Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Illuminati 101

Not finding much on this author, but this is a pretty good article to give those that are entering the realm of what we're up against to read.

I can agree with 90% of what he's saying.




  1. HA! Not unless you're an agent working for them (?) ... hm-m ... you're certainly clever enough ... ah-Ha!

    That's it! You're here to defuse COTO's power to influence the masses!

    Let's see if you can find the 10% I don't totally agree with ...

  2. Bingo ... that's where he lost me too ... but the rest is fairly good. Especially the letter from Pike. I've read that before, but it's always interesting to ponder.

    Are all editors perfectionists by nature? (I debated using "anal" instead of "perfectionist", but I've seen you in attack mode before, so I thought I'd not go there.)

  3. You guys must have gotten farther than I did. I got to this...

    "...will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer..."

    Where the Christians wipe out the atheists, and are then (of course) converted to Satanism....

    uh... and we have this posted here... why? Yes, the Illuminati exist, but uhhh, no.... they don't worship Satan and sacrifice babies.... thanks....

    But lets talk more about the lesbians.

  4. Purr...Dr. Stangelove Gustav Jungle book; The Shadow is everything in us that is unconscious, repressed, undeveloped and denied.
    Dark rejected aspects of our being as well as light, Purrr... there is positive undeveloped potential in the Shadow and confrontation with the Shadow is essential for self awareness.
    " Luke, I am your father " -
    Hussein Obama sin Laden ....purrrr

  5. I've been onto the Illuminati & the Secret Societies for a long time. Anyone here ever read "Cosmic Conspiracy" by Stan Deyo, published circa 1978? I even have in my files passenger manifest lists of all those who watched the A-bombs go off from airplanes flying over Bimini in the early 50s. It's a veritable who's who of the MIC back then.

  6. Willy - I got an article in the works inspired by something I came across today...


    ... one story is about my gay/lesbian ducks. So stay tuned.

  7. Exactly, whether Lucifer is real or not, really doesn't matter, the fact they believe he exists does. The same can be said for God. The power of belief alone can be enough to give these sociopaths reason for their actions.

    No one can deny that those we're up against are evil and their power is enough to make good people go bad. The irrationality of those in power can't be attributed to greed and stupidity alone.

    For the most part I'm pragmatic and a realist, but there are things that happen that go beyond explanation and that can't be rationally explained. How do you get a group of otherwise seemingly sane people to dress in robes in the middle of the woods, perform mock sacrificial (real?) murders, and have orgies without some external force acting upon them?

  8. "The Illuminati do worship a being they call Lucifer..."

    You are suggesting that Rockefeller and Rothchild... worship Satan? And you know this... How?

    "Whether or not these people are sons of the “fallen ones” or not, who knows."

    You are suggesting that not only is it possible that there is a "Satan" but that these ruling elites may in fact... be their spawn? Satan Spawn?

    Satan Spawn? Is that what COTO is about?

  9. You are quoting BOOKS written by people who want to sell their BOOKS... that doesn't make them "facts".

    David Icke, a man who I now respect at least SOME of his work, wrote BOOKS about the "LIZARD PEOPLE or REPTILIANS" who lived inside the core of the earth and ran around sticking hoses on the end of drills and thus creating our dependence on OIL..

    That was also in a BOOK... didn't make it a FACT...

    Also found in BOOKS are various stories about APOLLO and ZEUS... those are very old BOOKS... doesn't make them FACTS...

    The 9/11 Commission Report is available as a BOOK... how many FACTS are found in it?

    The facts that are present are, there are many extremely wealthy and politically connected families that are using their vast resources to push for a policy of global dominance which they call "globalization" so that it is more easily palatable for the billions of soon-to-be serfs all across this planet.

    What religion they belong to is irrelevant. Jewish, Christian, Atheist, Hindu... their religion is power, absolute, total, complete power. Pretending to know what religion these bastards ascribe to would be like pretending to know what foot-powder they prefer... you simply don't know, and what's more, it doesn't matter.

    Insinuating that the may actually be the spawn of Satan is, uh how do I put this?, detrimental to the credibility of the rest of the effort.

  10. Again Barbara, spot on.

  11. Willy, what COTO is about is up for grabs. We're an eclectic group with similar beliefs, understandings and visions, and certainly strong willed individualists, some of whom stretch bounds of credulity. To speculate on the "why" of Illuminati actions doesn't seem to me to be too far a stretch.

    It is without a doubt that occult symbolism is all over ruling classes landscape. Ritualism too is openly displayed. These people are into something that wouldn't stand the light of day should it come out before their liking. Be it Satan worship, or whatever. But there certainly is enough evidence, written in their own words, to speculate on them being part of something as sinister as worshiping Lucifer, real or imagined.

    Hell, I'm still trying to figure out how people can worship the God(s) that are in the open, let alone ones they may worship behind the scenes.

    People use all sorts of justifications for the atrocities they commit. I see no reason why they wouldn't use a satanic one to justify their heinous crimes.

    If billions of people can believe in a God of Love, the opposite should also be true. And if you were in a position of immense power, and you got there through using methods that were anything but benign, it might stand to reason that you would attribute your success to a deity that you wouldn't want known to the general public for the very fact that it would expose you as the fraud you'd be.

    So in that sense, what they believe does matter. One would think that if Bohemia Grove alone were exposed that a great deal of the ruling elite would crumble if the masses were to find out that their leaders prance around naked under robes, chanting themselves into a frenzy, while they bow to a God named Moloch. And all this is documented fact.

    Would it be too far a stretch than to speculate that they would also be inclined to worship Lucifer?

    I mean if people can be made to believe that the world is only 6,000 years old, and was made in 7 days by a God that sits above us in the sky watching everything we do, they can believe anything.

  12. "Whether or not these people are sons of the “fallen ones” or not, who knows. "

    Your words, not mine.

    "Are you quoting OEN?"

    I see... that makes me what? An agent? No I don't "quote OEN". I called that asshole Rob Kall out long ago... something, to my knowledge, you have yet to do. Have you been banned from OEN yet?

    "and subscribe to the Fahrenheit 451 theory that all books are bad..."

    Book burning? Is that what I am into?

    I have done a great deal of "research"into the matter, thank you very much. So much so, that I can honestly tell you that the idea that the red-scaly devil, with a pitch-fork, and a tail, having been the father of the Illuminati members is one of the most supremely ridiculous suggestions that I have ever heard... next to the Lizard People...

    Now, if Rady can ridicule this article because of it's misogynistic attitudes toward women without being attacked (and rightly so), I think I have the right to suggest it's reference to Satan Spawn is at least equally ridiculous.

  13. What happened at Bohemian Grove was a ritual. A custom. It's called the Cremation of Care.

    When an atheist puts his hand on a bible in court, does that make him a Christian? No. He is performing a ritual. He is conforming to the custom of the environment.

    The Cremation of Care ceremony is indeed troubling. But NOT because they are a bunch of Satan worshipers...

    It is because these are a group of world leaders who have joined a group in which part of their ritual is to do away with the limitations of CARE... of CONCERN for the people they SERVE....

  14. Sorry, I guess you went over my head with your Satan Spawn Illuminati theory... too deep for me I suppose...

    "P.S., I did not need to be banned from OEN, as I have stated previously. I quit on my own, wanting nothing to do with supporting the site. So who is on the moral high ground, the one who quits smoking because his/her cigarettes have been taken away, or the one who quits because he/she chooses to?"

    Are you actually suggesting Barbara that you are on the "moral high ground" to the vast number of people here, BECAUSE YOU WEREN'T BANNED BY OP ED NEWS?

    I must have been reading that quote of yours wrong... perhaps that too, went over my little pea-brain head... maybe you would like to rephrase that one...

    "The question is, will the one who was forced to quit go back if cigarettes become available again?"

    maybe that one too, cus it kinda reads like you are insinuating that some members here would go back to OEN, if the Great Kall were to so allow it. I'm sure that isn't what you are suggesting...

    But it damn sure sounds like it.

  15. Willy, there is enough evidence to suggest that there is some Satan worship going on. To the extent it exists is speculation until more evidence can be shown. But again, enough exists to allow for the very real probability that this is going on.

    My contention is that whatever they're into isn't right and could not stand the light of day. Be it Satanism, or worshiping their own farts, whatever it is, it's NOT what they profess to believe in public, and if exposed, like if 9/11 were exposed for what it is, empires would crumble.

    For you're right that it is a matter of concern because they're world leaders.

    Is it something I would pursue as a means to expose them?

    No. But I do believe that if we can expose other less esoteric failings of those that make-up the Illuminati, that we'd be able to uncover some of these more sinister goings on.

    I believe that the only contention we may have is to the extent a cult of Luciferian belief might exist within this group of world elites. There is enough to make one think that there is something to it, to the extent is influences world events, is again, a matter of speculation.

    I'm not so absolute as to rule it out. I really don't know if people are influenced to do good because they believe in a God, or if there were no such thing as religion if they wouldn't do the right thing anyway, as people would that do evil. Are these just external forces that we make-up to justify our actions? Would we invent a God if none existed?

    As stated, if the system can get millions, billions, of people to believe in deities through nothing more than blind faith, what is so far out in suggesting that a handful of powerful people couldn't believe that they gained their power through believing in a deity that rules over Earth as opposed to heavens? Especially since this ruling elite are inbreed sociopaths.

  16. Look, I understand what you are saying... I really do...

    But there is also a school of thought, right or wrong, that suggests that this whole "Satanism" thing with the ruling elite, may just be yet another distraction to keep people from seeing, perhaps, a different predominate religious affiliation at work.

    Now, I don't know... But people who believe that, question things like, how exactly did AJ just walk right up to a secret meeting with leaders of the world in attendance, without once being stopped by, CIA, Secret Service, FBI, or any of the other protective agencies that constantly surround these world leaders in attendance?

    That's a good question, isn't it?

    How exactly did AJ manage to be there and not get several of these world leaders on film? Aren't they just walking around the grounds? Who did he get on film?

    That's another good question.

    I don't know. Kinda odd. Then old AJ also just HAPPENS to buy himself "street cred" with the prediction of 9/11?


    I don't know. What I do know is this; all of this speculation about Satan Spawn does us no good. All it does is present the notion that "good Christians" couldn't do this kinda thing. So who does it really help?

    Would we invent God if none existed? Oh gee, I don't know. Lets ask Zeus and Apollo and Mars what they think.... find some Santaria Gods and ask them... did we invent Santa Claus? Tooth Fairy? Single Bullet Theory? ah, yes... we would.

    And as for doing good with God, take a look through out history and point out what "bad" things were done without him. Start there, and maybe you will have an answer (it's kinda hard to prove the negative you know).

  17. Jesus Willy, you may be the most contentious individual I've ever meet. (and I thought I had that title) Not that there's anything wrong with that, but the members of COTO are not your enemies.

    Go smoke a bowl.

  18. I'm just responding to comments left to me. How does that make me contentious? Because I don't just buckle and say, "Oh yes, it's possible that some eternal red scaly guy with horns and a tail and a pitch-fork set the whole thing in motion to undermine wholesome Christianity."

    I'm just making the point that this has nothing to do with religion of any kind.

    Do I comment on 90% of the stuff posted here? No. I am not contentious. But clearly, the subject matter has meaning for me.

  19. Scott.. I think you're missing the point. I don't think anyone said they believed in Satan. They said that the Illuminati worship Satan.

    With the nwo agenda, do you doubt that these people are anything but pure evil and would worship, if not the being named Lucifer, then his "legendary ability" to inflict pain and suffering on the human race? Why is that so hard to fathom, knowing what you know about the ruling class and their efforts to limit the population?

    It doesn't matter if they bow down to Satan or just adopt the principles that are attributed to the "dark forces." Either way, they are a scary and very influential lot.

    Why are these ruling elite so enraptured with the occult and ritualistic activities? Whether it's skull & bones or Bohemian Grove, something strange is going on whether you want to believe it or not.

  20. "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so." - from Hamlet , Wm. Shakespeare; Act II, scene ii

    This is the creed by which these globalists live. They are beyond our laws because they simply don't care about them. Faking terrorist attacks here, in other parts of the world, installing crippling economic measures that inflict generations of suffering, committing war crimes simply to increase arms manufacturing revenues, imprisoning 1.5 million people simply because they refuse to bend to the will of a determined few... these aren't "crimes" in their eyes.

    Nor are they sins.

    Why is it important for me to make this point? Did you read my last article?

    Labeling these kinds of people as some sort of bizarre cultish Lucifarians diminishes the real horror of what is going on. They are not Satan worshippers. That classification denotes the assumption that Christians and Jews and Atheists and Hindus couldn't do what these people are doing.

    But they are. And it is now "trickling down" into our society. Not only are the Illuminati doing this, but the media reporters are supporting it, so are the congress members, lawyers, judges, cops, bloggers... candle stick makers...

    The "scary and influential lot" that you speak of specifically, they could be removed tomorrow. What would happen? all the "Satan worshiping" people that Jeff Rense goes on and on about could be wiped out tomorrow, and you know what would happen? They would simply be replaced by Catholics, Christians, Jews... and they are being replaced every single day.

    We should address what it is within our system that is wrong, not worry about what the Satan worshipers are doing. That's the fight. That's the scary part. This system made the Satan worshipers... not the other way around.

    Look at how many commented on my last article. That article talked about real suffering, real injustice, every day kind of little human tragedies born of a system that is completely skewed to the service of the wealthy. Yet even here, that kind of real time inequality is commonplace; not even worthy of reply.

    Let me make it clear, I don't intend to insult anyone. My point is simple - it isn't the Satan worshipers we have to worry about; it's not being able to tell them from us that should give us pause.

    We live in a country that the illegal occupation of another nation is considered commonplace. Where killing a million civilians is passe. Where the most corrupt system of justice is a cliche and barely worth talking about. Where people are added to the welfare rolls daily and the largest state in the union is about to slam a neo-liberal reform package on millions of innocent people. And these things are barely even discussed in polite society.

    "There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so."

    This is NOT just the creed the Satan worshipers live by, it's the creed most Americans live by. That is the problem, and they ain't Satan worshipers.

  21. Whew. Warts and all.

    There is little doubt that the Fats are in contact with each other... whether ad hoc or they actually have a secret club where they have cryptic handshakes and wear funny hats and practice "majik."

    I don't think there's any "plot" except for "...one waffer-thin mint." The most devious thing they're gonna do is try to spit out the pinapple-top before they blow up. The Kreosote Kids aint that fekkin together.

    If there are any real "Illuminati," they got a tiger by the tail. Just like the rest of us-- caught up in forces they can't control or understand... except they got underground bunkers with hot-and-cold running nymphettes. I aint worried about no "Illuminati." It's my dominionist krakkker neighbor...

    ...when he runs out of toilet paper.

  22. Mr. M, the article sounds just like what we all have said from time to time. I agree with almost all of it as well.

    Whether or not you think they are satanists or Luciferians the fact remains they spend a lot of time kidnapping children to get their faces on our milk cartons. The powers behind it spent a lot of time to cover up the Franklin scandal. Cremation of Care is a pleasant term for what loman called a ritual.

    Some are as lame as a Yale S&B drag show and some are not. SOme are done with the idea to make it all look so silly until you find your little Jon Bonet blue and lying in a corner.

    To investigate and disagree with Big Bang is fine. To dismiss it is foolish. The same goes for the Master of the Earth. Whether it is RA or Rockefeller, the concept of pure evil for the enjoyment of it is COTO obvious.

    Today we smoke the doobie, tomorrow we do the lines and next week we are clubbin grandmothers for Oxy. Years ago when my mentor asked me what I would want if I had everything, I dumbfoundedly was unable to figure the answer. After a moment, he replied "everybody"

    That was the day I understood the evil and the path that leads you to the ultimate depravity. Too much wealth and power, the ultimate aphrodisiac must lead to the Leopold and Loeb syndrome, yes?

    I think so. Then the question is how did all these dregs, despots and depraved get that first doobie and find their way to the top. Quite a feat without the King of Pain on board.

  23. "Then the question is how did all these dregs, despots and depraved get that first doobie and find their way to the top."

    Exactly. The Authoritarians http://home.cc.umanitoba.ca/~altemey/ promoted other Authoritarians.

    "If you can't show 30% ROE on out next 10Q, we'll find somebody who can." And they will. It doesn't mater if none of it has to do with anything.

    Authoritarians promote other Authoritarians. That's the deal.

  24. Purr....exactly Holms,
    In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.
    And the earth was without form, and void;
    and darkness was upon the face of the deep.

    And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.
    And God said, Let there be light: and there was light.
    And God saw the light, that it was good:
    and God divided the light from the darkness.
    And God called the light Day,
    and the darkness he called Night.
    And the evening
    and the morning
    were the first day.

    All things are made by it;
    and without it is not any thing made
    that is made.

    In it is life; and the life is the light of us.

    And the light shines into the darkness;
    and the darkness comprehends it not....purrr

  25. Good points Willy,

    There's one thing for sure, no one can ever cut you short.

    Yes, you're right, the so-called evil that would otherwise be labeled is within all of us, and it could very well be used to distract. But that still wouldn't rule out the very real effect of those that would believe in such real or imagined, as it plays out.

    I guess the point I'm trying to make is that if God doesn't exist, the force of the billions of people that would believe he does and how that would play out on the world stage would be no less effective.

    Maybe those ruling elites that are into Lucifer are simply deluded fools, but they do believe, and what they do effects all of us in ways that make us go along with what we ordinarily would never do.

    Why are we blindly accepting all those things you've listed? What is making us so docile? The GMO's? Fluoride? Chem-trails? All of the above and more?

    Anyway, you're always an interesting read and I wouldn't have you any other way.

  26. "Why are we blindly accepting all those things you’ve listed? What is making us so docile?" That is exactly what I am talking about. Their indifference to their fellow man makes them evil. What does our indifference make us? you know? That's all I am talking about. It's an interesting article, I just tend to think the evil we can touch is more dangerous sometimes.
