Friday, July 17, 2009

Thomas Paine speaks again!

and part two:


  1. Forgive me, Brother... but what pish. What utter bloody bullox.

    Ein Volk... Ein Reich...

    Yeah, heard that one. Nationalism is crap. It's a wee beige jobby. And again, I say:

    "...your “tax dollars” DO NOT entitle you to anything… except staying out of prison… unless it has been decided otherwise. “Your money?” heh heh heh… do you see YOUR name on any of that dead-president paper in your wallet? No? That’s because it’s NOT “your” money. It’s the Federal Reserve’s money… which is a PRIVATE corporation like GOD intended! Responsible to its “shareholders,” and that aint YOU. When did a bunch of whiney “taxpayers” get the idea that paying taxes “entitled” them to “decide” ANYTHING? What’s that you say? You “worked” for it? Well, lah-de-dah.

    You see, The System works this way: you work, you pay, you stay out of prison (until it’s decided that you don’t).

    Arbeit Macht Frei."

    Do I think that's bloody right... FECK NO... but rendering unto Caesar is only going to pacify Caesar... until he decides otherwise.

    Learn another feckin language. It ain't ginna kill ye. And "money" is shite... and the sooner we quit harping about "our money," It's YOUR LABOR. But as soon as ye trade it for "money," all bets are off.

    The "money" that you now temporarily hold is "worth" whatever the people who OWN the money (and that AINT YOU, Jasper) SAY it is "worth."

    You can't possibly "own" anything that anybody else can easily take away from you... "easily" is the key word here... so it basically comes down to your life and your labor. Your life can be more easily taken than your labor... but only your labor do you give up "voluntarily."

    This smecks of "libertarian" booyah to me... which I also think is another wee beige jobby.

  2. ps- and here's the reason I think "libertarian" is a wee beige jobby:

    the same people who harp until your skull hurts about the "colectivists" crack open the other side of their mouths to spit turdlets on "diversity" and cry for "unity."

    wotta loada crap.

  3. I think the libertarians get the point of the two party system and the reason we lose our rights under it. The money is paper, the debt is real.

    The reference to Paine is similar to many of the signers who would be saying the same thing. I'd sit in a Libertarian camp before I broke bread with Ye liberals. They didn't corner the market on two faced rhetoric.

    As far as one people, one empire, we got it. Slaves and Royals.

  4. P.S. Bob Basso's videos have New World Obama so uptight he has invited him to the White House.

  5. I agree with most of what Bob is ranting about when it comes to illegal aliens "rights" & the abuses of congress. Universal service? Not so much. In fact, in that case, he should praise Obama for City year. As long as the "govt" is diseased, I don't wanna serve it more than I already am by giving up most of what I earn to it.

    However, I totally agree that we have to do something. Tax revolt seems the most logical place to start. Problem is, we need most, if not all Americans to join in. How the hell do we make THAT happen?

    Patrick you are absolutely correct about the two faced "liberals". They've done nothing but throw their "base" under the bus the past 20+ years.

    Waldo, what is your solution to breaking us from the chains of tyranny besides totally going off the grid and living in the wilderness with the forest critters? Honestly, with most Americans not as angry as coto (from conditioning and poisoned air/airwaves and water), I don't see a better solution right now. My problem is, I'm a city girl and I hate camping.

  6. `
    In the jungle at twilight
    the lion has his prey in sight

    Zebra grazes by the lake
    unaware his life's at stake

    Hunger leads the lion on
    Zebra senses something wrong

    One will wait so cunningly
    One will wait too long to flee

    Law of the jungle
    says some survive

    some get scattered

    In the room without a chance
    sits a victim of circumstance

    Haunted by his hopes and fears
    looking older than his years

    He feels the walls closing in
    wants to fly but can't begin

    Gone as far as he can go
    nothing left, nothing to show

    The light goes out
    the silence screams

    He's been scattered

    Cross hairs search the jungle plain
    For those who go against the grain

    Lion hunts too far from home
    steps into the danger zone

    Victim of some unwritten law
    the hunger at his belly gnaws

    The hunter and the hunted blur
    depending upon the caliber

    Law of the jungle
    Law of the street

    Some get scattered

    ... Taj Mahal
    [ Mark Jordan, Reed Nielson, Mark Pearson ]

  7. Bah- I have not been a "liberal" for at least 40 years. Today I'm a Green who is beginning to see Red.

    I'm afraid there is no solution to breaking us from the chains of tyranny. A tax strike might work. A general strike might work. Neither will happen. And "pressure" on the sock puppets is worse than useless. So is threaping about "illegal aliens on welfare" when it's all going down a phony war-hole.

    New government... new infrastructure... and a real Nation will only happen when this fever runs its course and millions are starving and freezing in the dark. No country for old men: "you can't stop what's coming." Yeah... mail em a tea bag. That'll do it.

    It's going to take re-localization around local food and energy sources. It's going to take the workers "owning" the industries... real industries making real stuff. It's going to have to get more obvious to break through the hologram. It's going to take awareness that the Fats control everything and there is no "government."

    It's going to take more than putting on a T-shirt that says, "these colors don't run." It's going to take real critical analysis of real events instead of watching corporate lacquer-heads reading propaganda. It's going to take throwing "capitalism" on the slag heap, along with whatever-the-hell-they-thought "communism" was. It's going to take a lot of Fat heads on pikes.

    It's going to take rising from the ashes.

  8. Paolo Friere!! Boy-howdy!! NOTHING will get you blackballed faster by the "faculty!" Well... unless you try to "organize." Now, it's ok to talk about our poor dusky brethren from the urban ghettos being "oppressed," (bla bla- "diversity" and "inclusion") but if you apply that term to us blancillos (little whities), yeeek! Yer talkin sedition!

    Years of indoctrination... yeah, about 100 of 'em. Most USAns don't know the difference between socialism, communism and rheumatism. We COULD have taught Marxian social theory in our schools during the Cold War, but nooooooo... which is why we have to smell all those crude farts about "collectivism." USAns have the political acuity of a 9-year-old... turtle.

    This is what I have been trying to say:

    ...and it's been goin' over like a lead balloon. I doubt that at no time since the middle ages have the Fats been able to indoctrinate such a large percentage of the population.

    Marx was correct! He was just about 150 years off in his polemic "predictions." Over-centralization is what imploded the Soviet Union... but for some reason, we believe that if we call it "merges and acquisitions," the results will be different. Honk- WRONG. And talk about seeing RED...

    ...listening to this costumed gas-bag farting warmed-over platitudes wrapped in the Tom Payne "founding fathers" MYTH... "take your country back" what a fekkin joke... it's GONE. I am not so sure it ever really existed.

    "Localization" and "de-centralization" are going to have a hard time enough... and the Fats will try to squash it (or co-opt it) once they figure out what it means... but by then, they MAY be out of the equation... because, as Marx said, they have sold all the rope needed to hang them.

    "Tea-bags" my ass.
