Saturday, August 22, 2009

Is this where we are headed?


I was listening to the Alex Jones show yesterday and a Romanian woman with a thick accent called in.  She was alarmed that so many Americans did  not realize that their very rights as free human beings were being stripped away from them.

She mentioned a movie that  she thought should be required watching for every American, "The Lives of Others."  It's a film about the East German secret police known as the Stasi.  She said in her county, they knew better than to speak out against the government because you never knew who was an informant.  She was right to be incredulous that the American people can't see what's happening right under their very noses.   It can and is happening here. ~jg

The Stasi controlled a widespread network of informants, and out of a population of 16 million it is estimated that 400,000 people were active informants. The Stasi maintained files on 6 million of its own citizens, more than 38% of the entire population, and all telephone calls and mail from the West were monitored. Back-to-back, the files would have stretched more than 100 miles.  Their goal was to know everything about "the lives of others."

Sound familiar?

Watch the trailer for "The Lives of Others"

The very first article I wrote for Coto had to do with this very subject.  I used a 2 part youtube video to illustrate the point that Obama's City Year is the new Hitler youth or E German Stasi.

Watch and then try to deny that this isn't exactly where we are headed unless ALL Americans awaken and unite in the name of real freedom.  It's time to abandon the fake, flag draped commercialism we've been sold as patriotism that keeps us  goosestepping to the government's command.

It's way past time to bring this country back to a government of by and for the people.  Now what are you gonna do about it?


  1. It's already here. It's just in its soft phase. But make no mistake that there are many among us that are doing the bidding of the oppressors, willing and/or unwittingly.

    Those that refuse to view evidence that would challenge long held beliefs that are re-enforced by MSM are currently a large influence contributing to a rapidly growing police state. They will view anyone that voices opinions that rattle their false misconceptions, of which there are many, as "radicals" or worse and feed information, again willingly or unwittingly, to those that will attempt to marginalize us, and who will later, when things heat up seek us out for extermination. Like slow boiling frogs in a pot they accept every new law and oppressive tactic without question, or even a hint that they have the power to stop this coming hell on Earth in it's tracks, because they simply refuse to see it for what it is. If I hear "that's the way it's always been and will be," one more time, I swear I'm going to rip the head off the person that says it.

    For now the oppression comes in the form of harassment through tax audits, and/or gossip that may threaten one's employment. (I'm suffering from that as we speak)

    Soon, most likely with the coming Swine Flu epidemic, everything will be ratcheted up considerably under the guise of "public safety".

    It is imperative that as many people become informed of what's in the vaccines. If we can create enough doubt and stifle their attempt to pump that poison into us, we may, at least for a little while, be able to slow the take over down.

    I'm still hopeful we'll eventually defeat these bastards (of course this belief may only come from the fact that the alternative is totally unacceptable). Not saying it will be easy. It could be if enough of the sheeple would just open their eyes, which, unfortunately I don't see happening.

    But than again, it may just be wishful thinking, for even if we were to beat them back, or even eliminate the vast majority of the oppressors, what they have wrought in the way of environmental destruction through their tinkering with genetic modification of our plant and animal life may have already spelled our doom no matter the political outcome.

    Lately my heart has been heavy with the sadness of what's coming. The weight of the knowledge of the amount of innocent life that is about to be lost, even a best case scenario, is almost too much to bare. It's almost that it would be a relief to see things heat up. At least than instinct would take over and I could put my foreboding aside.

  2. 'Lately my heart has been heavy with the sadness of what’s coming. "

    Mine too M. I look at my kids and grandkids and I wonder what is in store for them. I don't care what happens to me. I care only about their future and it's very dim.

    It's getting harder to pretend to myself that it will all work out. I've always been able to know about all the dark things that are happening in our society and look at them objectively rather than subjectively. It's helped me to stay sane and function normally. All that has changed in just a matter of months. Things are happening fast and furious now and I'm very worried about what they have in store for us come fall with this weaponized swine flu.

    Many people I know have said they won't take the shot. My family certainly won't. But if it's mandatory, what will be the consequences? It seems that will be the perfect time for the full U.S. style police state to take effect.....for our own good of course.

  3. Same thing there. The boss of the Stasi was called - Well, the media pronounced it 'VOLFF' so the idiot public would not recognize what it really was.

    But, you guessed it - THEM AGAIN!

    And he got off scot-free. But then he would, of course, wouldn't he.

    It's time for them to pay.

  4. The US-German relationship for the Fascist Takeover has been of the strongest ties of any two countries.

    From WWI, WW II, Prescott Bush, Hitler, planned extermination, MK-Ultra, IG Farben, US Homeland Terror, Zionism, Homeland Terror at Murrah and the good little Nazi education system, the American people are piles of play-doh and easy targets for alpha/beta programming. Children the easiest.

    The enlightened ones know. Visit your local milk carton for the details.

  5. Well, shutting up the people is what they do, right? Those pesky Great Unwashed.

    This sort of thing is not unique to the US and Nazi Germany, altho you're absolutely correct, Patrick, to so lucidly point out the distinction - how odd to brainwash us into fearing and hating Nazis - when that's who they were/are.

    National Socialism (Nazi) has reared its ugly head here with the corporate/Wall Street "bailouts" - more like robbing 95% of us of trillions so that richie rich gets his helicopter.

    But back to the article - I'd rather keep on with the work than shut up about it. They already know who we are anyway... they've been collecting data on us for as long we set finger to keypad.

    Now tho - as an aside - they're getting bloggers to write for pennies in exchange for each blogger's entire financial background.

    Another group asks for a resume. Both groups (which shall remain nameless here) have reputable looking mainstream sites where ordinary bloggers, who work for nothing or for pennies, give up even more data about themselves to the 3- and 4-letter agencies.

    So they know who we are - That Romanian woman's warning is a decade too late (or 5 years too late for me, anyway).


    Today, I listened to a 30-minute video of William Blum - I guess it's from 05 or 06. The interview solely dealt with US imperialism over the past 60 years (tho it's really more like 120).

    But he spent some time talking about MSM - and how the American public has been consistently lied to about our imperialism ... but he specifically rejected the notion of anyone taking to the streets with weaponry.

    He said something like, "Everyone'll be dead. In an hour.

    "So that can't work."

    He then urged everyone to keep trying to inform the public - that the more who know, the more who will be able to react and respond appropriately.

    I know that sounds a little elitist - and it may even be expecting too much for hungry people to be "appropriate" (wtfever that is)...

    But I do think there is a simmering awareness - especially as more middle income folk lose their homes and their jobs.

    John Pilger's speech (which JG posted here last Wednesday - and which I transcribed over at coto2) offers guidance.

    He believes we are now presented with a great opportunity, but first this:

    "Activism doesn’t give up. Activism doesn’t fall silent. Activism doesn’t rely on the opiate of hope."

    Or the immobility of despair, I would add.

    Yes, give up HOPE - but don't dive into despair. Instead, chill your loss of hope into resolve. Freeze that resolve into single focus.

    Pilger said:

    "Today, we are presented with an extraordinary opportunity. Thanks to the crash of Wall Street and the revelation from many ordinary people that the 'Free Market' has nothing to do with freedom, the opportunity within our grasp is to recognize that something is stirring in America that is unfamiliar, perhaps, to many of us on the Left, but is related to a great popular movement that’s growing all over the world."

    We need to ally with the farmers and indigenous tribes and factory workers all over the world... and we can do that by amplifying their message, along with ours.

    [blame it on the goose, got me feeling loose ... blame it on the ma ma ma ma ma marihooch]

  6. Rady, you are right. People are waking up because it is finally hitting them personally. For many Americans, that's what it takes. They need to lose THEIR jobs and THEIR health insurance before they even notice or care that there is a problem.

    The Romania woman was wondering why Americans weren't ALL speaking out and protesting the erosion of our rights. She was making the point that once the total police state is complete, you literally take your life in your hands by saying anything disparaging about the government. She was warning us to not let it get to that point. Well not "us'. Not we Coto types who have not kept our mouths shut and will not do so.

    We need to be joined by all the others. All those that know something bad is coming down but haven't figured out exactly what it is yet. Those are the people we have to reach. The rest, those that choose to remain ignorant and call us tin foil hatters, can perish in the onslaught for all I care.

    Rady, I see our old haunting ground is losing steam quite rapidly. I'm not sure that's one of the places you were referring to but it's good to see that only a very few of the duopoly diehards are still clinging to the "hope and change" mantra. That gives ME hope.

  7. I just listened again to the romanian woman on AJ. She is like whispering through the whole thing, scary.
