Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Legal Action You Can Take Against Forced Vaccinations (Opinion)


by Barbara Minton, Natural Health Editor
(NaturalNews) If you are living in the U.S. or many other parts of the world, you may soon be forced to accept a vaccination that is actually a biological weapon created with the intent of causing your death or injury, according to evidence compiled by journalist Jane Burgermeister. To defend yourself and your countrymen you can now take legal steps using documents she has created specifically for this purpose.



  1. hmmm. Signed the WHO petition linked to in the article, and will donwload the criminal charges PDF and read it. MAY submit it, if it looks like vaccine will be 'mandatory' Man, they never do let up, do they?

  2. No wxman, they are accelerating their attack. It's hard to know which issue to concentrate on we are being clobbered from so many directions.

    I think that vaccine form may come in handy very soon. Keep it in a safe place. But then again, in a fascist regime, where the constitution is considered just a goddamn piece of paper, what will they do with that vaccination form?

  3. Jane Burgermeister STFU you poor excuse for a human being.

    Whatever your name is – Citizen Jane – I heard your shpiel last night. Your time is limited in this capacity you serve – which is to undermine the real truth movement.

    Dr Ott and Dr Deagle accepted you into the team back in April in good faith and you SCREWED them and have continued to LIE about it. You have NOT filed any charges against Dr Bill Deagle MD, Dr A True Ott PhD ND, Jeff Rense or ANYONE.


    Sure, some of your messages are correct, but where you say you got your information is completely incorrect, and the notion that you have filed any “charges” with the FBI is a TOTAL FABRICATION.


    Someone went into the Truth Publishing address in AZ (owns NaturalNews – a Taipei Taiwan company run by Mike Adams) and the address had no signage for Truth Publishing and instead only said “acupunture” but inside there were only computers on desks and well suited Fed-looking guys.

    I am working with those who own TRUTH and defending our efforts against false representation and slander to the best of my ability.

    We looked into your so-called injunction document. You should know that *I* am the first US citizen to have filed a proper injunction and that I am a chapter president of Jurisdictionary. You don’t even plagiarize very well, as upon even minimal review it has been determined by legal experts to be sloppy and total crap.

    I personally think you should run and hide – find the deepest darkest hole you can find, because we are coming for you. You cannot and will not get away with your threats and slander against those who own and defend real TRUTH.


    Take heed, ms. whatever-your-name-really-is. I am pretty damn sure it isnt what you say it is.

    Tell me this: how did you arrive on the handle birdflu666?

    I would love to hear your explanation in light of the evidence now presented.

    Everyone is hereby put on notice to please help stop this truth assassin known as Jane Burgermeister and do whatever it takes to bring her down. E-bomb her blogs, call in to whoever interviews her and state the real facts. Help spread the word, and you can always report any incidents directly to me and it will get to the appropriate channels.

    Please folks, this issue is far too serious and lives are at stake for anyone to be compromised of their access to truth by a foreign so-called independent journalist.

    Dr Bill Deagle MD’s team of experts including Dr. A. True Ott PhD, Dr Mayer Eisenstein MD JD, Dr Blaylock MD, Dr Russell Rowen MD, Ronald MacDonald, Dr Fred Graves JD, Alexander S. Jones formerly of NIH, Alexander Backman reporting from Mexico, Tim Alexander Earl of Sterling, Dr Waterman, Dr Arthur M. Evangelista, PhD, – and others – are the REAL researchers and purveyors of truth in this increasingly dangerous scenario. NO OTHER SOURCE WILL BE AS ACCURATE OR HAVE ACCESS TO HIGH-SECURITY-CLEARANCE CLASSIFIED INFO THAN THIS TEAM. NO ONE.


    And to those who regularly listen to Alex Jones: THIS IS NOT A HOAX.
