Just what is going on with Obama's health care policy?
I found this video at infowars.com. I'm not sure what panel this is (medpac?) since it's not mentioned on AJ's site or on LaRouche's. Anton Chaitkin makes some chilling points regarding the administration's health care policy. Note the hasty retreat Ezekial Emanuel (Rahm's brother) makes so as not to answer Mr. Chaitkin's questions. I'll definitely be doing more research on this subject. Here is some info about Anton Chaitkin from Wiki.
Yea Rady, kill yourself. But does the govt have the right to decide who should live or die according to how cost effective your treatment is to the govt or the insurance company? That's the point being made here.
ReplyDeletebtw.. that didn't come out right. I didn't mean for you to "kill yourself' ! lol
ReplyDeleteI'm with you on the right to die issue. Just as with abortion, my body, my choice. However, I don't want the govt or the insurance company making that decision for me. There is a huge difference there. I think that's what Chaitken is referring to.
ReplyDeleteI don't know his personal opinion of a person's right to choose to die. I think his opposition at this meeting is what I just stated. Like I said, I have to do a lot more research on this. I just saw this and wanted to share it and get input.
Vast numbers of people are already neglected and untreated by our so-called health system. Estimates are that at least 18,000 die each year due to denial of treatment and neglect.
ReplyDeleteAny system has to deal with people who try to push their way to the head of the line. They expect to get special treatment- in effect to be paid to go away. There is nothing wrong with triage procedures which put these folks back down the line where they belong. Or frankly which may deny expensive end-of-life care to some who get a couple extra days out of it and in the process drain resources away from everyone else.
Such procedures and systems need to be controlled by the people and providers- not politicians or bureaucrats! You're right on target Rady: top-down is what we have now and it's a killing machine.
Depopulation is not sourced with Obama. He is merely bringing out an old plan which is actually carved in stone:
The rulers of this world have made this decision long ago and only now are really beginning to implement it.
Just for the record, R.C. Christian is a metaphor for Rosicrucian Christian, or Rose Croix Christian, not to be confused with Roman Catholic Christian.
I firmly believe they will forcibly reduce the world's population with diseases created inside laboratories paid for by our own tax dollars which are being used against us.
This is not about right to die advocacy, and I don't think the speaker here, Anton Chaitkin, is conflating the two.
ReplyDeleteWhat he said in the beginning of his testimony, is that the withdrawal of funding for medical care is causing people to chose Iatric euthanasia as per the design of the plan. These are not people who's lives have become less than livable because of inoperable illness per se, but rather because the Obama healthcare plan is going to refuse them the treatments that they need simply because they cost too much money.
What he said is this, referring to Emanuel's Hastings Institute participation...
"They shape public opinion and the medical profession to accept a "death culture" such as the Washington state law, passed in Nov., to let physicians help kill patients whose medical care is now rapidly being withdrawn in the "universal" health disaster."
What he is talking about is the direct causal relationship of the pulling of funds, and not the validity of the persons right to terminate their own life on their own terms.
At least, that is how I understand what he is talking about.
All policies can be subverted. The proposed reduction in Medicare and Medicaid payments are one way that might be done to push the poor and middle class out of the health care system.
ReplyDeleteMost of the efforts right now are trying to repair the current system- when what we need to do is throw it all out and start over. The Insurance/Pharma lobbyists are busy trying to control the debate. Only citizens can make it clear that an expensive inefficient for-profit system is unacceptable. Write those dunces in DC and tell them what you want!
If they don't do it, Mother Nature eventually will. Crowded populations are a set-up for disease. While it's a natural phenom I wouldn't put it past some sociopathic scum to try to control the event or even cause one.
ReplyDeletePopulations that don't have first world healthcare are stronger and more viable- because the weak die off. And population growth is also kept in balance that way. In some ways our very "advantages" are destroying us.
Rady, to them being humane is not an issue. Some of the diseases that kill, kill in cruel ways. They do not seem to care. And I would not want to be at that table to decide who lives and who dies.
ReplyDeleteThe way I see it working would be along these lines... in each country of the world there is an elite ruling group. They all seem to work together behind the scenes in groups like Bilderberger, etc.
When the time comes, these rulers will have created a bag full of deadly diseases and they will more than likely have the vaccine or cure for it retained for only themselves.
The only real problem with their plan is that there are some wildcard countries out there doing exactly the same thing. (SARS is a perfect example coming out of China.) If one of those wildcard countries like China or even Iran suspect that another enemy nation has indeed turned loose a deadly disease they are not protected from, then they may let loose one of more of their own just to retaliate.
Humankind went through a cold war period of fear of nuclear eradication and today we are entering into a far more dangerous era of germ warfare. Countries can not exactly get away with using nukes around the globe without being identified, but how are you going to source out the germs?
Africa seems like a good place for them to play around with and that is exactly what they have been doing using anthrax for one. We ship DOD anthrax to mercenaries in Africa who use it on native populations to wipe them out so big business can take their natural resources without resistance. And the mercenaries are protected from the anthrax with CIPRO.
When 911 occurred, former President George Bush was put on CIPRO the day of the 9/11 while the anthrax "leak" did not happen until weeks later. Seems like someone at the top knew it was coming just to keep the fear level up there.
Judicial Watch.org use to host on line the federal lawsuit paperwork about this very subject.
I think whoever is going to die won't be of the ruling elite plain and simple. And yes, you are probably right, racism will play into it big time as well as religion.
Recently I read a story where Israel had isolated a gene in Iraqi's that is unique to them so that Israel can design some sort of an addressable disease just for them.
The sad truth is that anyone can do this kind of deadly germ development in a trailer anywhere in the world. The vaccines are another story. That takes experimenting and subjects such as our military in Desert Storm.
We are definitely heading off into uncharted dangerous waters with germ warfare. It can get out of control very quickly and could eradicate the human population faster and more effective than any nukes ever could.
After a super-volcano exploded about 75,000 years ago, the human gene pool was so reduced that we are all quite closely related today. Some of what you suggest is more suited for the Sci-Fi channel.
ReplyDeleteThe administration's health care plan has everything to do with keeping the insurance companies in business and little to do with getting better health care to all americans.
ReplyDeleteSingle payer is the ONLY way to go if you are truly serious about getting good health care to all americans. Leave the friggin insurance companies OUT!
I think he sounds a lot more sane than a bunch of elitists sitting at a table and deciding who should live or die based on how much profit can be made off of the patient.
ReplyDeleteFringe? Maybe.. but so are we. I actually like what I"ve read about the man. When he speaks of nazis & Hitler he knows what he's talking about. His father was the legal counsel and strategist for the boycott against Nazi Germany carried on by the American Jewish Congress in the 1930s.
Hitler euthanized the old, the handicapped and we know where it went from there. This wasn't assisted suicide. This was extermination of the weak.
I have a different viewpoint on health care, as in Aus every single person is able to access ANY care needed. Dental is a little slower and controlled by the clique. Optical is a free check up every year if you want it, and the govt will provide (ugly) frames at about 40$ as opposed to 200 standard commercial prices.
ReplyDeleteIn 1997 I came down with some weird disease, I spent many weeks in hospital, many tests drugs whatever, my bill? none. ongoing 6 years of gold jabs, blood tests monthly etc.
All my ongoing medications were a flat rate $5.80 per script. I dont care if it is labelled brand or generic.
How do we pay for it?
Every working person pays a small 1.5% or earned wages to a central fund every week, it works!
Private funds offer, at Usurious prices the option for Private hosp. private surgeons, and
supposedly" better treatment, in truth having had that in the past, I find little difference.
Make the Government option the base line for fees and charges, make the privates an option, but NOT the first choice
Your companies have pushed costs and inflated service fees to the maximum they can, because they can! ours are scrutinised and controlled, we have a base rate for a service, and if you are working, the govt approved fee is covered by your wage payment to Medicare, any Difference the company charges is met by you...so...people soon learn who! is ripping them off, and word spreads.
The USA pharmas who have sway and have stymied generic and imported ( which BTW they make)drugs, from being supplied to those who have less are the Biggest cause of people being unable to take the scripted meds.
personally alternatives are safer cheaper and better.grape seed for 40 or statins for 100+??
There are some surgeons here and in britian who have said they will refuse to operate on smokers...and obese people.
they! are playing god. and need to be addressed, ok if you have emphysema/cirrhosis and are on a transplant list, stopping the smokes and drink is a must, and yes others may also need the organs, but for other ops? uh uh. surgeons are there to do their job, and are paid, regardless. as it should be.
If survival of the fittest was the rule, then a huge amount of the First world pops would be on the "gone" list.
the issues behind it all are COST..and again the pharmas and medical instrument suppliers are the ones that need bringing into line with reality.
I cannot believe the massive fees charged just for a bed in your hospitals, what do they have, gold plated loos?
The running costs and justification for the charges levied are a good place to start looking.
No Way! will they ever admit to the sheer greed and inefficiency that rules the supposed health "care" system.
when basic nutrition is neglected, people get sick.
yet basic nutrition is ignored, because sick people earn more money for pharmas. and keep stupid doctors in lucrative businesses.
The AMA is an old boys club. sad to say i see some naturopathic people are also charging massive fees on par with Gp charges. this also needs addressing.
Iatrogenic Death is the largest killer of americans EVERY year! correctly taken prescribed Pharma drugs..... what was that about euthanasia????
when you know that genetically there is around a 50% chance the drug will not work, or work differently for you? which is why so many people have worked through 5 or more similar products to find one that does work..with the least side effects. maybe?
When 4 meds in a row had me thinking death was preferable, my student intern accused me, of non compliance...if going blind, mouth and internal skin peeling off, severe asthma(i am not asthmatic) and heart pains were the result, yes you could say stopping taking what was obviously harming me was "non compliant:-)"
I also call it sane.
look to sweden/finland/ australia etc for a better way to run health care.
I've learned by personal experience that if you want to stay healthy or to recover quicker, then the first thing you do is avoid doctors. And if you want to keep your teeth, rather than contribute them to the Ambitious Dentists' Benevolent Fund, then you similarly avoid dentists like the plague. - "Your first visit is for them to befriend you; your second is for them to MAKE work".
ReplyDeleteIn today's more-than-somewhat tawdry world, monetary greed rules. And if you don't take long away-ward steps, its consequences rule you.
I can't say that applies here in Germany and I can personally attest to the idea of it being wrong to collect a number of ailements over a longer period of time by avoiding Doctors & Dentists. Sooner or later, you have to go. And if I'm paying for it anyway, with universal health care or what's left of it, why not go when it hurts? Yes, it's good to keep those Doctors visits to a minimum but no, it's wrong to stay away alltogether.
ReplyDeleteI think your analysis in this comment of the situation (in the vid) and generally, is spot on.
ReplyDeleteWe already pay for "health" care for everyone, since the costs of ER visits etc for the uninsured get rolled into insurance costs, hospital charges etc. It is just done in the most inhumane and inefficient way.
ReplyDeleteAll the BS right now about costs is an attempt to confuse the debate. We pay the most and get damn near the least for any industrialized nation.
We appear to have enshrined the parasites. All those industries not directly involved in providing care should butt out. And Pharma should be reined in by having their advertising expenses made NOT tax deductable- they can spend all they want, it just must come directly out of profits. Also publicly funded research should be licensed to drug makers and not given away free for them to profiteer on......why should the public pay twice?
We have bloated brokers and vampire industries in every area of American life. Since we make or do very little that is real anymore, life has become a long succession of bites taken out of the most vulnerable. No wonder vampire flics are in! They are the true icon for modern America.
Amen Sister Laudy !!!!