th 1964, from the office of the registrar of the "Republic" of Kenya.
Though Kenya won it's independence from Great Britain on Dec. 12th 1963...
... they didn't become a "Republic" until exactly one year later. Dec. 12th 1964...
9 months AFTER this is supposedly signed by the registrar of the Republic of Kenya.
This document is a red-herring.
Yeah but his "pellets" were about six inches in diameter.
ReplyDeleteYou sure now how to ruin a party! So where is the real BC? And why won't they show it and put this thing to rest?
ReplyDeleteI just went and looked at what you said. So you are saying it is impossible for there to be some kind of government in place before the official declaration of said government?
ReplyDelete"Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people." -- Eleanor Roosevelt
ReplyDeleteJeebles Crispoids... HOW MANY TIMES do you have to see the evidence to figure it out:
There is no “government.” There is no “political process.” There is no “country.” The great collective that passes for the USA is a network of corporate fiefdoms.
For you oldsters who read Mad magazine... you remember the potted-plant named "Arthur?" Well, THAT'S the POTUS (president of the united states... so I don't get accused of arcane acronyms)... GET IT?
Obama, schlamma. yo fookin MOMMA. Who-the-fuck cares if "he" was born on fucking MARS?? SO WHAT?? So "they" replace "him" with Loodle or Doodle or Apple Strudel. IT DOESN'T FUCKING MATTER.
Cripes... I thought we were into the OBVIOUS. Somebody built a bunch of prison camps... in advance. Somebody is rigging trains to carry a lot of people... in advance. Somebody is preparing MASS GRAVES...IN ADVANCE.
Now... I don't know if it's the NWO or the "Illuminati" or the "Government" or space lizards or the freakin Cub Scouts. And ya know what? I DON'T FUKKIN CARE. SOMETHING... that is capable of "paying" contractors and mechanics and manufacturers to put this stuff in place is PLANNING on a whole lot of people dying all at once. Hel-LOOOO!!!
Ideas? Well, I guess that's fairly out of the question. Events: concentration camps... transport-trains... mass graves. GMOs... poison food... fake "diseases." And this is about BamBam's BIRTH CERTIFICATE???
Rod and Phil gotta be laughing their asses off... wherever they are.
"I'll take your guns for that."
ReplyDeleteYou do have a point.
ReplyDeleteThere was indeed a government in place before Dec. 12th 1964 in Kenya that wasn't called the Kenya Colony (like it was under British rule). But it wasn't called the "Republic" of Kenya. and I seriously doubt that any official documents carried that title before Kenya became a republic.
ReplyDeleteNow that doesn't mean that Obama was born in the states or that he is a citizen of this country, on that subject, I really have no opinion. I'm just pointing out, what I think is supposed to be caught here. I think this document is supposed to be flushed out as a forgery. Just my opinion.
Waldo, it's definitely the Cub Scouts. Definitely!
ReplyDeleteYeah, definitely the Cubs Scouts.
This document is yet a diversion for the reticent and complicit media to pass around, as they did with Jocko's death. They're merely running the clock out.
The media's not stupid, they know what's going on. They're just not gonna cover the Obvious.
JFK could come back from the dead, standing along side the Reflecting Pool near the Lincoln Memorial, wearing a T-Shirt and holding a sign which says 9-11 was an inside job, and this complicit corporate F'n media would ignore em.
Yeah! Tyranny, trains, camps and crypts. It's all good right? Pretty neat pretty neat, pretty good pretty good.
The vast majority of sheep haven't a freakin clue! When the trap is finally sprung . . . martial law ain't gonna be televised
We all need some sanctuary
"They’re merely running the clock out."
ReplyDeleteExactly! Jacko... Waco... white or blacko... it's all a loada fekkin CRAP. There are more of us than they need. so the Fats gotta get rid of a bunch of us.
It's an illusion wrapped in a play stuffed into a paper moon sailing over a cardboard sea.
The concrete... burial vaults pre-shipped and pre-buried on acres every day won't get the clicks and eyeballs J-lo's butt does. It's all about business. Life goes on...
...for now.
"Our side" is we the people.
ReplyDeleteI don't think "we the people" were represented on ither side of that cruel war. It was the industrial Fats vs. the agrarian Fats.
ReplyDelete"We the people" merely lost and died.
As usual.
note that the document number is given as 47,044. Obama is 47 years old and 44th president of the United States. a rather amazing coincidence.
It does not say Kenya anywhere on the doc, it says Mombasa and Coast Province.
ReplyDeleteHow did You ever get so cynical at such a young age ? Jeez.
ReplyDeleteOne would think there is a special Dept. in one of the many agencies which deals with the production of such documents. Probably experts who started off with forging school report cards.
ReplyDeleteBTW, who is Obama? Let's try to stick with reality, folks. Obama is as fake as the rest of the "Gummit". Not even good entertainment any more. Turn them off like a TV. Let's get to the bone marrow.
I couldn't care less about this ....BUT, an uneasy military is a force to be reckoned with.
Where IS this going? Meanwhile, I'm gonna stay put. Stuff goin' down on that side o' the pond is downright scary.
Kenya births 1,013,250 unfortunates each year. (34 births per 1,000 of pop in a population of 29.8 million).
ReplyDelete84,433 births per month. By the end of July, there would have been 591,033 births. BO's certificate would have, therefore, been numbered after 591,033 since he was born August 4.
Happy B-day BO. Now get back to your...kiling...
The country total is one thing,as in the US we are born in our state and the state issues the certificate. Mombasa stats would have to be obtained. The state of Mombasa issued the doc. You need more info.
ReplyDeleteThe entire issue is crapola. I am NOT a Dem, could not care less, but the US has always followed two principles on this issue.
ReplyDelete1) Jus soli-or born of the soil. One is an American if born on American soil, and that includes children born overseas to military or diplomats stationed at US bases or diplomatic missions.
2) Jus sanguine-or of the blood. A person is an American, even if born overseas, as along as at least one parent is an American citizen.
What total rubbish this entire 'birther' dreck is.
Why waste the time when the whole country, the whole world, is going up in smoke. Our leadership both Dem and Rep, our leaders, both Bush and Obama, have created and perpetuate this disaster. Time for a new broom.
If that's the case, the cert # is too high:
ReplyDeleteMombasa has pop of 1.4 mil, and 33 births per 1,000 of pop equals 46,200 births annually. Aug. 4 would reach 30,543 births.
actually, it does say Kenya on it... "Republic of Kenya" to be exact.
ReplyDeleteIt says in the bottom left hand corner it is from the office of the Principal Registrar, Coast Province, Republic of Kenya... right there in black and white.
Good point to all that think this is such a non-issue in a fascist govt.
ReplyDeleteThe hammer is about to drop on our heads. It doesn't matter if he's a citizen or not. THEY picked him, THEY will let him go when THEY decide and not a moment sooner.
My bad. Well if it is a fake its better than the one Moulitzas did for Obama.
ReplyDeleteSo much energy! I think the issue has been over-blown, and that it distracts us from a whopper. I have just posted on this at: http://soozah.wordpress.com/2009/10/12/consolidation-what-the-fight-is-really-about/