Saturday, June 20, 2009

Public Enemy #1 - The FED

Cessnadive copy

posted in april on OPN - In honor of the Michaels on Blog Talk Radio

Not since the assassination of Congressman Larry McDonald–when the International Banking Cartel decided to murder the 290 passengers aboard KAL flight 007 over Soviet airspace and the coverup after as to the reason why–has the issue not escaped Americans.

Just as former Senator John Tower and his daughter were among 23 persons murdered on April 5, 1991 when the twin-engine commuter plane they were aboard crashed while trying to land at an airport in Brunswick, GA–and the death of Senator John Heinz and six other people were killed on the previous day of April 4, 1991.

Heinz’s death occurred when a Bell 412 helicopter collided with the Senator’s Piper Aerostar plane over Merion Elementary School in Lower Merion Township, Pennsylvania. All aboard the two aircraft and two first-grade girls playing outside the school were killed. The helicopter had been dispatched to check out a problem with the landing gear of Heinz’s plane. While moving in for a closer look, the helicopter’s rotor blades struck the bottom of the plane, causing both aircraft to lose control and crash.

These two Senators, who had seats on the Senate banking and Finance Committees, were involved with the Council on Foreign Relations. Their deaths coincide with the efforts of McDonald and during June, 1989, the battle, waged at the state level, had once again reached Congress.

Representative Henry Gonzalez of Texas, introduced House Resolution 1469, calling for the abolition of the Open Market Committee of the Federal Reserve System. He also introduced House Resolution 1470, calling for the repeal of the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. During the same session, Representative Phil Crane of Illinois, introduced H.R. 70, calling for an annual audit of the Federal Reserve, none of which ever made it to daylight.

Along with the death of Charles Lindbergh’s son, the poisoning of Louis McFadden, JKF and RFK and several other IBC assassinations, efforts to get to the heart of the Fed and it’s total corruption have been met with resistance.

Today, we can without hesitation make a stand to force our pathetic legislators to sponsor H. Res 1207 and get the accountability and action we have been denied for too many years. Ron Paul’s legislation HR 1207, The Federal Reserve Transparency Act, is gaining support. HR 1207 has 91 co-sponsors and real potential to pass – BUT only if we educate and rally the people to support it and get our Congresspeople to put it to vote and pass it.

click here and type in your zip code to see if your Congressman is a supporter. Please send this as fax or email.


  1. I do not feel sanguine regarding any motivations of politicians (owned) to respond to citizen concerns. But I'll send it anyway.

  2. I feel that way too Richard. I think of it as strictly a way to re-identify myself to the miscreant swine and remind them to make sure I am on their blue list.

  3. Thanks for the reminder Patrick.

    I agree with both of you. I still sign all the petitions and make the calls even though I'm a total cynic. I just figure we have to let them know we are out there whether they listen to us or not... the bastards.

    Good article going over the "hits" on congressmen who refuse to tow the line. I believe the new phrase is "wellstoned."

  4. The solution is no longer ( nor has it been for many years) in the written word.
    You cannot compromise with murderous thieves, they've made that perfectly clear.
    The only way to defeat them is far to dangerous to discuss.
    Our Constitution, Bill of Rights, our Freedoms, all are illussions for the masses, I think that we all know better.
    There are only two things that these people are passionate about; Power and Life (theirs)
    The only avenue of recourse that is ours is through their Power because their power is Money. We can safely hurt them through boycott and spending cuts. They may get the point.
    The only other recourse is not for the general population, it would take very special tactics to get that point across. Unfortunately, I believe that course of action would be the most effective and I'm quite sure that there are those out there who understand this and will, eventually, take action. Unfortunately, these cretins have brought this on themselves. They have demonstrated that the way to stay your course is to take out the barriers. "Those who live by the sword......"
    There are no innocents in the Elites. The blood of thousands and the welfare of millions is on their hands. When the time comesI won't shed a tear.

  5. Inquiring minds wanna know: How exactly can we make our pathetic legislators do anything? I thought the bail out was all the proof we needed that the people's opinion - no matter how strong and unanimous - doesn't count?

    I dunno about you but I, for one, am sick and tired of writing to my Congresshores and getting back some insulting form e-mail which I wouldn't even use as toilet paper for fear that it will corrupt my precious ass.
