Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, June 29, 2009
The wholesale looting of America and the transfer of wealth and power over to a private banking elite who are setting up a world government, along with the complete obliteration of any remaining freedom to protest, resist, or even speak out against this agenda, is now entering its final phase as numerous different pieces of the jigsaw puzzle fall into place and portray a clear picture of tyranny.
Read more here
Sorry but S.909 happens to be one I'm with. I see that as the only way to shut the pieholes of Rush Limbaugh, Bill O'Reiley, Ann Coulter and the rest of the Right Wing nutjobs who take it upon themselves to rally their zombie followers into violent crimes like the murder of Dr. Tiller
ReplyDeleteI totally hear you, JG. What I mention is the silver lining but at a price. If nothing else, I've learned from two different governments, on opposite sides of the spectrum who are both exactly the same, is that every time they come out with something, they really have an ulterior motive behind it and you can rest assured that they'll stick it to the people. Remember, everything the US is pulling, I already lived. There are no surprises for me here!
ReplyDeleteAmen Sister! Now let us pray ! lol
ReplyDeleteHa, Joisy Goil! Are you ever barking up the wrong habit!
ReplyDeleteI've been known to do my share of preying but praying? so much...
Sister, I went thru 12 years of catholic school and hated every minute of it. In fact, your habit looks like that of our discipline nuns in high school... Sisters of Mercy of which they showed me NONE ! lol
ReplyDeleteI have to say, the best part of going to mass was trading holy cards like baseball cards.. I'll give you my sacred heart for your blessed mother.. lol Oh and I had some pretty cool crystal rosary beads that sparkled real purty when the sun shone through the stained glass windows on them. ;)
I do hear them Catholic nuns can be real tough. Thank god I didn't grow up with religion - not sure that Communism was much better tho...
ReplyDeleteSo what's new.
There are a series of bills being passed that will benefit only the Elite and will cost the masses much. Let's rally,, that always works. Let's send letters and call our congressmen,,, they really do care what we think. I'm sorry, prayer would be a better option.
I'm sorry but I've come to the belief that we sat on our fat, STUPID, asses for far too long and now there's only one language that will reach into the soft hearts of the elite and out chickenshit politicians; Fear!
QW did this. Our vote may have counted in 1968 but now, buy a lottery ticket. You stand a bettewr chance of living an equitable life.
Understand this; No One Cares. They want most of us dead, do you really think they care what we want. It's like asking the condemned man ifhe has any last words. Yada yada yada yada.
This will not be solved with words, votes, petiitions, talk or rallies. I am so sorry but this is how far we've come. Get used to it. The germans had to. Well, along with the rest of the world.
ReplyDeleteI keep saying this: we need to take to the streets with our pots and pans - like the Argentinians - and kick their corrupt asses out of office and into the streets (or better yet, send them to Guantanamo) and take matters into our own hands. But good luck to anyone that accomplish that feat!
"If we don't believe in freedom of expression for people we despise, we don't believe in it at all." Chomsky
ReplyDeleteand from what I see and have seen is that the only way thats ever worked is a MASS a HUGE MASS of angry and deternined people in Numbers that simply cannot be handled,
ReplyDeletethat Law of 6 degrees stuff, everyone knows someone who knows military people, police, whatever, they !! are the ones we need to reach out to, and ask them the hard questions. like: there is a crowd of thousands outside senate, your family may be among them, in fact they WILL be because they care about the rotten state of OUR world, would you really be happy to fire into that crowd??
for what our corrupt politicos tell you is illegal right to protest at bad lawmaking...
did you think that china and Tienamin was a good thing?
do you think that there is a HUGE similarity to Amerika now, and Communist regimes.
and boy howdy is there ever!!! a whole lot of exact examples there...
maybe pointing that? out would be a good thing!
it really is scary how a Democracy is becoming so communist in its forced law civillian control etc... they! tell and we jump...
uh uh.
ReplyDeleteI've done this already and you will not like the answer. I have a casual friend who's a cop. Nice guy and very confused on the issues (confused in a good way as he's beginning to question the system). Every time I run into him, I make sure and spend about an hour bringing him up to speed, I also have him on my e-mail list and send him as much as I can (not sure how successful I'm being with that since the guy has to work a bunch of jobs just to make ends meet). Anyway, right before the infamous Tea Parties, I talked to him and asked for his opinion on the matter. He said "they are not happy." I played dumb & asked him, "who are they"? He said "you know, the higher ups, the powers that be..." Huh! So, I explained to him how they had gone against the crowds at the G-8 Summit and actually killed people something which was never addressed by the corporate media (later on, I provided him with the videos, news & other sources to back this up). So, he said to me, with an awful look of sadness on his face, "well, I'm one of those, you know? I've already been issued my riot gear and have instructions on what to do."
And there you go it! That's Joe Schmoe! They have their instructions and they know what to do. Whether they like it or not, whether they agree or not, they do it. Obey, obey, obey...
You guys are very confident that something will happy and that people will wake up and revolt and that change is in the wings. I hate to be the pessimist in the group but nothing is going to change. People will do nothing. Nobody will rebel. Nothing will happen. I lived a much, much more surversive situation than this for 21 years of my life. Anything that I can relate to you will pale in comparision with anything that you can image and people just took it. Nobody and I mean, nobody, did a thing. The only hope, the only solution, the only action was to hop on a raft, take to the ocean and hope that you arrived on US shores. Yes, I do envision that soon, people will be doing exactly the same thing and hoping that they make it to Cuba.
Sometimes, we need to cut our noses to spite our faces...
ReplyDeleteIn this case, it's totally irrelevant, however, since they can do and say anything they damn please but, us, the dissenters...well, not so much. At least that way, we'll all be even!
Sister, I just bet you are right.
ReplyDeleteand I would hope differently but the prior history of the world tells me it happens but rarely.
we never learn and history repeats.
so much for our supposed developing intelligence with our larger brains..
If I slip occasionally and seem to think things might be saved before it really turns to smelly brown stuff.
remind me again.
Concerning humankind ,Optimism is a bit much I guess.
ReplyDeleteOur brains may be larger but that only means that we have more room to cram things like religion, shoe styles, American Idol and the like in there.
Yet, as you say, once in a century, a group of people see the light and do what they have to do like the Argentinians in 1992 (gawd those people are my heroes!). However, none of that will ever happen in the US of Oil. I've never seen conditioning, brainwashing and apathy like in this society. It's painful to watch! Still, I feel it's my moral duty - and perhaps my quest in this world to inform others - and, alas! every once in a while, I do find me a receptive ear and I can turn someone around and show them the truth. As a matter of fact, I happened early this morning, in the oddest of places and ways so I think my quota for the month is filled (I'll be writing about that later on, I think).
My motto in life is "hope for the best but prepare for the worst." You can be as hopeful and optimistic as you want but just don't count on'll be bitterly dissapointed!
Sometimes I wake and forget what world I live in. I try to go back to sleep and catch the dream again. It, the dream, made no sense at all but at least it was mine. I usually knew everyone there and for some reason, no matter the dream, I always woke happy. I met with friends, saw new things, expanded my unconsciousness.
ReplyDeleteThen reality sets in. I understand then that no matter how convoluted, how nonsensical my sleep may have been it was pure clarity compared to the orderly, lawful world we superior beings had created for all life to adhere.MY dreams made sense because they weren't supposed to. The world makes no sense at all because we are in control. Wouldn't this mean that we have no sense?
I think of my loving family who would lead the way to light the conflagration which would save their investments. "Hey Uncle, how is that portfolio post-bush, anyhow?" I think of my cop friends and that special pig of the sister's who, although they know the left is right they also know that they'll blow their brothers brains out on a wall when the money talks. When did his brain turn to mud? School? The first real connection to the outside world, where we're told just what is right and wrong? Those fuckin Indians just scalped and murdered all of those poor puritans who were only trying to show them the way of the lord,, and take over their land. All of those christian crusaders, fighting to spread christianity even if they had to kill every mouthafucka on earth to do it. How come the Buddhists never murdered people into believing? Well, it's all ok, we still have muslims to pick up where the other murderers left off. They left off?
When I wake and my dreams seem like a better place than reality I know, I will suffer my depression for the day. Not a pill, not a stick, nothing will bring me around. There is one thing, I've been waiting for it since 1963. It would be a news flash. A rockefeller has had his head blown off, film at 11, and the masses have taken to igniting wal marts and the army and national guard have all taken smart pills and they stand back smoking joints. And I load my rifles and take to the streets with my book of matches to find a rothschild and a 7-11 and make my dreams come true. And then I wake up, and take a pill, and read some more, and write some more and smoke a joint and read some more, trying to understand how everyone has become so ignorant and I, the little catholic boy, have become so hateful and when will it end and I always already know so I take another pill and lie on my back and close my eyes and go to the world, my world, where nothing makes sense but at least I understand it.
Peter! Down, boy, down! He he...
ReplyDeleteI totally can relate. On my way to work, there's a big wooded area I pass everyday (part of a national park with historic sites and such). Anyway, the road that goes thru is very windy and dark because of the tall trees around it. I'm usually on the road by myself because it's so early in the morning. It's at that point that it hits me: this is not real! This is fake! It's bullshit! If I step into those trees, it will all disappear and won't be here when I come out. This is not real, this is not reality. This is only the reality they have created for us, what they want us to believe. Just like the matrix! For whatever it's worth, once you cross that line and you step on the other side, you can ever go back! Then I look around me at all the idiots, raising and rush to and from, to work where they'll leave their last drop of sweat, blood and dignity - and even pee these days - so that they can get back in that car which they don't own and go to a home that they don't own either where they can plop in a front of a tv that's going to send out killer brain waves while they drink their Bud Light in a can and eat rubber food....and they start all over again the next day...And they're so happy to do it...or are they?
When it all gets to me too much, I pack and go camping. No lights, no radio, no computer, no tv, no people, no bathrooms, no showers...just me in my tent in the middle of the woods. That's my joint, my Prozac, my Valium, my six-pack of Bud Light. Somehow, I've always thought that I'll end up my life as a hermit, living in a cave on a high mountain, just me and the forrest animals...
I can't wait!
ReplyDeleteit's raining here in orlando and I love the rain but it washes away the foolish notion that all will be ok and i have a tendency to reflect (not healthy) on the past 50 years and it makes me wonder why I ever stopped doing smack.
My most valuable coping skill is to never, ever think about the past. What's the point?