Monday, June 15, 2009

Expect Bloodshed in Iran – Just Like in Venezuela in 2002

by Scott Creighton

[caption id="" align="alignleft" width="265" caption="What kind of "house arrest" is this?"]What kind of "house arrest" is this?[/caption]

***UPDATE*** No sooner do I post this article, out comes a story showing "arrested" pro-western pro-free market candidate Mousavi partying at a rally in Iran and ...
An Associated Press correspondent reported shooting by pro-government militia and said that at least one person had been killed (no confirmation and no name of the correspondent).  MSNBC

Funny Kind of "house arrest" now ain't it?

In other reports, the Mousavi "dictator to be" has reported;

"One of Mousavi's Web sites said a student protester was killed early Monday in clashes with plainclothes hard-liners in Shiraz, southern Iran. But there was no independent confirmation of the report."  MSNBC

In 2002, CIA backed opposition leaders in Venezuela who were set on removing Hugo Chavez from power, staged a demonstration of their supporters after a year of negative Chavez campaigning. It has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt, these same supporters took position, fired into the crowd of demonstrators and killed several people. Clean headshots mostly. They tried to pin the attacks on Chavez’ supporters or government police forces. It was bullshit. The people found out, and the coup to install pro-western free-market zealots in Venezuela was over.

Now we have pro-western “reformist” Mousavi saying that he has heard “rumors” that is going to be attacks from Ahmadinejad’s police force on the upcoming demonstration tomorrow. The demonstration he is telling his people not to attend, and at the same time telling them that he will be there (how does that work when he is under “house arrest”?).

This is going to be the exact same thing that happened in Venezuela in 2002. These bastards are going to kill Iranian civilians and blame it on Ahmadinejad.  Same thing we did in Venezuela in 2002 and same thing they did in Iran in 1953.

Oddly, “reform candidate” (read as pro-western free-market, free-trade, privatization supporting) Mousavi says he will attend the rally even though he is calling for people not to go.  His rationale is that some may show up anyway and he is going to call for “calm”.

He forgot I suppose that he has been reporting that he is under house arrest, supposedly.

He is grand standing, knowing that by saying he will be there, then his supporters will show up, even though he is pretending to tell them not to. This way he can weasel out of responsibility for having them there in the first place.

His staff is announcing that there are “real” election results that are circulating showing that he was actually the winner, and surprise surprise, so was the other “reform candidate” (read as pro-western free-market, free-trade, privatization supporting).

Of course this ALSO flies in the face of his previous story that “friends” told him that Ahmadinejad’s people were standing in all the counting rooms threatening the officials to just “make up” the results.  If that were the case, then OF COURSE there would be no “real” election tallys to be leaked out, now would there?

Mousavi is about to become the next Shaw of Iran, which just pleases the shit out of the globalists like the Clintonistas in Obama’s White House as well as the Neo-cons that ran the Bush show.

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