Saturday, July 11, 2009

Israel to Pay for Net Propagandists

propagandaBy Rona Kuperboim

July 10, 2009 "Ynet News  " -- - The Foreign
Ministry unveiled a new plan this week: Paying talkbackers to post pro-Israel responses on websites worldwide. A total of NIS 600,000 (roughly $150,000) will be earmarked to the establishment of an "Internet warfare" squad.

The Foreign Ministry intends to hire young people who speak at least one language and who study communication, political science, or law -- or alternately, Israelis with military experience gained at units dealing with information analysis.

read article


  1. Just as the COMITTEE and Israel have bought up the MSM for the last forty years they find themselves in a dilemma.

    Their inability to get meaningful restriction to the internet, through Feinstein and others.

    The Federal Communications Decency Act of 1996, a controversial piece of legislation signed into law by President Clinton on February 8, 1996 was another as well as McCain and Feingold attempts in 2005.

    Israel had only one option and that is to target and birddog anti-Israeli sites and blogs and hire these shills to dump their propaganda landfill all over the net.

    Just like the Southern Poverty Law Center, ADL and other fronts operating in the US. It's all about search and destroy while crying antisemitism on any criticism no matter how justly deserved.

  2. Israel, its not what you say, its what you do.

  3. Too bad all US sheeple can't see that that those $150,000 will be paid by American citizes - the same ones that have no jobs, no homes, no health insurance and no education for their children because of their government's generous and charitable gifts to Israel.

    As a side note, they must have outsourced that disinformation campaign to China or India - or maybe even Palestine - cause a $150,000 sure as hell does sound like a lot to me - even if it's my own tax money!

  4. Ha! Revelation, epiphany, brick on the head! Jason Paz must be one of these asses being paid $1/day to trumpet pro-Israel propaganda and apologies...ROFL!

  5. Criticize Israel??!!? What are you a holocaust denier, anti-semite or self hating jew? nuff said

    Sister I think you're right about Paz. Maybe that's why he's so confused. He doesn't really approve of governmental polices but is getting paid to promote them...... ahhh the schizophrenic nature of it all......

  6. In Jason Paz, the Israeli government is getting what it's paying for. Ha ha!

