Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Yours Truly Gets Interviewed ...

I've been invited for a one-hour interview on Blog Talk Radio, any topics I wish. This will be a great opportunity to plug COTO. They reach 2.6 million listeners.

Should be next Thursday @ 9pm, I'll let everyone know the particulars as soon as I get them.

As a btw, I got on C-SPAN, Washington Journal today, with Rep. Blackheart, oops, I mean Blackburn, same difference, and nailed her with a question she completely ignored. Listeners couldn't help but notice. (I was "Fred" from New Orleans, just before 7amEST - you can catch it on replay)

One of the things us shit-stirrers need to do is find out which of us can gang-up on C-SPAN so when one of us gets through, hopefully another can get on with a follow-up so we can really corner these bastards and not let them get away with their bullshit.

This just in: particulars: Date: June 18, 9:00pm EST: site: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/DreamCatcherEntertainment/2009/06/19/Mike-DiBari-talks-to-Blogtalks-DreamCatcher-Entertainment-#


  1. Nice work as usual M. That's millions of listeners who could have heard about "the other site" had that site not been so opressive with our dissenting viewpoints. Now these listeners will hear about COTO.

    You ought to be proud M. I do know that many of the sheople at "the other site" loathed COTO. They remind me of a couple of children I grew up with, who would put their hands over their eyes and lament "You can't see me!"

    I have no time for credulous or ignorant people. Such as my neighbor, who hates unions. We spoke of the GM bankruptcy tonight and I alluded to the plant that GM intends to build or is building in Brazil. As usual this neighbor (a republican) blamed it all on the unions. He didn't want to hear about GM's managment, who for years were raking in MILLIONS and MILLIONS in bonuses. No, it was all the unions falt.

    Yet another one of the ignorant sheople who've been blinded by the Right.

    And I didn't even want to begin to explain to him that there's neither a Left or Right. Besides, he doesn't believe anything he reads on the Net. Unless it's coming from Fox noise or ABC etc. then it isn't true. What's most sad is that there are MILLIONS just like this neighbor all over America.

  2. Mr M AKA Fred


    Good job. Hope you mention your good friends in COTO.

    Good idea about C-Span

    Give them hell


  3. if6turnedouttobeneinJune 2, 2009 at 9:52 PM

    Wow! When are you going to let it rest? Maybe when rk agrees the Israel's are in the wrong?

  4. S-W-E-E-T...

    I'll be listening!

  5. What are you talking about?

  6. Mr M. I had the station send me a reminder for the 18th so I don't miss it :)
