An “All-American Solution"
Is the “education system” in the USA “broken,” and if so, how does one “fix” it?
By the standards usually applied in the USA to "efficiency, predictability. calculability and control," yes, it’s broken. The cost-per-student is going up; the “test scores” are going down. What to do? Simple: apply the tried-and-proven contemporary American method that is now applied to all “social problems:” make illiteracy a felony. Close all the schools and fire all the teachers. Think of the cost savings! Every person at age 18 takes a “standardized test” to receive their “Literacy Card.” All citizens over 18 must carry their Literacy Card along with their Proof of Insurance Cards.
What about the unemployed teachers? Naturally, they will join the “private sector” that will (or not) prepare U-18-yr-olds to take their test and get their Literacy Cards. For the Rich Shitpokes: no problem (as usual)… just pay 100,000 Ameros, and get a Literacy Card. Now: another 100.000 Ameros: Masters’ Degree. Another 100,000 Ameros, PhD. Problem solved: but remember—today’s “dollar” is worth about 10 Amero cents, so 100,000 Ameros is worth about a million bucks. Don’t have a million bucks? Well, better join “The System” and participate in “free-market Capitalism.” If you’re too stupid to pass the tests, you can always pay and become a “manager.” No big deal.
Really, this is no drastic change from what we have today. It’s just with the pretense of “democracy” we have to keep calling “The System” something else. We have to pretend that “merit” has squat to do with anything. But here is “reality:” you can pay to get your “credentials,” and still be an ignorant spud, but that doesn’t matter… you can be a “manager,” and not have to “manage” anything. Meanwhile, the stupid proles who actually have to figure out how to dig a hole and fill it in will be priced and relegated as a commodity: “Human Resources.” People who actually know how to DO something are a dime-a-dozen. Rich Shitpokes are rare. That’s the model.
It’s only a matter of time before most of us are either prisoners or guards. Oh, the Rich Shitpokes will need a few doctors to keep themselves healthy and a few scientists to develop snazzy new weapons and assorted technicians to run the drones and robo-cops. They will need people who know how to read instructions and follow them. They DO NOT need poor people who require any kind of assistance, sick people who can’t pay, and anybody who can or will not follow written orders. The Fats have the answers and they are using them now: poverty is already a crime. Sickness will soon become a crime. See what’s happening?
Neo-Feudalism: that is what is happening: 0.1% of the population is calling the shots, 0.1% of us are actually resisting them. That means that 99.8% of us are a bunch of clueless fucks that have no idea that the Fats intend to turn us into their serfs by any means necessary. There are hundreds of variations on this theme, ranging from those of us who know, but think we can avoid it to those of us who know and intend to become one of the well-paid “select few” who will gain our own fiefdoms by enforcing the will of the Fats. Do your own demo-psychographic math… but my own conclusion is that 80% of us are little more than mindless disposable cattle.
To put an uncomfortable point on the 80% theory, visit (or research) a factory meat-producing feed-lot operation that sells the cheap meat that most of us eat. Cruelty and brutality toward the “meat animals” surpasses imagination of most of the 80% who buy the shrink-wrapped package of flesh and feed it to their children. Even this picture ignores the plight of the “processors,” undocumented immigrants whose fingers and arms are just part of the cost of “production.” OK- so what are the 19.98% of us who are not pre-determined meat supposed to “do?” The first step is to know about the 0.1% calling the shots… and the second step is admitting that you are not in control.
We are flesh for the Fats. We are fodder for the rich fucks, “social Darwinists” and other pork-producers who have no trouble sending us down the chute because “it’s their job.” If you think “elections” or “your representatives” have anything to do with any of this, if you think that “government” even exists, you can happily look forward to your parts in their very own shrink-wrapped package sometime soon. They probably will not eat you. They will use the bodies you produce (your children and you) as tools to grow fatter. They will stop at nothing, and that’s the most important point: NOTHING. Birkenau, with its shoulder-deep human ash pits is child’s play. You aint seen nothing yet.
So this is how we solve “social problems” in the USA: make them illegal. Ship the “problems” off to a prison holding-pen work-camp, or to a “hospital” termination point, so what about “literacy?” What this means is people capable of reading instructions and following them. The “standardized tests” will weed out the very few who actually question the instructions. No Literacy Card, so off to prison. Do you think this is satire? Our pay-or-die “health care system” would have been considered satire not long ago. Just 20 years ago, a local councilman proposed rounding up the homeless and giving them one-way bus tickets. He was laughed out of office. Where are the homeless now?
Anyone who thinks a Nazi-Germany Redux is not possible today has not been paying attention. What we call “capitalism” has evolved into a system that rewards the most ruthless and amoral, remains benign toward conformity and complicity and it has been developing its prime specimen for centuries. Any US resident who thinks there is a “government” that can hold them in check is a walking meat-wad, pre-packaged in their slave-labor China-manufactured shrink-wrap from Walmart, walking toward the death-camp in their blinking-light basketball shoes. That’s about 80% of us, and 19.9% of us are making it happen. Why? Because it’s “our J-O-B,” as in- “Just Over Broke.”
Still think this is satire? Nobody batted an eye when it became policy to piss in a cup to get their J-O-B. “Laws” were passed making it “legal” to round you up… detain you indefinitely and torture a “confession” out of you. Was any of that on TV? “Wars” were ginned up on pretexts so thin, any literate person could see through them. Thanks to the “standardized tests,” most of us read the instructions and complied. We stuck the Chinese-manufactured flags and yellow magnets on our cars like good little meat-wads and never even thought about questioning any of it. “Watch what you say.” We gobbled our corn-oil peasant-chow and joined the parade. Still think this is satire?
Better start studying for your “Literacy Test.”
If you really want to fix the school system is to get the NEA and Declaration of Interdependence forcibly OUT of our schools and return ALL control back to local control with parents being the main controllers over their tax dollars and how they are spent and on what curriculum and teachers, etc.
ReplyDeletePut our school districts into competition.
Take NWO out of the schools and return them to loyal patriotic Americans- after all it is our money and OUR children.
The solution, if not "All-American" then universal.
ReplyDeleteA way out? Not under globalisation. Resistance won't go global.
"There's a game out there, and the stakes are high"
"Cards to the gamblers"
"Hit me"
"Hit me, but not too hard"
"All aboard!" "Next stop New York, Atlantic Ocean and a Paris France" Johnny Got His Gun
it didn't help him much.
Shiny Black Stones, strange men. Numbers. Whisper.
Hold on to the railing, we're in for a rough ride.
That's the spirit! Privatize the buggers and make them compete! Get the Unions out of there so teachers will have to work for minimum wage like everybody else... and be damn grateful they have a job AT ALL! Let the MARKET decide what's to be taught and how... not a bunch of weeny-head academics!
ReplyDeleteMarket-driven curriculum is exactly what we have in "higher" education. The employers decide what they want their employees to know. That's the deal: teach them what we want, and we'll hire your graduates. Why not K-12? So I took it to the logical conclusion... dispense with "teachers" altogether and let children learn directly from the MARKET! And let's end all "entitlements."
Which is exactly where it's going: your "tax dollars" DO NOT entitle you to anything... except staying out of prison... unless it has been decided otherwise. "Your money?" heh heh heh... do you see YOUR name on any of that dead-president paper in your wallet? No? That's because it's NOT "your" money. It's the Federal Reserve's money... which is a PRIVATE corporation like God intended! Responsible to its "shareholders," and that aint YOU.
When did a bunch of whiney "taxpayers" get the idea that paying taxes "entitled" them to "decide" ANYTHING? What's that you say? You "worked" for it? Well, lah-de-dah. You see, The System works this way: you work, you pay, you stay out of prison (until it's decided that you don't).
Arbeit Macht Frei.