I went over to OpEd where I still post links on the Palestinian cause and lookie what I found. Somebody please bitchslap me and bring me back from this hallucinatory state where I seem to have fallen:
"Before They Protest, People Should Consider the Location" By Jason Paz
In my town it is a long walk to prison. My friend asked me to accompany her to visit her boyfriend in prison. We were a long time getting there, so we had to wait for the second group to enter. In a loud voice my friend complained that Saturday was a poor visitors' day because no busses ran. I warned her in English not to make a fuss. A cop who was listening told her I was right. Sixteen years ago I had come to Israel to rescue my son from his kidnappers. Unfortunately, his abductors worked for the government. The judges ruled for them, so I have been held hostage in Israel for the past 16 years. I am an inconvenient witness to Israel's kidnapping operations. If they learn any information uncomfortable to the authorities, the Free Gaza workers may also spend the rest of their lives here. A warning to the wise: speak with humility and stop making crank calls to the USA. The Americans will do nothing to aid your cause.
by Jason Paz (68 articles, 90 quicklinks, 113 diaries, 1460 comments [104 recommended, 1 rejected]) on Sunday, Jul 5, 2009 at 3:04:07 PM"
Yes, oh, yes, there is a god!
Or is there?
Sadly Jason could probably do more for his son from the USA. He has previously called Israel an "open-air prison camp" but his descriptions sound more like an asylum. And it is very true that they have increased actions to bully, intimidate and threaten those who dissent.
ReplyDeleteThese conditions should be more widely publicized in the US which funds most of their horrors.
sister, you are absolutely right. He is obviously schizophrenic. I've seen him go back and forth on Israel on oen before. He would rail about the atrocities of the Israeli government in one post and defend it vehemently in the next. My take.. he's not wrapped too tight.
ReplyDeleteMostly I noticed a meltdown moment a couple months ago, after which he was much less likely to defend Israeli policies and much more likely to describe their abuses.
ReplyDeleteSo my theory of having been hit over the head with a flying brick is accurate?
ReplyDeleteHonestly, JG, I always also thought that he had a screw very lose. There's something about the guy that just doesn't add up and, yeah, it's mental.
ReplyDeleteAll of this goes into the "how-much-more-fucking-obvious-does-it-have-to-get" bin. All over the world... hundreds... then thousands... then millions take to the streets.
ReplyDeletePick your issue... whatever... fuck a bunch of war- we want peace. or... fuck a bunch of insurance companies... we want universal health care. or... fuck a bunch of for-profit factory farming/ fishing... we want a sustainable food system. whatever...
The answer is always the same: well, you pez aint running things... WE are... and WE are only interested in getting as much as we can as fast as we can. We'll give you sop-ass "elections" to keep you distracted... we'll give you celebrity-cult "media" to keep you distracted. But when it comes down to the nines...
You are broke and hungry in the street and NOW you are "involved" because all this shit affects you personally right now... THEN you get the final answer: "fuck you. you can't MAKE us do anything. WE can MAKE YOU do anything WE want." That's the deal, folks.
So... unless a General Strike happens... not likely because everybody is focused on what happens to THEM right NOW... anywhere a General Strike would occur will make no difference because the Fats have trucked in enough scabs who just want to have something to eat tomorrow... a "non-violent" solution appears to be extremely remote.
So now we are down to selected Fatties appearing trussed-up and slaughtered like meat-animals. There seems to be NO other way to get their attention. WE know who THEY are. THEY can't possibly isolate ALL of us... in spite of their Predator software and hirelings.
It's time to EAT THE RICH.
...and the BBQ sauce. Please.
ReplyDeleteDown, Waldo! Down, boy! We're tearing apart Jason Paz from OpEd this time for being such a hypocrite and psycho
ReplyDeleteA General Strike is a glorious idea, tho it would probably take a while to build.
ReplyDeleteI suggest that each and every Friday the 13th we all stay home.
So we have six opportunities to bring the Corporate State to a halt during the next 3+ years:
Fri Nov 13, 2009
Fri Aug 13, 2010
Fri May 13, 2011
Fri Jan 13, 2012
Fri Apr 13, 2012
Fri Jul 13, 2012
Perhaps when a person has such an obviously painful collision with political realities, we might skip the diagnosis and just wish him well. We might even be happy to welcome yet another soul who is able to change his mind.
ReplyDeleteFat-cats are not kosher. If we sit back long enough they will devour each other. Example,
ReplyDeleteMadoff was OK till he screwed over Spielberg and Laura Zapata.
"Long enough" could be millenia.....
ReplyDeleteso, let me get this straight ... and obvious psycho still posts on OEN and WE'RE banned?
ReplyDeleteYes, sirie, Bob...
ReplyDeleteBut here's the key, he is a psycho who kisses Jew ass, therefore, the lord commandeth that he shall stay and kisseth some more Chosen Ass...
I have always hated that term "the chosen people". Just as I always hated that the Dallas Cowboys were labeled "America's team". Who the hell said so? Is it because they both have stars as their symbol? I don't remember getting a freakin' survey to fill out. Did any of you?
ReplyDeleteIt's not "Chosen People" - it's "self-appointed Chosen People" very, very different...
ReplyDeleteAnd I hear ya on that, sister! The top 3 on my list of hated buzz terms are: (a) terrorist/terrorism; (b) hero; (c) Al Qaeda...arrrrggg... It reminds me of a 3 Stooges short where Moe couldn't here a certain word (Ticonderoga) or he'd go into a fit of rage and tear apart whoever was in front of him. Ha ha! Those words have the same effect on me, dang!