By Haaretz Service |

Michael Oren, Israel's ambassador to the United States, on Friday warned that an Iranian atomic bomb could "wipe Israel off the map in a matter of seconds," and that the Iranians could "accomplish in a matter of seconds what they denied Hitler did, and kill 6 million Jews, literally."
Oren made his comments in a conversation with journalist Jeffrey Goldberg at the Aspen Ideas Festival in Colorado.
The newly appointed ambassador warned, "There are clocks ticking all around," with regard to the Iranian nuclear issue. "One of those clocks is the uranium enrichment clock, which will show that by a certain date the Iranians will have sufficient, highly enriched uranium materials to create a bomb that could literally wipe Israel off the map in a matter of seconds."
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Oren said the world must remain vigilant about what happens in Iran during the country's tumultuous post-election period.
"It's very important that we watch carefully what happens in Iran - the events in Iran have unmasked to the world the true nature of this regime," said Oren. "This is a regime that's willing to kill its own citizens; it will certainly have no compunctions killing other people in the region, Jews and Sunni Arabs alike."
Oren added that he would not "second-guess" the Obama administration's next move in dealing with Tehran's nuclear aspirations, and added that he was certain Obama had "the best interests of the U.S. and the interest of Israel at heart." Israel, he said, was concerned mainly about the "timing and timeline" of dealing with Iran.
Oren also addressed the issue of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, which have stoked tensions in recent weeks between Israel and its close ally.
"I never said settlements are not an issue?but they're not the issue," he said. |
 | NOTE: If wishes were horses, beggers could ride
If they keep at this hyberbole and "hollaring wolf" madness, Israel may get into self-fulfilling-prophecy territory.
ReplyDeleteI got this bit from a newsletter I reeive and, whether it was on purpose or not I'll never know but, directly under this caption there was another one that read: "New IAEA chief sees no proof Iran developing nuclear weapons" - Ha!
ReplyDeleteAnd, yes, with their piranoia and evilness, Israel is going to drive itself to extinction before anybody else can take a shot at it. I just hope they do it soon enough.
With the historical record of who attacks or doesn't attack others, it is much more likely that the plaintive warning, coming from a nation armed to the teeth with the necessary wherewithall, is really a threat of what they themselves have in mind to do.
ReplyDeleteFunny how much dislike hypocrisy can generate in an otherwise indifferent audience, eh. And we don't even ask them. They just can't keep their mouths shut.
ReplyDeletescroll down to 3. Israeli Nukes
"The Role of Israel
Since late 2004, Israel has been stockpiling US made conventional and nuclear weapons systems in anticipation of an attack on Iran. This stockpiling which is financed by US military aid was largely completed in June 2005. Israel has taken delivery from the US of several thousand "smart air launched weapons" including some 500 'bunker-buster bombs, which can also be used to deliver tactical nuclear bombs."
Nukes are today's "big stick". The ones with the big sticks are hiding them behind their backs while they go around telling everyone else to get rid of their big sticks or to forget about making big sticks because if everyone had big sticks, there would be some busted heads in the hood.
The build-up has been going on for quite a while now. Someone needs to put that damned Rottweiler down before it kills us all.
ReplyDeleteI keep saying that their own arrogance and self-righteouness is going to fulfill their own prophecy.
The SciFi is running a 4th of July Marathon of the Twilight Zone (yes, I'm a big fan of Rod Serling!) and I was watching one episode last night about a Nazi captain who (of course, only in the TZ), went from the US (where he was living the good life) back to Germany to visit a concentration camp where he was in charge during the Nazi era to relive his memories. One of the inmates, Baker, whom he particularly took pleasure in torturing, appeared to him (of course, these are all the ghosts from the past and blah blah blah), bottom line is all the inmates he had tortured and killed make him stand on trial for "crimes against humanity" - they called a monster, a sadist, having no conscience, enjoying the evil of causing pain and death to other humans and I'm saying to myself, damn! today, you could turn that around and make the Nazi a Zionist and the inmate a Palestinian and you've got the picture to a T!
Yeah, history does repeat itself and governments and their leaders are the only ones that never learn anything simply because they are the only ones that never lose anything!
ReplyDeleteThanks for that link, I'll be adding it to my sources. Here's something I found yesterday while doing some research, although this was signed under the Shrub, nothing has changed or perhaps, the amounts have been increased due to inflation, the devaluation of the dollar, the high cost of doing business, etc etc:
If you excuse me now, I need to go and throw up!
Hey, Tony!
ReplyDeleteLook at what I just found as I opened the front page of the NYT today...ha ha!
What a difference a corporate sponsor(s) can make, eh?
Here's something else I found on the NYT that made me laugh out loud:
ReplyDelete(This article is on Shimon Peres)
"They make something of an odd couple. Though Mr. Peres’s résumé includes being the father of Israel’s nuclear weapons program, Israelis have traditionally seen him as a pro-peace idealist, while Mr. Netanyahu is widely seen as a security hawk."
How can he be "the father of Israel's nuclear weapons program" and "a pro-peace idealist"? ROFL! These people defy logic in their hypocrisy and self-righteousness, yet, nobody but nobody has the balls to call them on it!
Oh, aint they just lovely?! These intelligent, well dressed gentlemen with such brilliant minds. They wouldn't do a fly any harm, would they?
Am I hearing this correctly?
ReplyDeleteIn 1983 then Barack H. Obama (Mr. Change) then a student, denounced “the twisted logic of which we are a part today” and praised student efforts to realize “the possibility of a decent world.”
I guess he Changed his mind? What do you call killing and maiming innocent men woman and children in Afghanistan and now Pakistan? People and countries that nothing whatsoever to do with what occurred on 9-11 or 9-12 etc. and everything to da with being in the way of the hegemony over the oil, that black gold and natural gas pipelines. The Unocal express.
How many bases do we have along the Caspian pipeline? Fortifying the black gold.
Theme from Jeopardy.
Decent world my arse!
Yep, you got it! That's why I pointed out what a difference a corporate sponsor or two can make on someone's ideology. I particularly liked this line “It’s naïve for us to think,” he said, “that we can grow our nuclear stockpiles, the Russians continue to grow their nuclear stockpiles, and our allies grow their nuclear stockpiles, and that in that environment we’re going to be able to pressure countries like Iran and North Korea not to pursue nuclear weapons themselves.” – Barack H. Obama
ReplyDeleteI bet he'd shit in his pants today if he were reminded of that quote!