Geoengineering is likely to be a hot topic behind the scenes - if not in open sessions - this week, as governments sit down to negotiate the post-Kyoto climate plan in Bonn. Rulemaking for planetary manipulation of the biosphere, using risky and untested technologies, is far more controversial than white paint suggests. Already, the draft negotiating texts for Copenhagen are replete with references to "enhancing technology" and "private sector cooperation." Advocates for climate techno-fixes are eager for financial and policy backing to move forward with real-world testing, even when critical decisions about technology oversight have yet to be made.
The geoengineering lobby (corporate and scientific) has gathered strength over the past year, free-riding on the growing - and legitimate - sense of urgency about the inadequacy of the multilateral response to the climate crisis. Unfortunately, democratic and multilateral decision-making risks being hijacked by those seeking to profit from speculative technofixes.
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Gore just announced his venture capital firm is stepping up to the plate to rake in millions of profits off the cap and trade regulations, Summer's company is getting kickbacks, God knows how Hillary's and Cheney's Blind Trusts are doing, of course there is always BlackRock the private company tasked with handing out hundreds of billions of tax payer dollars owned by subsidiaries of subsidiaries of shell companies owned by politicians, KBR is posting record profits from the last fiscal year despite killing soldiers in showers..
ReplyDeleteThis is what happens when you "look forward and not back"... it gets worse, not better. I guess if I got to be sheriff in Tombstone, I would want to "look forward not back" too. course in those days, they would've run me outa town as soon as I said it.