Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Here is an article from David Swanson of He writes of the 1200+ (Abu Graihb only, circa 2004) torture pictures he has seen, as opposed to the few that were leaked, and includes some pictures that not everyone may have seen. He discusses the need to hold top people accountable, and of course wants to know if we are still torturing (of course we are!)



  1. I've heard of the torture horrors. I don't want to see the pictures. The images I get in my head when I read about it is bad enough.

    When he speaks of the pictures of the little boy, he knows damn well that kid was tortured in front of his parents to get them to talk. But really, it isn't about getting information because there really is no information to be had. It's all about appearances and absolute degenerate cruelty. I can picture Cheney and his nwo buddies drooling over the videos and pictures. Absolutely disgusting.

    Nothing will be done. The most psychopathic kind of people rule the world.

  2. Remember when we were doing this at OPED JG?
    We were batting around the fact that if Holder got his act together, they would go after the little fish, sacrifical lambs and that would be to quell the COTO masses and koolaid democrats.

    I hope this doesn't go that way but the orchestrated economic collapse has taken the teeth out of it and they can get away with this.
    It's pitiful.

    Brad, the renditions will take it out of Obama's camp but he like Bush knows it all. These photos are likely sitting in a manual in Poland or Morroco.

  3. "The most psychopathic kind of people rule the world"

    But they don't have to. - If we organise via the net, DRAFT our own reps, rather than letting the Rs foist their venal vermin on us, warn these reps. that they are paid to vote on their individual conscience for the general good when asked, will be out and replaced at a moment's notice if out of step with our requirements, and will be hanged for corruption - THEN we will have true representation by our servants.

    They unpick the vile party system, and abolish the finance that is the delusory mainspring for the 'elite's' power over the world.

    Easy. So spread the word and get organising.

  4. I remember all too well Patrick. And here we are still.....batting it around ! Everything is "staged". A part of the "truman show" that never ends. Nothing is going to be done about this. Obama's administration advocates the same type of torture the Bush admin did.. same same.

    Flak, I like the thought of we the people taking control and hanging them for treasonous corruption. However, I'm not exactly sure how we go about drafting our own reps thru the internet.

    Money talks when it comes to politics. I don't have a dime to spare and I put in extra hours every week at work to meet my bills. Due to the economy, most americans are in the same boat.

    How do you accomplish what you are talking about without tons of $$$? Btw, we don't have much time either. The tyranny clock says it's one minute to midnight.

  5. Well, suppose we form a legitimate electoral draft corp., and notify all on the net about it in a constructive viral sense, informing everyone and inviting all to participate to rid our world of the evil influence of this scum.

    We can offer the public a list of our suggested candidates and just DRAFT them as our reps. No arguments. And no backchat from the PTB or we will hang them.

    In an article I did last September or so on OEN, I spoofed a draft for Nader and Paul to be joint presidents, and it will be just like that.

    No cash involved, and we simply take back control in a peaceable way.

    Think about it.
