Sunday, July 26, 2009

Birdflu666 sends letter to military

By birdflu666

This is information (thanks Rebecca Campbell of Seattle for drafting the letter) that we are going to be sending out to all the branches of the US military and also to veterans’ organizations concerning the combined military counterterrorism exercises starting on Monday, July 27 through Friday July 31, 2009 in US Region VI, which includes California, Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas.
These UN-controlled military exercises are timed to intersect with the FEMA and Homeland Security H1N1 pandemic drills under the guidance of WHO.
Both the counterterrorism exercise and the FEMA “drill” will, therefore, be coordinated by the UN in as far as WHO, a UN agency.

If you are concerned about this counterterrorism exercise and FEMA/Homeland drill coming up, please copy and paste this letter and send it by fax or email to the military bases in your state as well as to your local law enforcement, asking them to stay alert and ready to take decisive action to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law in case signs of an impending covert take-over of the US become more concrete in the coming days.
In particular, I would ask every single facebook member to circulate this letter as widely as possible as soon as possible, to all branches of the US military — army, navy, marine, airforce — and all divisions, all bases, all cadet schools, military newspapers and veteran organizations by making phone calls, sending faxes and emails. Every soldier informed is a soldier is a soldier who will be prepared in case a threat from the UN and WHO to the people of America materialises.

To our fellow Americans in the United States Military,
In Law Enforcement,
And who serve as First Responders,
We have reason to believe that the joint NorthCom counterterrorism exercises commencing on July 27, 2009 in Region VI involving troops from the United Nations, United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Germany and Mexico, may endanger the sovereignty and general welfare of the United States, as well as that of your families and yourselves.
These combined military exercises are a questionable show of force against a terrorist threat that probably actually consists of the UN and its client national governments forcing this military action upon the American people.
Further, these exercises involving UN troops are timed to coincide with a pandemic emergency exercise organized by FEMA, Homeland Security and the World Health Organization (WHO), an agency of the UN.
We are concerned about the intersection of these combined military exercises with what we feel is a spurious declaration by the UN’s World Health Organization (WHO) of a Level 6 pandemic of H1N1 influenza.
We believe this could lead to mandated genocide via lethal mass vaccination of the American people and other peoples of the world, resulting in unprecedented profit for the international bank-based criminal syndicate that presently controls the UN, its WHO, and their client national governments, including that of the United States.
Especially since members of the military are part of the population most at risk for such mandated vaccination programs, as well as being those most likely to have to enforce them, we would appreciate if you would be alert to the activities of Homeland Security and FEMA, federal agencies answerable to the WHO and the UN in the United States, under the International Partnership on Avian and Pandemic Influenza signed by President George W. Bush in November 2005.
This 2005 semi-secret international agreement renders the government of the United States and its relevant laws and statutes, as well as our Constitution and Bill of Rights, subservient to the authority of the United Nations and its World Health Organization.
Both the NorthCom counterterrorism exercises and Homeland Security/FEMA drills will be coordinated by the UN and the WHO respectively, possibly providing the international bank-based controllers of the WHO and UN with an opportunity to covertly take over the our nation and eliminate most of the population of the United States by means of a federally-mandated program of lethal vaccination accompanied by one of federally-mandated detention for those exercising their constitutional right to refuse such vaccinations.
We ask you to stand by the Constitution and the American people at all times and, if necessary, to actively intervene if there are signs that FEMA and Homeland Security units following orders from the UN/WHO are misusing these combined military exercises to begin mass arrests and mass vaccinations.
Thank you for your work in service to your country, and for your consideration.
Your fellow patriot
http://birdflu666. wordpress. com/2009/ 07/25/informatio n-to-be-sent- to-the-us- military- concerned- the-combined- unwho-miiltary- exercise- and-pandemic- drill/


  1. You forgot:

    We would also suggest the forcible vaccination of all monarchs, presidents and politicians and their financial masters before any mass vaccinations of the populations is put into action.

  2. Vaccinations: Deadly Immunity

  3. Aussie troops were not mentioned?? I hear they are using our fellas, or are they not?
    I can find 0 zip zilch here about any o/s excersises, but thatd not surprising I guess.
