By Randall Sullivan (Wired Magazine)
The strangest monument in America looms over a barren knoll in northeastern Georgia. Five massive slabs of polished granite rise out of the earth in a star pattern. The rocks are each 16 feet tall, with four of them weighing more than 20 tons apiece. Together they support a 25,000-pound capstone. Approaching the edifice, it's hard not to think immediately of England's Stonehenge or possibly the ominous monolith from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Built in 1980, these pale gray rocks are quietly awaiting the end of the world as we know it.
1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
2. Guide reproduction wisely - improving fitness and diversity.
3. Unite humanity with a living new language.
4. Rule passion - faith - tradition - and all things with tempered reason.
5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
8. Balance personal rights with social duties.
9. Prize truth - beauty - love - seeking harmony with the infinite.
10.Be not a cancer on the earth - Leave room for nature - Leave room for nature.
Kinda weird how humans can read the first rule and think nothing of it.
ReplyDeleteThe elitist rulers of this world plan on eradicating 92 percent of the world's population and no one seems to care. No one speaks out about it. Really quite sad.
R.C. Christian... and their new world order...
While I surely wouldn't agree with their selection process, our homo ignoramus is certainly a malignacy on the planet.
ReplyDeleteI find the first three tenants quite creepy. We're talking eugenics in the first and creating a master race in the second. And what new living language would that be?
ReplyDelete13 forks & Harmony
Have to admit, on first reading I assumed these were for sentient cockroaches or whoever comes later- not for us at all.
ReplyDeleteFrom Wikipedia:
"The Rosicrucian Enlightenment:
The publication of the Fama Fraternitatis Rosae Crucis (1614)In the early 1600s, the manifestos caused excitement throughout Europe by declaring the existence of a secret brotherhood of alchemists and sages who were preparing to transform the arts, sciences, religion, and political and intellectual landscape of Europe while wars of politics and religion ravaged the continent."
Sounds strangely similar to the Georgia Guidestones. The basis of which is all about transforming society!
Then there is this:
Frater C.R.C. - Christian Rose Cross (symbolical representation)
Now switch it around to R.C.C. or the false name of the mysterious builder of the Georgia Guidestones R.C. Christian or Rosicrucian Christian as I noted above.
I have found nothing else on this planet that even comes close to as perfect of a match as this.
My only association to Rosicruciansim is that I am a student of the ancient mysteries and the AMORC order has been influential in my teachings. I have worked my way through their many degrees long ago.
For those of you not familiar with their teachings may I suggest one of my favorite books called THE SECRET DOCTRINE OF THE ROSICRUCIANS written anonymously by Magus Incognito- another false name.
Also, the teachings of Rosicrucians can be found between the pages of books written by Manly Palmer Hall, J.C.F. Grumbine, Harvey Spencer Lewis, Ralph Maxwell Lewis, and many others:
Notable Rosicrucians as claimed by AMORC
This is a list of people who, according to AMORC, were Rosicrucians:
Isaac Newton
Leonardo da Vinci
Cornelius Heinrich Agrippa
René Descartes
Blaise Pascal
Gottfried Leibnitz
Christopher Wren
Benjamin Franklin
Thomas Jefferson
Michael Faraday
Claude Debussy
Erik Satie
Napoleon Bonaparte
Francis Bacon
While keeping in mind the influence of these men upon the founding of the USA and French revolution as well as United Nations original charter published in only French and English.
Hopefully the origins of these Guidestones is becoming crystal clear.
On a side note:
A fanatical christian who fears the NWO has put together some interesting DVD's that reveal much, but don't quite go all the way because they are not "initiated" and they consider themselves adversaries:
This has been an interesting subject for me and one I love to read about and study as much as possible.
never heard of them before, so what happened? they suddenly appeared outta nowhere?
ReplyDeleteDID?? anyone read where the english religious inc Protestants:-) are supposed to be getting friendlier with the vatican mob.
That won't go down well in some places!
and rationale...they are getting worried about Islam I guess?
If it's not companies gpoing multi nat, now its the churches.
very scary stuff.
The Blue Line
Yeah it's a bunch of hooey. There are real conspiracies in the world, but the worst thing about seeing them everywhere is the basic supposition that "someone" is in charge. I guarantee you "chaos theory" exists for good reason. Most of what happens is due to ignorance, mythologizing, and egotism. People are far too venal and stupid to maintain plots for generations.
ReplyDeleteI've never researched the rosicrucians. When I find the time, I will definitely do so. I too, am fascinated by this subject. How can one not be when the trail leads you in so many interesting directions and down through centuries?
ReplyDeleteOnce getting on that path, you find yourself in a world similar to Alice's in the "wonderland". It's full of strange and powerful characters so unlike you and me. They've left their physical mark all over the capitol with their symbolic carvings in buildings and statues. And yes, I do believe in the nwo and that the same powerful families have been in control for centuries... and still are.
Remember Obama saying we were "clinging to our guns and religion" as if it were something evil. You are spot on about the abolition of christianity. With the recently passed hate-speech bill the bible can be proven to be hate-speech and then outlawed.
ReplyDeleteWithout the guns the bibles will be history. I want nothing to do with Gaia, even though sixteen titties is tempting for a titty-man.
Still clinging to My gun and bible (and that old rugged cross) in Texas.
I am in agreement with Levin. The Order is Rosicrucianism which is so secretive that utterance is death. Infiltrating into Freemasonry, Fabian Society, Pilgrim Society and the Club of Rome. Then the subgroups get more mainstream from there, with the TC, CFR, BG etc.
ReplyDeleteAs to chaos, it is the broken eggs required to bake the cake. ORDO AB CHAO doesn't reflect the meaning. ORDER by means of CHAOS. The formula for a prolific conspiracy and it's success is greatly enhanced by knowing the events in advance.
Daniel, Nostradamus, RCC and others seem to have seen the Order working their magic. A clear plan covered up by chaos. We can clear the clutter as well and see the path we are on if we choose to.
Dont forget Madame Blavatsky.
ReplyDeleteI use to own her books and she surely knew her stuff, but not how to write it. Her books are difficult to read and I never got much out of them. I recently took all of her books back to the book store and traded them in as a lesson learned. Her style of writing was very difficult for me to absorb. A lot of start and stop kind of thing rather than smooth flow.
ReplyDeleteManly Palmer Hall is by far one of the best ever!
Thomas Paine, Thomas Jefferson, General Albert Pike, Sir Lawrence Gardner, Thomas Troward, Ben Franklin, Clymer Swinburne, J.C.F. Grumbine, Harvey Spencer Lewis, Ralph M. Lewis, John J. Robinson, Andrew Sinclair, Michael Baigent, Henry Lincoln, Richard Leigh, Robert Lomas and Christopher Knight, and of course Magus Incognito to name a few of the greats who explain very well what is behind the "transformation of society."
Mythologizing- trying to see cause and effect everywhere by manufacturing a supreme being- has been used by power brokers since prehistory. It's the ultimate game, and one that mankind seems prone to fall for.
ReplyDeleteI probably know much less about these organizations than anyone here but what I do know is that they've been around for centuries, are made up and have been made up of very powerful people who have left their markings in the highest of places throughout history, esp. Wash DC and our own currency, are extrmely secretive of their rites and intentions and in my opinion, which I realize is not worth much, we are better off without than with.
Power and secrecy have gotten us to where we are today.
New World Order as described by 33rd degree Freemason Manly Palmer Hall in his 1945 book JOURNEY IN TRUTH:
ReplyDeletepage 269:
"The wise man's city lies like a mirage on the distant horizon. Faintly we see the domes of its temples and the broad porches of its universities. We know that some day it will come. Some day men will decree it out of their own experience, because it is the better way of life. Until that time each must do his part in his own way, great or small, to further this spiritual aspiration.
Beyond the desert of waiting lies the wise man's world. Here the philosopher-king rules by the right of Truth over an empire that will not end until the planet itself is dissolved."
From the tomb of 33rd degree former President Ronald Regan had a message for us:
"I know in my heart that man is good. That what is right will always eventually triumph. And there is purpose and worth to each and every life."
Whether mankind or womankind likes it or not or wants it or not, a new world order is upon us.
Rule number one will divide the future from the past.
And there is purpose and worth to each and every life.”
ReplyDeleteWhether mankind or womankind likes it or not or wants it or not, a new world order is upon us.
my take on that is.
that new world order, by the people who now push their version...
allocates purpose and worth for each and every life, but , as seems to be planned? its a elsewhere decison as to our worth, and purpose will be by their decree..track you ,tag you and obliterate any trading off their records.
Its already a bit that way now, it will be so much worse if not stopped soon.
notice how many things are RFD chipped now?
quite possibly you also have some "embedded ones" in objects in your home. cds electricals, shoes etc.
Smart Grid if it also goes ahead can data mine those rfids from your home.
Can it be fought.?
well, see the link@coto here to the guys in texas flying drones.
they can do it to you at home in USA just as easily. Going to make any dissent bloody hard!
I agree with you and I have to wonder if those draconian practices are implemented because of the chaos of today's world? If the elistest can acheive the world they desire without all of us useless feeders and breeders, would they still treat each other the same way then? I have to wonder about that.
ReplyDeleteI believe that they would continue on as they have, without the likes of we "vermin" congesting and polluting "their" world.
ReplyDeleteWhen "we" consist of only who they have a physical need for, to serve their purpose then they become the "Royalty" and we the slaves. They will lavish love and respect on each other as family, bar the occasionnal "rift". But we, won't be anymore. To be taken in with fascination and admiration by the so-called "mystique" which they've woven around their culture is naive. It's important that we know everything that we can about them and you guys have impressed, and scared, the hell out of me with your knowledge of the subject but to ignore the absolute threat they pose to our way of life is delusional.
They are the Establishment, the Elite, the New World Order. They own the world, they ARE the Fed, they control all there is that is us. They offer no good to anyone who does not belong to that order or can serve its' purpose.
If "we" do not let go of these magical mystical beliefs and begin using analytical and critical thinking skills those who wish to see our demise will succeed.
ReplyDeleteI still maintain that religion in all its forms, no matter how benign it appears on the surface is a detriment to humanity. Faith is an entirely different matter. Religions are the creations of men.
I find it exceedingly difficult to to speak to people who have allowed their minds to be muddled with mysticism.....and I don't care how you label it.
There may be a greater force in this world than what we are aware of or privey to.......but religions will not help you find it.
Just as in these secretive groups, religions are simply a tool for controlling otherwise intelligent people, convincing them of the most preposterous things and holding out some "reward" that will be gained by adherence to ritual and ceremony or by repetitive readings of supposedly special texts.
We saw the dumbing down of America to an extraordinarily low level during the Bush admin. This was done by co-opting fringe religions.......and look what that got us. I see no difference in the chanting and dancing of voodoo priests and the railing and ranting while candles burn, incense burns, the costuming of church leaders, etc.....
These ancient groups knew the value of religion as a tool.......todays versions of these groups rely on religious ignorance to accomplish their goals. And it seems to be working quite well.
ReplyDeleteand to dismiss those who believe or feign belief as harmless is a deadly mistake.
Look at Israel today.
Those who purport to hold some mystical knowledge of an upcoming event are using this lie as a tool in making the event come true. The mindless masses failure to take action over something that they perceive as "an act of god" will see to their own, and our, demise.
This is why one thing which I believe over all others is to expose the "Elite" for what they are.
They have , since 1913, infested our government, toyed with our fundamental beliefs, put their "marks" on our currency, our monuments and our National buildings. They feel that they have already won. Their final step, the coup which put the bush administration in place and oversaw the attacks on 9-11, was the blow that took hold of the minds of Americans, made us enemies of the Arab, took hold of all of our national treasure and bankrupted our country.
The most important move that the people can make is to continue on the track which they set us on, accidently. The lower classes no longer have the capitol to pay on their high interest, high penalty loans. This has caused a major default on loans, credit card and mortgages, they no longer have the income they did several years ago and they're feeling it. They're becoming weaker and the time has come to abolish the FED. In doing this we take away their greatest tool in a complete takeover and a "New World Order". It also opens the door for the absolutely necessary investigations into 9-11 which will obviously implicate the bush administration who will lead us up the ladder to those who really "give the orders"
I harp on this because it is all I believe is true. Everything else is fallout, a diversion or a result.
To speak of anything else is to talk about replacing your wallpaper while your house is burning.
I believe there is a creative force in the universe. But that awareness has been exploited by very petty little men right here on earth for thousands of years. Most of what has been dissed here is "religion"- meaning all the claptrap erected to control people and buttress authority. Doesn't work for me.
ReplyDeleteReligion is man made. I believe it was created to keep the masses in line. The same as our political systems do. As for faith that there is a power greater than ours? Yes I do think there is.
ReplyDeleteHowever, I don't believe he's the god of the bible. At least I hope not. That god is quite bi polar and sadistic, IMHO.
[...] HERE to read about the Georgia Guidestones, posted by Jersey Girl. Here is a [...]
ReplyDelete[...] year I posted an article from Wired Magazine on the Mysterious Georgia Guidestones which originally appeared in Wired on 4/5/09.. [...]
ReplyDeleteThe first language will be the new language. "as it was then it shall be again".
ReplyDeleteThats why all the hype over the old gods of Babylon. ANU,Enki,Enlil and the Anunnaki.
That is why.
When you are talking smack about the human race saying people are stupid, you are of course including yourself. What is the need to be so insulting to people you do not know?
ReplyDeleteyou said:
"People are far too venal and stupid to maintain plots for generations."
as for being venal:this is the root of the issue at hand, thus the topic of the Stones. people are stupid? then what of the innovations of "NeuroSky" or Honda's ASIMO Technology? or the research of Telomeres and extra cellular matrix? what about the development of the Japanese exoskeleton that allows paraplegics to walk? or the worn goggles that allow the blind to see again? or the ear Pulser that allow those with balance issues to walk without falling over? or the DARPA Cybernetic Prosthetics that fully replace severed limbs? or the DARPA contact lens that give powerful LCD overlays to those who wear them? Fiber optics ? quantum computers? even the basic garbage your sitting at right ,using it to penetrate the veil of virtual reality to talk smack about how stupid people are?
With that being said all of this implies quite a capability to carry out the wishes/plots of our predecessors for ages. Just look at the royal bloodlines. All of this is rhetorical I truly do not want to hear your response.
there was no mention of eugenics in the first, the second said nothing about a master race. if your talking about the comments left by :Levin Sheridan,laudyms, and myself in that order.
ReplyDeleteas for your question:
"what new living language would that be?".
my post is rather self explanatory and the clarification of it would merely be a bit of research into etymology and observation of the development of language and the apparent return curve it has taken to become the original developed root language of humanity. this will take some doing. but if you're not up to it then I wouldn't even begin. this kind of research will consume you as it has many. The very reason I can not nor will I explain it here. I would be typing for hours. but the information is all available, just be careful of all the garbage. good luck!
that utterance is death? are you dead yet then? much of what you are saying is merely the propagation of fear based misinformation. chaos being the broken eggs to bake a cake is a half truth. eggs do not break themselves nor do cakes bake themselves and to top it all a baker of cakes is a conscious being that has intent to feed the cake to others or eat it himself, or there is no reason for the cake to begin with. it takes a will, a living consciousness to carry out a plan of any kind. I understand chaos theory which makes it far easier to generate havoc and calamity in a covert manner than any other methodology to date. knowing the events in advance isn't really necessary when chaos can be used to generate the needed events to cause the greater events one would be seeking as a result over time. much misconception is being spread even by the so called speakers of truth and freedom. and much more crap being slung at people who aren't even fighting back. because nothing anyone says or votes for is going to change the ultimate outcome ,that which those of a magnetized perspective will not ever see and can never hope to change. there is no need to change anything. let things happen as they will. move with the times and what must be will be and what will change will change.