Friday, August 28, 2009

NAFTA Super Highway Arrests In Southern Minnesota Reported

I have just received reports, as yet unconfirmed but from a reliable source of Blackwater operatives who have been setting up roadblocks and even arresting people. There has even been a report of one person who has disappeared.

This activity has been reported on the NAFTA Super Highway 35, in the area of southern Minnesota. Our investigations are ongoing. I will report any more news, as soon as I get it.

Also, I have heard nothing, so far with my FEMA, NDMS contacts on any preparations for mass vaccinations. The nano second I hear anything I will let you all know.


  1. Firstly Irish, good to hear from you !


    On what premise are they arresting and disappearing people in Minnesota? Please do your best to come back asap and fill us in on the details. This is HUGE!

  2. Hey Jersey and All

    First, good talking with ya.

    I have been a very, very busy boy

    Running for City Council, setting up a coalition to oust all the establishment politicians in Minneapolis, weekly cable show called Lies and omissions of Corporate Media, Suing Minneapolis and St Paul Cities and Sheriff's because of the RNC police thuggery (total $1 and 1/2 million), building a new political party which is already reaching out to other states, working with a local group of folks who had their homes foreclosed and then we take over the homes and move homeless folks into them.

    Ya know, being a general Irish pain in the ass to these assholes.

    As for the Blackwater arrest story, what we have heard is just the basic details. I am getting more info (including names and name of the town in Minnesota) and will up date you all ASAP.

    In the meantime, well kinda busy but I visit the COTO site often. Will try and at least send a "postcard" more often.

    Just know that Irish is on the scene. Pissing off all the right people.


  3. BTW

    Who ever does the changing COTO mural at the top.

    I LOVE IT.

  4. A photo or newsclip would be nice. Although it is going to happen sooner or later a little proof would let it go viral.

  5. Most of the people arrested are protestors of the highway itself.

  6. Michael, Michael!!

    Try using Twitter and the tags #topprog, tcot# and coto#. Direct them all to a central place where you do your updating. We'll capture the feed and go from there.


  7. The logos are by Patrick and I look forward to each and every one myself. They are brilliant.

    Good god Irish, you are a one man wrecking machine. I think I'm in love ! lol

  8. Folks,

    I will be at an organizational meeting of the new OP MN Open Progressive Party of Minnesota tomorrow. As well as a fundraiser, organizing meet for the New Broom, with Campaign for Liberty, End the Fed and other folks there.

    There I will get the details and specifics of this story. Oh and KornisKing, it is my understanding that it goes much deeper than that but that information is an important subtext.

    Volaar. I wiull add the tags #topprog, #tcot to the next piece on this breaking story. I will break the details here
    BUT what the fuck is a twitter? Is it some bird or something? LOL

    Seriously, I hear the term but have no real idea of what it means, except that it is some sort of "mini blog."

    I am a semi ludditte.

