Sunday, June 14, 2009

Mousavi Lost: He Insulted the People of Iran and Wasn’t Supported by Khamenei

by Scott Creighton

It’s hard to get real info out of Iran right now that isn’t tainted by Burson-Marsteller spin. TalkingPointsMemo is actually running a story saying that the neocons supported Ahmadinejad. This of course, flies in the face of the fact that the neocons have been running “pro-democracy” reformist political groups inside Iran for years now.

But the idea of the spin is simple; take the one group all the progressives hate, and get them to stand up for the guy in Iran who is anti-Western capitalism, and thereby condemning him by association.  Just do it fast enough so that no one has time to do any real research into the matter to find out who Mousavi really is and what he stands for.

Of course the neocons/DLC don’t want Ahmadinejad to win. They would rather have the door  to the great bounty of wealth in Iran opened up by the reformist candidate from the inside, rather than having to kick it open in an all-out war right now with our armed services already strained on two other fronts Iraq and Afghanistan.

The notion that the neocons want Ahmadinejad to win so they will have to engage in another bloody conflict with a country that is a member of the  SCO with China… is retarded.

Ahmadinejad won a great deal of respect from the people of Iran by standing up to the great Western powers of the U.S., Israel, and Great Briton.  Mousavi certainly didn’t win any points with a large part of the population in the recent televised debates when he went after this strength of the current president by insulting the whole of Iran.

After he did that, Khamenei spoke out publicly against Mousavi’s critisism. That was probably the end of Mousavi’s chances.
The Iranians have been humiliated around the globe since you have been elected. I truly feel sorry for them,” Mousavi said.

Former prime minister Mir Hossein Mousavi accused President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad of causing instability in Iran with “adventurism, heroics, and extremism.” The hard-line president had “undermined the dignity of our nation” with his caustic anti-West, anti-Israel and Holocaust-denying remarks, he added… CAC

This is not a great way to win over the Iranian vote….
Iran’s Supreme leader said on Thursday the Islamic Republic’s “honor” in the world should not be questioned, in an apparent criticism of reformers challenging President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in this month’s election.

Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei spoke a day after a leading moderate rival accused the conservative president of humiliating the nation by adopting “extremist” foreign policies.

…  Khamenei has in the past praised Ahmadinejad’s handling of the nuclear issue and last month called on Iranians to back an anti-Western candidate, without mentioning any names.

The honor of our nation today is reflected in the world,” Khamenei said in a televised speech to mark the 20th anniversary of the death of his predecessor Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini.

I do not accept the sayings of those who imagine that our nation has become belittled in the world because of its commitment to its principles … this path will continue until final victory,” he said.  Reuters

The fact is, even though they are showing a bunch of young republican types parading down the streets in Iran, anti-Western sentiment is high in Iran. Here is a guy who came out and said he felt sorry for Iran because they weren’t friendlier to western business… and Israel.

Once Mousavi said that and then was condemned by Khamenei for saying it, of course he was going to lose.  And lose he did.


  1. It's hard to know what really happened. But one thing is very clear, the US is delighted to see the government of Iran destabilized to this degree. It's much better for the policies of predation to have them in confusion than to have either one of the candidates convincingly elected.

  2. OpEd News and Rob Kall are jumping right on the bandwagon. several stories promoted to the top with headlines like...

    "The Islamic Republic Might be Dead"

    "US/Israeli Neocons Celebrate Ahmadinejad Victory as Iran Burns"

    "Fallout from Iran Election"

    If you check, many of these stories on OpEd News are just reposts straight from DailyKos and Huffington Post.

    In fact, Andrew Sullivans site is prominent in many of them as a resource. Andrew Sullivan's site is the one that I show in an earlier article as quoting the Stratfor (Shadow CIA) site as the source of the intel.

  3. Seems every year about this time I wind up saying this, "... it's going to be one "hot" summer ...".

    I wish I knew more to make an intelligent assessment, but my first reaction is to ask how, when our own elections are so corrupted, are we to have any authority questioning their elections?

    Sure, maybe they're both corrupt?

    Purple thumbs, under guns, okay ...

    our enemy de' jour' elections?

    maybe another day ...

    I tend to believe that the Powers-that-be have contingencies for both scenario's, and that this one was the most likely.

    The tension is only going to intensify. Any one, or any number of incidents in that region at this time could set in motion events that would be unstoppable.

    I didn't believe obama when he was over in Mid-East promoting peace ... why should I?

    Like battered women in a bad relationship, those that were suckered into Obamamania, refuse to face truth, and believe that he'll change, given just one more chance.

    Well, for all those in denial, there are no more chances. Used-up. Gone. No more. All-l-l-l gone ... ".

    And if anyone can point out just one thing this administration has done that is progressive to COTO standards of progressive, please enlighten me ...

    ... and would someone please enlighten me as to why they have a "Supreme Leader" and we have a mere "president?" Or why I should trust anyone that calls themselves "supreme" anything, outside of them being a singing group, chief, or a hooker?

    Time to check perimeters and prepare to take positions.

    Yes, I still believe it's going to be one hot-as-hell summer.
