As such, I offer no retractions. As a friend once told me - “be who you are and don’t look back - you don’t need to apologize for shit.” With regards to the c**t comment, I was merely making an innocuous reply to an article about a guy complaining about the viciousness of hypocritical, vengeful women. I’m not a woman hater. I’ve never in my life called a woman a c**t. I was merely making an honest observation, they “Cant Understand Normal Thinking” . Don’t try and psychoanalyze my verbiage. I’ve spent more time on the couch than probably any of you. I also worked for a year in emergency psych admitting at a big LA County hospital. I saw everything - at least once a day. I don’t need one damn lecture on behavior.
I probably have more women friends than guy friends. Recently I asked a lady friend of mine (coincidentally a lesbian and ultra-runner), “Ali, I can’t get a date to save my life.” She replied, “it’s because you’re a keeper and the real thing. Most women can’t handle that kind of honesty.” And you know what my ex’s appreciate about me the best is my honesty, discipline, candor, conviviality, and my cooking. (And btw, they ALL wanted me back after ditching me.) If I have any one major fault - it’s being too honest. As I’ve stated before - I walk my talk. And I really loathe hypocritical, pretentious people.
Two of which I want to call out here. One is Rady, the other Jersey. I remember distinctly when Rady posted an article on OEN demeaning men with small penis’s, even using it as a header. And Jersey’s no sweetheart either - her ad hominem attacks and swearing on OEN were consistent and relentless. Go ahead and slander me, but by god I will stick to what I have said.
Now for the Jewish stuff. I’m part Jewish, but I don’t care. And I just happen to have a lot of Jewish friends, of whom I make no bones about my own prejudices. And the majority of them agree with me. One of my favorite jokes is: “do you know the difference between a Jew and an Arab?” The usual reply is “no”. And I say, “I don’t either.” After all they are both from the same root semite race. Do a little reading COTO members, brush up on your history, anthropology, archeology, and the like. I’ve done my homework. Go do yours. Wishing Israel would just disappear is neither a high crime nor misdemeanor. To take offense is silly. As a race they are one of the most prejudiced group of people on the planet.
I despise what the Jews are doing to the Palestinians - it’s unjust, criminal, unlawful, vindictive, plus they are doing everything the Nazi’s did to them. And remember the brownshirts - who not only turned in their Jewish neighbors, but sold their possessions on the black market. I mean, how hypocritical can you get? On top of that they think they are god’s chosen people. Their arrogance is beyond the pale. There was never a Jewish migration by the likes of Moses. It’s a total fabrication. Even a well known rabbi in Chicago admitted that a few years ago. There’s not one stitch of archeological evidence to back it up. The old testament is nothing other than mythological overlay.
Once upon a time I bitched to an older Jewish lady friend of mine (a psychologist, btw) how I disliked New York Jews - and gave her my reasons why - they don’t honor agreements, hate goys, and are incredibly arrogant and self righteous. She said, “well you know, I’m one of them.” And I said, “look, Elaine, I know that. But I make exceptions, otherwise I wouldn’t have any friends!” Then she said, “well John, if you can’t be tactful, at least be tenacious. You’re going to need it.” And 25 years later we are still the best of friends. Why? She knows I’m totally honest and candid. I don’t mince words... ever. I’m not afraid to speak my mind no matter how much trouble it causes me. And I’ve been in the hot seat many times. I’ve got a two inch thick binder of published articles, op/ed, and comments about me - at least the ones I kept track of. There’s hundreds of others I never saw. I’ve been on the cover of Sunset Books, been in Fine Homebuilding, Whole Earth Review, Family Handyman, and had my work in Time Magazine and three math textbooks explaining the art of tessellation. I’ve earned my bragging rights. The hard way. I was a caretaker for Bob Dylan at his Malibu residence. He told others who knew me that he thought I was a genius, I on the other hand thought he was just another penny pinching Jew. I’ve got one claim to fame few others can say... Bob came to one of my concerts, but I never went to any of his.
Now for all you Jewish folks who might take offense to my “anti-semitic” remarks, then perhaps now might be the right moment for a little self reflection to see why others may dislike Jews and some of their hypocritical habits and deceitful acts in business - like “I’m sorry, even though we have an agreement, I’ve changed my mind.”
Sorry COTO Crew, but you can all go screw for all I care. I’ve got little tolerance for bullshit. You can sling it all you want, especially Rady - I’m calling her on it. Sure you can kick me out - I’ve got plenty of other things to do - but my only mission in life is simply pursuit of the truth, no matter what it costs me. COTO needs more original work like mine than I need COTO. And that’s a fact.
Just a quickie:
ReplyDeleteBefore everyone goes off on Cinderman here, reaffirming their own claims to the "right think" club, you had better take a look around you.
Over on the right hand side there you have a link to Jeff Rense's site.
On the front page of his site he has a Dees illustration that pictures a large number of Jewish American financial "experts" with a few politicians (demonically represented) .... all wearing satanist robes and ...
... sacrificing a baby on an alter that has a Jewish Star of David right next to a demonic pentagram...
do I need to repeat that for you guys?
Personally, I would like to see the link to Jeff Rense's site removed... and replaced with something that deals with the REAL horror of ultra-right wing Israeli policy, B'Tselem (the ISRAELI Organization for Human Rights in the Occupied Territories)... but that is just a suggestion.
As far as Cinderman's comments about New York Jews is concerned, I lived in New York for 5 years, I met all kinds of people, many of whom were just assholes simply because they were from New York (Jews and gentiles alike) so I can kinda understand what he sees there, but that, in my opinion, is more about the New York "Holier than Thou" attitude, than it is about their religion.
Besides, if Jon Stewart can make jokes about New York Jews...
Now, I have had my own little chat with Mr. Cinderman about the slurs toward Jewish people, and that doesn't need to be brought up again. But, before everyone piles on we should AT LEAST get our OWN house in order.
(and as far as his "Israel right to exist" comment... though I disagree, I am well versed enough to know that there are several organizations that share his feelings on that one that are run by Jews and Israeli's. The most prominate is the one in Israel, founded by and populated by, ISRAELI ORTHADOX RABBIS. In fact, they just had a huge march last month or so. They believe that Israel was founded on a lie and they stand firmly against not just Zionism, but the entire "Jewish State" thing itself.... )
I have lived in Hawaii... moved there after parents divorced when I was 14 to be with my brother and father...
I stayed a total of 15 days...
Why? Because while I was there, I started attending freshman year in High School on the main island, and during my 5 days in school, I had a total of about 6 or 7 situations where I was threatened to have my "Holli Accola" (spelling) kicked... simply for being a white guy coming over from the mainland.
I couldn't take it, my brother could. I left, he was beaten several times until he joined a gang. He's fine now, and I am I...
... but the fact is, it IS a difficult place to live and a difficult place to transition to.
I don't APPROVE of Cinderman's response... but I understand it. Hawaii ISN'T just white sands and colorful drinks with umbrellas.
I had decided ahead of time that I wasn't going to respond at all to this so called "rebuttal". Anyone with a brain can see this post as nothing more than a self aggrandizing testament to how wonderful John August thinks John August is. But since I've been called out as hypocritical and pretentious I feel a need to respond in kind.
ReplyDeleteI too have heard from him through email, Scott. This man blames the state of Hawaii for his bigotry. He blames his "swearing" on living in constant pain yet brags about how busy he is and how he has to stop writing to go climb a summit. He says Dylan thought he was a "genius" but calls Dylan a cheap jew and wouldn't attend his concerts. This man is not fit to clean Dylan's toilet ! In fact, I'm wondering when cinderman is gonna suck it up and start acting like a real man and take real responsibility for his life instead of blaming everyone and everything for his problems.
As far as hating ALL jews.. sorry that's bigotry, pure and simple. I despise the Israeli govt and the entire zionist movement and anyone that supports it. But, I happen to work with Jewish drs that don't agree with that govt's policies anymore than I do. Btw, some of dees cartoons do go over the line and I've said as much in a post a while back. As for dees and rense, they aren't part of coto are they? They own their own websites and get to post what they want. They don't have wordpress rules to follow as we do. Am I correct Scott?
As for the personal smear. Most here have seen my comments at oen. You can make your own judgements based on that. But as you can see from this conceited rant that he's posted, that Mr A will smear any one person or group of people to excuse his own boorish behavior.
How very embarrassing for him now that he's been exposed for all to see.
Thank you Mr M, well said !
ReplyDelete"As for dees and rense, they aren’t part of coto are they? They own their own websites and get to post what they want. They don’t have wordpress rules to follow as we do. Am I correct Scott?"
ReplyDeleteNo. They are just anti-Semitic; propagating the WORST kinds of "evil Satanic Devil worshiping Jews" stereotypical hate-speech...
... and I for one, would like the link removed for that reason and replaced with B'Tselem... is that so wrong, or is it POSSIBLE that someone like me could actually have a good idea?
and just in case the IRONY is LOST on some of the rest of you...
ReplyDelete... right at this moment, there is a header on our page that depicts 5 Jewish American economists sitting at the head of a conference table, with a deliberately manipulated reflection of them in the table and the exact SAME kind of Pyramid symbolism in the pic that you will find draped around the neck of the "evil satanist Jews" in the rense/Dees illustration I just mentioned...
so I guess if you SAY it you are anti-Semitic, if you IMPLY it... it's OK? Is that how it works?
tough luck scott.. free speech and all that :).. if anyone wants to go there it's their own choice. It's not like rense & dees post personally on coto. If they did, and they posted true hate speech, that's a different story. Not our problem as it stands,...
ReplyDeleteGee Scott, you really don't get it DO YOU? It's all about ranting and raving against those that RULE US. Not the little guys like us or like the average jewish citizen/american or israeli that has no more power to rule the banking world than you or I do. What the hell about that do you not get?
ReplyDelete“Great minds discuss ideas. Average minds discuss events. Small minds discuss people.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
ReplyDeleteHello, Mr. Loman.
ReplyDeleteI think you will find that it is the true reflection of the original photo, and only the heads of those seated have been altered. The fact that the heads depicted are of those who have been the tools instrumental in the ruination of the world economy and the invasion and destruction of at least two innocent countries on the orders of the Rs is apt enough and fair comment. Who they are is pointed enough. They did it, not the person who made up the image, and not we.
You will see in the background the suits of the others standing behind the seated figures, and it is the reflection of these standing figures that you mainly see in the table. Presumably the original photo is of run-of-the-mill executives bent on making cash - All 'the value' of which is just a fiction to reap from the rest of us, but of course you all know this anyway, don't you.
This is the actual photograph.
whomever made this image up, removed some heads and replaced them with others, as well as the entire woman on the left and replaced her with Greenspan.
They were replaced with all Jewish individuals... draw your own conclusions.
Your suggestion that "these" are the people that created these 2 wars of aggression also bespeaks what many people THINK but rarely SAY...
and THAT is the POINT of my pointing this out.
FACT is, neocons are NOT all Jewish, nor are the NEOCONS solely responsible for these wars or even 911 for that matter. But that is neither here nor there.
The point I am trying to make is that SOMEONE altered this image and SOMEONE thought it poignant enough to serve as the COTO header...
and just for the record, the image is of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System (seated) and the 12 Presidents of the Federal Reserve Banks (standing behind them).
ReplyDeleteThe picture was taken in the conference room of the Federal Reserve bank of New York I believe.
I have no comments on the posting. It just represents another of many broken folks who have not managed to separate personal pain from internal conflict.
ReplyDeleteWillie gets my comments. The rendering offered on Rense is indeed extreme though the bulk of the information on Rense is excellent and thoughtful or complete in it's content.
If I were to remove the link, I'd have to remove COTO itself for the content a few have felt necessary to present.
I agree with WL's assesment of the Jewish state and the Internal Khazarian Warlords and Diaspora who have orchestrated the Holocaust along with the Neo-Con/Nazi factions who funded, administrated and enabled this particular Oligarchy.
ISRAELI ORTHADOX RABBIS and other factions in Israel understand the sequencial events of the Zionist movement. This impetus represents the primary component of a reoccuring dialectic that can be compared to European predestination and the US native american population, South Africa and early ancient kismet.
Many of COTO represent this growing awareness of the unseen underbelly. We have dozens of names and identities for this cartel, but we understand the motive and agenda.
This Jewish-Palestinian, Black-White, Homo-Hetero, Feminism-Machoism, Liberal- Conservative, Capitalist-Socialist dichotomies are mere mechanisms and contrivance for what is the true Trichotomy of the coming WORLD ORDER.
I will be posting exclusively on this subject and the triad of all things endeavored by these illuminated ones. Had I still had help here before the recent events I would have had more time.
But this just one example of the many divisive tools to keep us distracted, infected and off the mission and goal here.
Scott, your defense of the indefensible and your now transparent tack of trying to divert the attention away from the sickeningly conceited rant of the pompous ass who started this rift,to something else, is quite shall I say the word? OBVIOUS.
ReplyDeleteWe’re not interested in your disinfo style diversions.
Patrick’s logo is spot on in exposing the nwo and those that serve their greedy and psychcopathic agenda. The ptb are comprised of all nationalities and sexes. Any fool that’s done their homework knows that.
BTW, speaking of pictures. the posting of the picture with the C man and the baby isn't fooling anyone. That's also as OBVIOUSLY manipulative as a politician lifting a baby up at a rally. Really lame.
A insightful one might conclude that they were all Treasury/Fed members
ReplyDeleteand if they were really astute they would see Neel Kashkari who indeed is not Jewish, but I have no doubt that the ADL types who scream anti-semetism at every turn and those who were too quick to do the work might think otherwise.
"But this just one example of the many divisive tools to keep us distracted, infected and off the mission and goal here."
ReplyDeleteI agree, I've said my piece and I won't waste another word on this topic. But I will leave you all with my favorite Dylan song "positively fourth street"
P.S. The reflections from the table show unseen figures behind the FED/Treasury allumni and they represent the unseen figures. WL, I am really uncertain of the real motive or mindset you adopted when joining.
ReplyDeleteDid you ever read the COTO tenets or just come to be here by happenstance?
A Blues melody for da Cinderman
ReplyDeleteBob Dylan - he - thought - I -was - a -genius
But - I - thought - he - was - just penny - pinching - Jew
What's a man in pain livin on Maui, . . . what the " he-ll's! " he suppose ta do ?
He's soundin like fool . . . . da da, da da . . . da da, da da . . . "Oh, yeah!" Such a fool !
A tactful, tenacious hard workin man " ehhhhh!" . . . but he's soundin like a fool . . . da da, da da . . . a concieted fool !
Sing it broth-a!
Here's another good tune
Brilliant Munich ;)
ReplyDeleteahhh... now I am the "plant" is that it? There it is. Nice.
ReplyDeleteAnd actually Puddy, I was ASKED to join up in an email.
As far as the "COTO TENENTS" are concerned, I was COTO while you guys were still posting at Op Ed News and managing to generate page views and credibility for Rob Kall. Thank you very much.
True, Kahkarui is Indian. However, if you are looking to put up an image of the Federal Reserve who actually run the country, then why not just put up the original? The actual members of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve?
Anyway, my point is simple and straight forward.
I didn't expect a pat on the back from ANY of you for pointing out your penchant for "right think" or the glaring contradictions here.
Try reading this and let me know what kind of happenstance I came here by... (it was written/published in July of 2008)
And as you state later in another comment, yes, that image on Rense's site is WAY "over-the-top". Yes, some of Rense's work is valuable... kind of like some of Cinderman's work is valuable... but it's pics like THAT one that, at least to me, undermines the credibility of his site..
So does this mean Rady is coming back and we all live happily ever after ?
ReplyDeleteAh! Yes Waldo. Nobody expects The Spanish Inquisition!
ReplyDeleteBrooks and Co. are brilliant and funny people
And a few other brilliant chaps from the U.K.