Ron Paul probably does not realize he is a Socialist… and that is a good thing.
Those who have little understanding of Socialism or Marxian Theory will begin flinging words like “statist” or “collectivist” as a child would fling the epithets of “shuddap-face” or “grundy-pants.” If you are a “Ron Paul supporter” because you think the “individual” is king-cheese or your “taxes” are “too high” or you object to (pssst… you-know-who) being “chiselers on relief,” you are way too dim to read this. Please go away.
Still here? Good… now work with us on this: First, consider the wiki list of the “Political Positions of Ron Paul.” Be honest… do you see much there to disagree with? Second, stop thinking of “Socialism” as an epithet like “boogie-breath” or “stupid-head.” This is particularly hard for US citizens, but give it a shot. Now, listen to Albert Einstein: “How can the rights of the individual be protected and therewith a democratic counterweight to the power of bureaucracy be assured?” Does this sound far from the “Paul position?” Further, Einstein says, “Clarity about the aims and problems of socialism is of greatest significance in our age of transition.”
Now, check this out: under “lower taxes and smaller government” (yeah: warmed-over Reagan) “Paul has also been an advocate of employee-owned corporations (such as employee stock ownership plans). In 1999, he co-sponsored The Employee Ownership Act of 1999, which would have created a new type of corporation (the employee-owned-and-controlled corporation) that would have been exempt from most federal income taxes.” Combine this picture with the Nordhausen “Strike Bike” story that has echoed throughout the world. This idea has potential beyond the wildest imagination of most US Citizens whose greatest dream is their own McMansion and riding mower.
Some of us understand “unsustainability,” while others (like Ron Paul) are confident that The Invisible Hand will solve everything. Could we both be correct? Perhaps “free markets” need a much smaller stage to perform their magic. Maybe “collectives” work the same way. Perhaps without huge centralized subsidies, the giant prison-industrial-military cartels will simply dry up and blow away… without blowing the rest of us away. Some of us believe this can happen by cutting off their funding. Others believe this will happen if we cut off their heads.
Either way, both “Progressives” and “Paulites” seem to agree that endless escalation of guns and gulags is not in our best interest. Here’s something else: the mush-mouthed platitudes of both pre-selected “candidates” are for the ears of the stupid and the enrichment of the vampire-elites. Dennis Kucinich, Mike Gravel, (yes- Nader and others) and yep… Ron Paul appear to be few voices with the courage to call the “War on Terror” a fraud and the USA PATRIOT Act a crime. It is telling that the “major parties” have actively suppressed these voices.
As remote as the odds were, a Ron Paul Presidency may have enabled the viability of true Socialist working collectives and a new form of Common Ownership. Localization as an antidote to Globalization could enable a new concept of The Commons in the USA. Still, it is uncomfortable to subscribe to such blind faith in “markets” (among other things) and whatever Truth—to find common bedfellows among white-supremacists (it’s a fact AND YOU KNOW IT). So I am not ready to join the “Ron Paul rEVOLution.” So the "rEVOLutionaries" decided to go to the Republican “convention” and make their voices heard.
That worked out well, didn't it?
I voted for Kucinich and then Nader but given a choice between Obama and Paul I would have gladly pushed the button for RP. However, if Ron Paul ever got that far in the electoral process I'd have to wonder if he'd sold out. Politics is a stage and every actor has his part.
ReplyDeleteJust as there is no such thing as a free market there also can be no such thing as true populist socialism on a large scale.
It will always be big fish eating little fish and always some power group that rises to the top to dictate to the masses. That's just how human nature has been for centuries and it shows no signs of changing now.
Free market and socialism could work if the states were separate entities and not beholden to the federal govt. That too creates another set of problems too numerous to count.
Waldo, as I'm sure you know "our so called government" IS a global corporation. The global Corporation is becoming more tyrannical everyday and yet still too many amerikans are asleep not knowing what the hell is happening right under their noses.
True progressives and libertarians aren't that far apart in their philosophies. It's time those that have left the left/right paradigm behind, stopped fighting amongst themselves and joined together as a united front.
Without that, the PTB have their way with us and we are truly doomed with no hope and no way out. Viva la Resistance !
Is Al Gore a global warming tree hugging capitalist? Gee,it seems that way. His big mansion financed by bean-sprout powered tye-dyed ding-bats that buy his book are proof positive.Nice try there pink-boy. Your feeble attempts at slandering our leader fizzle. He is high and lifted up, and the sweet aroma of his continence fills the capitol.
ReplyDeleteIs Waldopaper a "plant"?
ReplyDeleteWaldopaper probably does realize he is a Plant...and that is a good thing.
Informed people are Ron Paul supporters because they believe that:
-The founding principles as written in the US Constitution are cherishable words.
-Foreign wars are illegal, murder, UN-American, and a scourge on humanity.
-The income tax is Un-American, unnecessary, slavery, the fuel that creates an out-of-control Federal Mafia in Washington.
-The Fed is Un-American, unnecessary, slavery, the oxygen alllowing the fuel to burn and create an out-of-control Federal Mafia in Washington.
-Government bailouts are UN-American, Communistic, transfer-of-wealth to elite schemes.
-Government has no business in the health care industry, the insurance industry (AIG), the auto industry, or ANY other industry other than being the small necessary evil manifested in itself.
-The war on terror is a fraud.
Just to name a few (all COTO tenents).
Albert Einstein??? These quotes are positively irrelevant.
"Paul has been an advocate of employee-owned corporations"??????? YOU HAVE GOT TO BE KIDDING!!!!!!!!! WHO THE HELL SHOULD OWN THE CORPS, WASHINGTON FEDS???????? Is this the biggest knock on RP you can think of????????
Your agenda is SO obvious that your article is stinking up the western hemisphere and taking the ionosphere with it. Talk about Global Warming...
Nowhere in the dozen books written by RP does he say the invisible hand will solve everything! Again, your agenda is as transparent as a dog turd on the driven snow and smells just as heavenly...
And with all this GARBAGE, you conclude that "a Ron Paul Presidency may have enabled the viability of true Socialist working collectives and a new form of Common Ownership"?????????? GOOD GRIEF!!!!!!!!! Somebody has OD'd on their Flinstone vitamans... (*notice the "may have", a sure sign of government wording...)
White-supremacists???????? Waldo, take a deep breath, hold it as long as possible, and then hold it some more...
Any one of the third-party candidates would be a 10,000% improvement over the Dem/Repub establishment criminals. As far as I know, only Ron Paul has commited the rest of his life to change toward the principles written in the US Constitution-Conferences, a youth movement knows as "Young Americans for Liberty" or YAL, and other grass-roots programs.
For an establishment sycophant to write this article about this fine American reveals how much success RP is having, how fearfull the establishment is, and how their propagandists are going to fight him.
Good Luck Waldo, and thanks for exposing your true colors...
Ron Paul comes up short in a few areas. His love for the GOP being the most glaring but I would still take a pilgrim over a fabian.
ReplyDeleteIf he could muster the masses to get the Fed audit I would would thank him and move on. He's not the answer but a possible solution to create the ultimate third party "NO PARTY"
And I would like to see NO MORE UNIONS under employee owned. Teamsters and NAU and that's what Obama and his illuminated are.
If Waldo thinks RP is a white supremacist lets see how he welcomes the brown\woman supremacist Sotomayor. I will not argue that Waldo is not a plant,but he is more creative than the usual agent provo.
ReplyDelete"Keep your freinds close but your enemy closer".
RP has achieved rock star popularity and he is squeaky clean,that bothers the establishment lackeys. The absolutely revolutionary idea of abolishing ALL alphabet agencies was one of the things he was attacked for,the bloated bureacracy will go down kicking. I say let all those who had a hand in shipping our industry overseas go out into the street and look for a job the way we do. And Waldo knows all about the alphabet agencies,dont You Waldo?
ReplyDelete"Ron Paul comes up short in a few areas. His love for the GOP being the most glaring but I would still take a pilgrim over a fabian."
That about sums up my feelings about RP as well. The one thing that always bugged me about him is that he never once voted to raise the minimum wage. He's always been a true republican in the sense that he supports business over labor......I prefer a true populist like Kucinich or Nader or McKinney.. Both DK & RP leave a lot to be desired though as long as they continue to remain part of the United Corporate Party of the U.S.
Kunich wins on morality. I am not a liberal, but I'd take an honest one. I'd take an honest anything JG.
ReplyDeleteGood God, Lad... can ye READ AT ALL??
ReplyDeleteThis is not a "rip" on Paul. It is a taunt to Paulitos (little Paulies) whose celebrity-cult worship reveals they have NO IDEA what "socialism" or "collectivism" is AT ALL. I see it worked. "Employee-owned corporations" is an EXCELLENT idea... and when the collective controls the means of production, that's called _________ . Paulitos can't fill in that blank for fear their brain will explode from a paradox that DOES NOT EXIST.
Did I SAY RP was a "white supremacist?" Nooooo... I said that SOME RP "supporters" ARE. Paulitos think in bumper-stickers phrases, carry pictures of their beloved leader, and render "arguments" like na-na-na-na-boo-boo stupid-head boogie-breath.
Yep, "...the health care industry, the insurance industry (AIG), the auto industry, or ANY other industry..." are all doing just fine, right, and it's only because "government" (whatever THAT is) interfered that we have any problems at all. oooo.kayyyy... see, the Paulitos have learned nothing since the Reagan era when they were... what... six years old? Yep, "free-market capitalism" is part of Paul's mantra... maybe HE knows what that is... but the Paulitos have NO idea... and it does not matter. They'll "root" for their "team," Ron Paul, the Colts, the Bears or Nike shoes. "Just Do It."
Watterson has proven nothing... except that he is incapable of reading an essay... and this one was much dumber than Einstein's... can't grasp that one either... so it's "irrelevant."
This little essay was merely an experiment... to see what happened if you connected the hated "S" word to beloved Big Brother. Usual result: hooting like scalded gibbons and barking like blind dogs in a meat factory. I actually LIKE most of what RP has to say... I am simply troubled by the fact that so many of his "supporters" are so stunningly dim.
I have another one that compares RP and Lincoln... saying that they are quite dissimilar-- other than their "populist" appeal. The Paulitos react- "...yuh RP is like LINCOLN!" Well... except for the ones who pull of their white hoods and scream that "Lincoln was a statist socialist mass-murderer." That one got a death threat from someone who claimed to be the Grand Klaxon of the Sons of Elmer Fudd or something like that.
It's hard to take even a good man like RP seriously when so many of the "supporters" have to carry roller-skates to rallies to keep their knuckles off the pavement.
I agree with JG and PD. Sorry... caused some Paulitos to loose one skate and lope continuously around the inboard knuckles.
ReplyDeleteLOL, WaldoP goes fishing and catches two before he can bait his hook. I saw this one coming. Nice catch, Waldo.