....... Secretary Clinton, while formally supporting the Obama/OAS initiative, has questionable links with the coup leaders through two close associates. First, her pugnacious media spokesman from campaign days, Lanny Davis, is the paid spinner and lobbyist for the Latin American equivalent of the Chamber of Commerce, the alliance supporting coup leader Robert Micheletti. One of Davis' first moves so far was to announce that "foreign minister" Enrique Ortez had been removed from office for calling Obama an ignorant "little black guy." Otherwise, Davis is launching a full-court press to change Obama's policy in Honduras from rejecting the coup as illegitimate to one of open-ended talks that could last indefinitely, allowing the coup to consolidate.
At the same time, another close Clinton ally, Bennett Ratcliff, was appointed -- along with his interpreter -- as an actual member of the negotiating team for the coup in current talks being held in Costa Rica. According to a source cited by the New York Times, "Every proposal that Micheletti's group presented was written or approved by the American." [July 12]. Who, one wonders, does Bennett report to? He comes from the high-powered consulting firm of recently-deceased Bob Squier.
.....Obama could recall the American ambassador to Honduras. In addition to suspending $18.5 million in US military assistance, Obama can disallow the $180 million presently in the pipeline. Spending that money is arguably illegal under the 1997 Leahy amendment to prohibit assistance to a military which overthrows an democratically-elected government, as Honduran forces did on June 29.
read entire article
"...paid spinner and lobbyist for the Latin American equivalent of the Chamber of Commerce..."
ReplyDeleteThere is the story in a butt-shell.
What obama and clinton are doing, or not doing, doesn't really mean shit to a tree. They'll do what they're told.
ReplyDeleteThere may be a squabble or two, but in the end, this is really just a sideshow. Two fleas arguing as the dog rips it's prey to shreds.
Just like they play the "left verses right" game to explain away things in congress that they don't want to take credit for... the Obama administration will do the same thing here with Obama verses Clinton.
ReplyDeleteThey will do anything to keep Obama's image untarnished for as long as possible. Now the "progressives" can "blame" Shillary rather than their hero when it comes to him doing nothing about Honduras.
Though most of us already understand that this administration is littered with Clintonistas from way back and probably run by Bill and Hillary in the first place.
blah blah blah .. more bs from msm trying to drum up more drama for the braindead "progressives" to argue amongst themselves about. The right have sickening Sara P and the left have haughty Hilary to keep them distracted from the real issues.
ReplyDeleteWhile......in the background the buzz about the swine flu pandemic and a mandatory vaccination program grows louder....
...and jobs become fewer and fewer aand our dollar is worth less and less and the Elite gets richer and more powerful and,,we,,,,,,,just,,,,,,,,,,,,,f,ad,,,e,,,,,,,,,,,a,,,w,,,a,,,,,,,,,,,,yyy,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,.