Monday, June 22, 2009

Hail Storm Pounds North Jersey

This is normal weather for June ?


  1. Global warming? What global warming? We don't need no global warmin'...

  2. Wtf? This was Saturday? Damn, and we South Jerseyans were whining about the rain !

    That looks like the middle of winter. Are you sure that's Westwood, NJ and not Siberia? Those people had accents i don't recognize. Jk ;)

    Now now Sister B.. you know it's called CLIMATE CHANGE now.. not Global Warming.. Keep up with the propaganda will ya ! lol

    Can anyone say CLIMATE TAMPERING as in HAARP & chemtrails?

  3. That is quite an astounding video Jersey Girl. They're in North NJ and you're in the Southern part where it was raing as it was here in Philly Pa, and as in Ohio and the entire East Coast.

    Nothing like weather manipulation.

    If you don't want to watch this whole video, scroll to 42:50 and listen to what's being said about HAARP and the weather. It's very scary knowing that some people have this much power

  4. its funny that the main start of the chem trails started when the temp was the hottest we ever had--and after the snowless winter 6 years ago the planes incresed flying by leeps and bounds--this is the coolest spring we had in decades only because the planes fly constantly now over the great lakes --dimming dummies---of course they fuck up --spray to much--they load the skies here[one of the only 6 moisture rivers in the world ] and from the great lakes it heads east or south---you guys are too jaded ---now when the wind comes from the south or east the planes stop==now WHY IS THAT--you people dont get it=jaded--if they stopped spraying you would burn====guess what in alaska fairbanks[where they havent been spraying--its was in the 90'sweeks ago-now why---here where there is spraying--[too much]--and [hopless to really control] the spring temps have been way below normal---you guys are to jaded --your world is dying and we cant even agree it is happening without a conspiracy---come on -----
    the world started with 7000 parts of carbon -bacteria was first then trees which trapped carbon and placed it in the ground in the forms of coal-oil for starts--and replaced it with oxygen--now we burn carbon and oxygen and throw carbon dioxide back in the air and funny the temp goes back up to twards the 7000 parts----the earth was really fucking hot then wasnt it--we are already past the cooking level as far as what we threw up in the air and the kind of life we were used to ---dont ya get it--no jaded---thats why-----some people think everything is a conspiracy-well your right here --they are trying to control the heat and it isnt working -is it- of course not -how the fuck can man control the weather -we cant even control a stop light--blaming haarp is a problem --its you-burning carbon dummies--you just dont want to believe YOU are the cause --its always somebody else or some other thing--never the truth--i am sure nobody gives a fuck here about global truth as far as warming goes --but i know you are all talking out of your asses on this one-the science is there -but you all are to [i gotta say it ]to lazy or jadded to really study it

  5. Hey global,, instead of having a spassy fit why don't you just watch the film Munich posted and see how the govt has been manipulating the weather as a weapon . Stop blaming us. Stop putting your trust in the government to save the environment.. You really think they give a flippin' damn if millions die if it can be used to their militaristic advantage ? They want to rid the planet of millions of us anyway.

    I happen to drive a very fuel efficient honda civic and am very frugal in the use of gas and electric. Don't you dare lecture me about being environmentally conscience. It is exactly because of my concern for nature that I'm PISSED at the government and their destruction of the ecosystem with their freakin' weaponizing the weather.

  6. Munich.. I ff'd to 42:50.. bastards. I am going to sign off here in a bit and go watch the entire video. Thanks for posting the link.

  7. Global Warming, sorry you're having a bad day.

    Welcome to The Soft Parade

  8. ya dont get it--90 people per sq mile or more--a sq mile cant support 90 people and the nature it needs to recycle--i lived on a farm and in the woods my whole life--i know how much acreage it takes to sustain 1 family- and all the animals- i know exactly how many trees to cut for fuel in my stove -i know exactly how long it will take for a tree to grow before it can be cut again --i will not see that since it takes that long- what i dont know is how many trees it takes to recycle all the carbon dioxide i put in the air from my HEATING-BREATHING-MY TRUCK-along with all the other birds and animals but i know its very unbalanced -a deer and all animals are here to browse and culture bacteria and enzymes in its gut--with its droppings it spreads them around so these bacteria and enzymes can spreed in the soil to break down --recycle leaves so a tree can eat-with this JOB NATURE GIVES THE ANIMALS MOVING LIFE--the trees take in carbon and give out oxygen--we take in oxygen and give out carbondioxide--its a system supported by all -we are over populated to the extreme-i know ya cant expect somebody else to grow your food and bitch it is modified--what do you expect from the earth when we take from a field year after year and give nothing back because we turn our back on this principal-of recycle--the science is there--global warming is caused from burning carbon and placeing carbondioxide in the air simple as that--it is way unbalanced---and yes for national security man has to get rid of a lot of man before its to late--what do you expect--let man go extinct-its a unbalanced world like it or not--and yes i pray that a plague or god comes to thin the world of us assholes who disrespect natures system of balance--
    and yes i know the government is playing games with weather weapons --but that is not causing the warming---we are--FROM BURNING FOSSILE FUELS AND THROWING CARBONDIOXIDE BACK INTO THE AIR--WHERE IT CAME FROM WHEN THIS PLANET WAS SO FUCKING HOT THERE WAS NO LIFE----WE ARE THE PROBLEM --LIKE I SAID DELETE ME PLEASE----

  9. Global Warming, I understand what you are saying. They're pilliaging the planet, so what else is new? I've known it for years. All in the name of $$$$$$$$$$$

    There are many, many people who JUST DON'T CARE! That has to change.

  10. they are you me everybody--if you understanded there are many reasons the sky is hazed-you would know global warming is real for the simple fact of burning too much fossil fuel and the release of other warming reflective gasses---not harp or weather weapons--for instance jersy girl mentiond she is eco friendly--but she doesnt understand the eco--i dont know how many children she has had-but she mentioned she had children in in another post-i think---i wonder if she secured about 20 acres of land for each child===i am sure she didnt---we have children when we dont even know what it takes to sustain them-that is our problem--i moved to chicago and worked in a galvanizing factory when i was twenty one from a town of 700--i lasted 9 months and ran like a dog home--made money hand over fist--was in the steel union----but i knew soon the people there were not really people fast--the filth dirt-the smells--the way people acted was an abomination of human beings---but everybody wants a kid to keep up with the jones--so they have a little them not knowing shit about what it would take to support them---sure they knew how much money but that seemss to be as far as it would go---i remember conversations on the farm with parents and brothers talking about dividing up land for each of us and talking about buying other land so we could keep a respectable life---it takes more THAN a city person knows--does it have field--enough woodlot--will there be good water--ya see-my point--no talk of removing all the animals-we are over populated and the people who hold the cards know all of this--and they will take away most people soon and like it or not-city people will be hurt the most---real love is not just kisses and hugs--its real thought -deep thought-like global warming-ya can not say its haarp or a weapon that causes the warming and stick with that or you are a problem for you wouldnt be fluid anymore and that would be a wall--how can change come with a wall up???? i know we cause our world to warm up more each day-i read a thousand articles in twenty years if i read one--from both sides--uckums theory -will tell you one thing for sure--all the trees in wisconsin are dying-lakes drying up -and it sure the hell isnt from harp-its from the temperature change getting hotter from GLOBAL WARMING CAUSED FROM BURNING FOSSLE FUELS AND THE RELEASING FROM THE EARTH OTHER REFLECTIVE GASSES CAUSED BY US--ALL OF -THE TOO MANY OF US-the eco is very touchy and there is nothing written in stone that we are not removable -that we have not come to the end of our slot in this eco --how vain

  11. did i mention puddy--ban me

  12. Hey, Mr. Global, consider this.

    Properly run, without everybody having to work nine months of the year to earn the lousy Rothschilds' money to buy the food and water that the lousy Rothschilds' agents buy up, and without us burning all the energy in the performance of said unnecessary work, the planet can feed a hundred billion humans, apart from all the other species. And I can tell you how, and it's clear that you can't tell me.

    I've been most of my life in the country, too, and I studied and practised natural agriculture and have a brain between my ears besides. I know how the necessary food already exists, and you don't. And I also know that if you abolish the fiction of finance and the swindling swine who use it to impoverish all the rest of us and the planet, then we solve most of the world's problems in one.

    And you don't know that. So stop peeving, eh? You're showing your juniority, which I don't think is your intention.

    Regards anyway.


  13. Humans are the biggest plague on the face of the planet. Had no kids , cos I knew the world did not need any more of me.Buy nothing new, eat little ,use one light and a cooker, my pc is a lifeline, but even from the dump I do dislke the toxic factor in its making, Use less water than the minimum they allow on rations, and have done well before rations existed.
    what does it do.
    bugger all! cos for all I save, someone else uses more, cos they can!
    Dont leave Global warming:-) I appreciate the posts and I would hate to have to go to "that place" to read you:-)

  14. be glad it wasn't like Sydney a year or so? back. hail as big as golfballs trashed roofs cars trees and hurt animals, things like this do happen, hot cold ocean etc. and whoosh! sudden storm cells. and we have more than seemed to have been before?. June here and west Victoria is missing about 4/5th of the rainfall and an el nino possible. shit of a time for me to be planting an orchard and garden, and I wil do it anyway:-)
