Saturday, July 4, 2009

Obama Urges Groups to Stop Attacks

Sorry, guys, I tried to post the article several times but the computer kept crashing on me (to the Internet police:  would you guys quit screwing with me already?).  So, here's the link to the article:

President Obama, strategizing yesterday with congressional leaders about health-care reform, complained that liberal advocacy groups ought to drop their attacks on Democratic lawmakers and devote their energy to promoting passage of comprehensive legislation. In a pre-holiday call with half a dozen top House and Senate Democrats, Obama expressed his concern over advertisements and online campaigns targeting moderate Democrats, whom they criticize for not being fully devoted to "true" health-care reform.


  1. You should read some of the comments at CD regarding this article

    These folks are also COTO

    Bring America Back !!!!..........!

  2. Thanks for the link. Good comments!

    The hypocrisy of it all is baffling. Where does this end? Never mind that, I know the answer all too well.

  3. Obama was warned.

    To adopt the cynical, Clintonesque, position that the progressive left is rife with unproductive nonsense only has the faintest hint of truth.

    The fact is the United States was founded on the principle of feeding the poor and clothing the naked and the rich have traded on this "brand" for far too long, while they've slipped a knife in the back of everyone dumb enough to buy the lie.

    It's only a lie as long as they are in power.

    Throw the banks out, take back America and throw the bastards in jail.

    If you do not, the progressive left is going to demonstrate, once again, what happens when you force us to unify and integrate.
