Tuesday, July 7, 2009

No sign Iran seeks nuclear arms: new IAEA head

VIENNA (Reuters) - The incoming head of the U.N. nuclear watchdog said on Friday he did not see any hard evidence Iran was trying to gain the ability to develop nuclear arms.



  1. Sadly, it's no longer about Iran's ability to develop nuclear arms. It is a chess game and about Middle East hegemony.

    Any such attack on Iran would be catastrophic, with Middle East oil trade grinding to a halt, which could send the World economy into an abyss.

    I hope and pray it doesn't occur, and that they heed the U.N. findings.

  2. Was it ever about Iran's ability to develop nuclear weapons? That, my friend, is the excuse, like the weapons of mass distraction in Iraq. The real reason here is twofold: the US wants the Irani oil (their reserves are said to be larger than Iraq's) and Israel wants their land and their supplies of natural gas (also the biggest in the world). You didn't think that Israel was going to be content with just the Palestinian land, did you?

    And, yes, I know and understand all of the drawbacks but they - the brainiacs - don't care. They only care about today and themselves, the rest is irrelevant.

  3. "Israel wants Palestinian land and their supplies of natural gas"

    Imagine that Sister? It's about control of the natural gas and oil, and never about Peace. Just those pieces of greenbacks, and the power it wields.

  4. I watched and interview with an Iraqi man once who said "this [the war against them] is all about oil, all of it. We Iraqis wish we weren't so 'lucky'!" Much like the Iraqis, the Iranians only sin is having something the bullies want and, rest assured, they're not going to stop till they get it. Human lives are nothing to these thugs. The world is so screwed up, it makes me sick!

  5. Especially now in Afghanistan, where many more bases are being built to fight terrorism. Right? The Texas Tea Terrorists.


  6. TTT - ha! I like that, it's kinda like KKK - only worse!

    But I agree that we must build more basis so that we can propterly protect them from themselves and lighten their load of oil.
