I hate to be such an Oscar Mayer, but Laudyms pointed this one out to me and I have to admit, I had completely overlooked this tiny icon while editing my first post here. After a while, I saw that it's a common occurance for many of us to overlook this, so I decided to grab a capture of the thingy and post an article to show it to those who have ....still somehow (?!?) missed it (eyebrows elevated in an inquisitive fashion)!
1) ignore this function and risk being pissed on by the whole group for not using it..... or
2) use the icon to insert the "read more" thingy after a short introductory diddy..... or
3) do the impossible but very reliable (not) Alt-Shift-T. It works. I know because I used it on this piece of writ.
yours escapingly,
P.S. Alt+Shift+T DID NOT WORK FOR ME. !!! I had to revert to the silly icon. It may work for you, depending on the OS you're working with. Plus! Depending on the resonance on this Tech Tip, I may make another one. There ya go. Warned yaz! ;-)
Thanks for the Tip, Tony. Beneficial to all us luddites who can never keep up with computer "ease."
ReplyDeleteTony, how do I save and or copy an article to e-mail to friends?
Guru dude, I am pulling My hair and scratching My butt trying to post pics with My articles with no luck. i have tried Photobucket and tried cut and paste to no avail. Please HELP !
ReplyDeleteActually, that 'send this to a friend' is a trick that's missed on many a good newsletter, this one included.
ReplyDeleteFor now, you'll have to depress the 'upper-case' button and left-click the first and last points of the slab you want, then right-click and and 'copy' it to your email.
Other variations of the same thing, but that's it until someone can copy the html instructions from a well-endowed webpage and divulge them to the ptb here. - Er . . . . Tony . . . .
Holy shit, good people!
ReplyDeleteI is not a guru!
But I will help and I'm glad you guys have asked these questions. Now I get to go find the answers and we can share them with the rest of the crew. Team spirit, yip.
Litnup; "Tony, how do I save and or copy an article to e-mail to friends?"
I have no idea. Nada. But I did spend an hour or so reading up on all the wordpress widgets, Tips, Tricks, Hacks & Plugins. Duh, but I somehow failed to locate a precise and helpful answer to this question. Due to the fact that I can only learn by doing, I think I need to try this myself, without hacks etc. Ever been to a seminar and asked a question the dude up frint couldn't answer? He ALWAYS looks at his watch and says "let's take a break. Seeya in 15. Uh, We'll start off with my answer to whathisnames question". You go for a smoke and snak back in to see the dude on the phone with HIS guru. LOL, I'll get back to you on this. Promised.
Kornisking is pulling WHAT !!
Oh, sorry, dude, I read that like most of us read. The result was pornographic. Take two whatever and call me n the morning. ;-)
But seriously, I'm really really new to wordpress and I've only written a couple of articles. But I did notice that wordpress likes for me to have the pictures on my PC instead of hosted on sites like Photobucket or .....what's the one I used to use but lost? Damn, I forgot. Anyway, try uploading a picture from your PC instead of using one from a hosting site.
You already know how to subit content, so just put your cursor thingy right there where you wanna put the picture and click on the lil icon wordpress made especially for uploading a picture. Way duh. (I fell flat on my face with the editor because it's new to me so when I go "duh", it's aimed at us both, K?).
korn, look at the picture I added above. The lil icon for adding a picture is actually visible. It's the one on the top left. Two icons left of the music thingy (icon).
Get the photo you wanna add on your desktop or wherever else ON YOUR PC (ya gotta know where it is, like, double duh), Click that bastard lil icon to add a picture and report back to me.
you're welcome, cinderdude.
ReplyDeleteNo, actully, there is a plugin for for this. I just don't think it's practical to have to install a plugin for the complete site if I can find a simpler way. An html copy would do the trick but how many of us can do that? I haven't played with html for a few years.
Whoa, but wait a sec..... you said "’send this to a friend". I hadn't thought of looking for that.
"....depress the ‘upper-case’ button and left-click the first and last points of the slab you want, then right-click and and ‘copy’ it to your email."
Will that work? Lemme see. BRB
ReplyDeleteI just discovered the upload a picture thing. It has 3 tabs. Up till now, I was only using the one to upload pics from my PC.
* From Computer
* From URL
* Media Library
These are the three tabs to choose from on the pop up window you get when you (successfully) click on the "Add an Image" icon. Try them all out, especially the first 2. Good luck, gentlemen!
viola ! eureka! It works !!!
ReplyDeleteWe have a new guru in da house !!
Litnup, as flakstopper said, "“….depress the ‘upper-case’ button and left-click the first and last points of the slab you want, then right-click and and ‘copy’ it to your email.”"
I tested it and found it to be THE easiest and most effective manner to do this.
YES we can.
slight correction....
ReplyDelete"….depress the ‘upper-case’ button and left-click the first and last points of the slab you want, then right-click and and *‘paste’* it to your email."
mark the stuff you want copied, do a Ctrl-C to grab it, goto your e-mail and Ctrl-V to paste it in.
Report back (complain) if this doesn't do the trick.