Friday, July 3, 2009

DDT, it's not NEVER goes away!

I admit to NOT liking the site I found this link and article on.
I find them all too happy to support Gm and suspect industry funding.
Even this story, will not outright admit it is!! harmful and should be stopped.
Why not, well if it is industry backed as I feel, then the sales of DDT, keep the funds coming for their backers.
No Whisleblowers wanted:-)
Heavens forbid that that same money could be used for a better method to cope with Malaria.
But read and consider how "curious" that HIV is also worse in sprayed areas...immune system disruption methinks.

1 comment:

  1. Oz, good article.. Not a doubt in my mind just how harmful DDT is to the human body & environment. Seems whatever chemical they come up with to fix one problem they create several more....
