As far as I know, the acronym COTO was created by the infamous, nefarious, and brilliant Mr M in a comment on oped. Coalition of the obvious. Basically it was everyone out there who were questioning the same things, especially the events of 911 and coming to far more sinister conclusions about who's pulling the strings in this country. Btw, M is with us again under another name. I'll let him identify himself, should he choose to.
For myself, Rob gave me no warning. None of my comments had ever been rejected or even flagged. Other writers seemed to like what I had to say. What was the fuss? Well, I think it was one day when Rob was having one of his pity potty moments and was writing something under an article about gmo's... ruminating about life while eating a bowl of wheat chex. (Breakfast of chumpians?) I jumped all over him, saying how can he possibly think out of the box when he's got his nose stuck in one? I didn't even think that semi-enlightened beings still ate that shit. Besides being junk toyfood, it's also a byproduct of mega farming and monsanto, etc. Anyway, I think I might have ruffled his dander. He's pretty thin skinned - he can dish it out just great, but he can't take any back in return. Plus he holds grudges and has a tendency to be short with people. Eh? So what. Maybe in the end he did us all a favor... we're here together and I think we're going to do something great. A new paradigm in exposure and solutions.
So backing up a bit, what got me booted? Get a load of this...
"this comment did it. The managing editors made a decision. rob"
"What the heck did you folks think you were going to get? Jesus with melanin? We've got a black body, and even darker soul. He's souled out - get the picture? Obama's just another MIC corporate shill with a gift for gab. And a teleprompter aided one at that. The illuminati puppeteers are pulling the strings, as always. When are all you obamanatis going to wake up? Vote 3rd party, and push for Jesse Ventura - a man of balls and straight talk!"
Geez, now I believed I was being pretty cool about my Obama comment. I was only calling the kettle black and bleak like it is. My only guess is that I committed a fatal "thought crime." It never occurred to me that anyone would take it as a racial slur. That was the last thing on my mind. It was intended as a slight to his flock of sheeple. But as they say in the new age, "to each his om." Anyway, lets hear from the rest of you folks at COTO. Aye, mates... speak up!
I was routed from OpEd long ago. I called Rob out for using his influence to try and gin up support for the new administration. He didn't like it. I called him a sellout and he didn't like that either.
ReplyDelete"“Here we are again. Main headline story, by Kall, and what does it say? “Support Obama With You Blind Obedient Faith”. Just like the one last week that tried to claim Pelosi was making a “progressive” shift to the left, with the supporting evidence being that she appointed one NDC/DLC rep with another one."
That one was about the Auto Bailout being used to break the backs of the unions. Turns out I was right. I wrote about it May 29th... you can check it out. Kall was really big on Pelosi... just loves her to death...
Look, once he got on HuffPo, Rob smelled a payday. Look at the power of blogs these days. They are becoming a prime news source for many people who just don't believe in network news anymore.
If you think the big PR firms haven't figured that out yet, you are dead wrong. That's HuffPo has decided to go more "mainstream"; they are earning the "respect" of the big PR firms, even allowing their writers to post on the site.
And that of course is big, big money. Big money and big access to all kinds of new, shiny little trinkets. Interviews, guest spots on TV shows like MSNBC.... and Fox News (Steve)....
This is why certain viewpoints had to be removed not just from Op Ed and HuffPo but from many sites.
Look I just read an article from THE leading PR firm in America and they certainly respect the power of the blog to shape opinions right now. They were saying that a sight generating 100k hits per month could easily expect on average $75,000 in revenue... on average. And that doesn't take into considerations all the perks and kick-backs and special appearance fees for the person running the site if they get on Fox or MSNBC...
ReplyDeleteI got booted of of Op Ed snooze with no warning, no nothing. Just banned. Which flies in the face lies of what Rob Kall said. In other words Rob kall flat out lied. As an aside I also have had entire articles rejected.
ReplyDeleteI was banned for warning people at OEN that they were banning members of COTO. That was my crime. the crime of investigative journalism.
I would like to thank Rob Kall. He has exposed himself for what he really is. He also brought us together where we created this site.
Thanks Rob. You helped create a monster.
We are going to grow. People are ready for this.
I'm ashamed to say that I haven't been banned yet. But I'm, working on it, I promise.
ReplyDeleteWell, one of my many other personages was banned previously, and still is, but that was for calling shit shit, and shit didn't care for it. - OUT!
While you're still in rob's good graces, can you contact george washington at robed and bring him over to the "other" side? And anyone else you feel is enlightened? For chrissakes, we even let tom murphy join us. We all recognized that he's more civil and tactful than most of us :) And as I told him, "we finally have someone to pick on!"
ReplyDeleteI'm not in anyone's good graces and don't want to be. Factual honesty was always one of my failings, and I was away when the rest did tact and diplomacy - I had 'flu.
ReplyDelete'Loose cannon' and 'freight train' are just two of my more gracefully personified attributes.
As to the rest, we'll see.
Flatsopper: I've always been a thorn in the sadlle of many pretentious cowboys. As my therapist told be 20 years ago, "if you can't be tactful, at least be tenacious." I've chosen the latter route. I'll piss up or down the rope of any midstream wannabe climbers. I've got little tolerance for bs. On the other hand, loose cannons are welcomed aboard my ship... the "Ship of Hope." Get religion - piss off rob! At the very least he deserves it. And just desserts too. And put in a word for us while you're at it. Let's take him down.
ReplyDeletebanned without notice, after I wrote a Why? was rady et al removed, nothing offensive and no insults I noticed. the response was a mailout saying oped had removed a nasty faction...umm appears I was among em:-)
ReplyDeletelittle did I know...
so when I could...I buzzed up the banning! and left comment on the tradesmans diary.
and then all my access was banned!
from memory I think stats on one GM story got 6,000hits.
and the pet food story around the 5,000 mark
so I musta been getting something right?
his loss.
I have gained intelligent, insightful, and meaningful contacts and I am rather glad he did act so stupidly, all up , we are all better off:-)
Now we are not censored and are able to let loose without deletions..
bloody ripper!
flackstopper you must be my long lost twin, I have been called loose cannon and frieght train too. small world hey?
tradesman-skiidogs---i think i got kicked off for a number of reasons--i was warned a while back about posting pro militia and telling people what kind of guns and ammo to stock up on-the kind that vests have no point to wear= --rob railed me on that one--ya see i dont believe talk will solve much when you look at past history--i believe ya have to have might behind words and the guts to say you are willing to take the gun off the shelf if all else fails-
ReplyDeleteposting the RADY GOT BANNED--MR M AND MAYBE MORE-asking why rob wants oen to be a reflection of the usa in the shape its in thing didnt do the trick either-for i was still there--i think the crux of it was posting that i would give rady my login password to go to oen and get in a few last words-[something a few gutsy people who are still members there could do for her]--that did it--when i went back it was a no go to post-
i believe in free speach no matter how off the wall it is [me]-i have only a 8th grade education barely---but i am a top builder- so i cant find the right words to put thought to print--but i know what free speach is all about--i know what the hero worship of the soldier is and how it has a grip on this country-i know and truely believe in global warming and the global dimming chem spraying going on to mask it--[being a carpenter and not having a tan this year after working outside this spring really is weird] usually i am as brown as barack obama is by now--and yes you tan on a cloudy day--i know many things that are true but are being hidden from us and basicly lies--and the loss of trust when you lie even about 1 of them--
i voted for obama--i was a ron paul fan till the end then switched to the two party mode and picked him over mccain--for a tortured man who wants war is nuts --so i was duped when i didnt see great revelations comming from the white house weeks after he got in --and its been a downward slide on promises ever since which does make me ashamed for my vote--and it pisses me off to no end--to see kall turn his site into msm was a real big dissapointment to me also--i didnt agree with rady on all-but she had the right to speak--i didnt agree with jersy on all she said obout barack but she had the right to say her piece-i dont totally agree with many views in this world--thats why free speach is so important--
and when i look at mother nature i see free speach being acted out --the good the bad and the ugly--and that is why i am here no 1 --to hear free speach from many points about all the things in this world-
i believe in god-i believe we are acting out righteousness and sin for an example for all time-i believe god cries at our failures and laughs at our funniness and rejoices at our strength-i pray at death he will take my broken weeping sole in his arms and say truth is now forever--------
I haven't been banned as yet, but followed a link
ReplyDeleteprovided by jersey Girl to COTO crew, because I
knew I would feel more at home here. I have always been a fan of Katzanzakis, author of Zorba the Greek and The Last Temptation of Christ. Henry Miller wrote Sexus Nexus and Plexus in this vein. Their writing style is one of extreme imagry and strong linguistics employed to paint a powerful picture. No tip toeing here. Picasso's Guernica is also a classical example of protest art which screams the truth. This country (USA), our economy, the state of the environment is so dire that we need a cattleprod to the genitals of complacency, a slap up side the head of a sleep-walking populous to cut through the BS and PC
and the minutia of "he said, she said" and address the BIG issues of our time. Time. Is running out.
The fabric is unraveling. Folks here are not afraid to tell it like they see it. That's why I am here.
Guilt by association. I didn't follow the rules which were set forth by the masters at OEN. Those who determine what can and cannot be said. That's nonsense!
ReplyDeleteYou know what I say about that? Who gives a rat's asre! We don't need OEN. If you ask me, the site is getting very BOR-ING!
As early as May 7, I responded to an article Rady posted on the over one hundred innocent men, woman and children who were slaughtered needlessly in this illegal war of hegemony still being waged in Afghanistan (and Iraq!) I commented on what a disgrace it was that there were so few responses to such a poignant piece
What's most appalling of all is that Rob Kall happens to reside in Newtown, Bucks County Pennsylvania. A quaint and very beautiful area of Pa. which I often frequent that is filled with a lot of history. Isn't that right Rob? In fact, General George Washington used one of the homes right there in town as his headquarters during the Battle of Trenton in 1776. And what was that bloody battle fought about again? It wasn't freedom or oppression was it? Naaaaaa! I didn't think so. How silly of me.
Understand this Rob, there are many people all throughout this land we still call A M E R I C A who want their voices to heard, and who are tired of the fluff, kiss ass stories and status quo. If their not going to be allowed to have their voices heard at OEN, or at Huffington etc. or if their dissent is silenced, then guess what? You got it! They'll find other alternatives sites such as COTO.
Be well all.
I too was banned without warning (probably for promoting COTO in the same thread that Jersey Girl informed the readers of the purge). But I'm far from upset about it and really couldn't care less about the reason. Oen is another weak establishment entertainment center, not conducive to COTO philosophy. The problem with Oen is the same as the problem with all establishment media-they fail to recognize the enemy (they preach that the enemy is the right wing-see below quote taken from their "about Oen":
ReplyDelete"Tough Liberalism: The goal is to be tough on right wing lies, corruption, corporatism, cronyism and stupid white man BS like neo-redneckism, racism, hate, fear-mongering and greed."
In their ignorance, prejudices and greed (assuming money is getting received), they just don't "get it" that the left wing is just as guilty as the right.
Oen confronts half the problem (pointing out the criminality of the right wing of the state), while in the process compounding the whole problem (perpetuating the right wing vs left wing war while America burns).
I recieved an email from "The Nation" magazine the other day because I use to have a subscription (until it became obvious that they were also just another establishment rag perpetuating the left vs right war). THIS EMAIL ACTUALLY CLAIMED THAT THEY ARE SO GLAD THEY SUPPORTED OBAMA AND THE CHANGES HAVE JUST BEEN UNBELIEVABLE FOR OUR COUNTRY!!!. I'll allow time, dear reader, for you to clean up the vomit.
COTO, on the other hand, knows who the enemy is-the state (see Albert Jay Nock's "Our Enemy the State). The time has come for COTO to branch out and find its own niche on the information highway. I thank those of you who made that happen, including rk at Oen.
Ironically, and I haven't seen anyone elso point this out so I will take the liberty, the COTO philosophy is nearly identical to the...CATO philosophy, as in...CATO's Letters!!! Following is an excerpt:
"Few men have been desperate enough to attack openly, and barefaced, the liberties of a free people. Such avowed conspirators can rarely succeed...Even when the enterprise is begun and visible, the end must be hid, or denied. It is the business and policy of Traitors, so to disguise their treason with plausible names, and so to recommend it with popular and bewitching colors, that they themselves shall be adored, while their work is detested, and yet carried on by those that detest it.
False cases will be stated, to justify wicked counsel. They will be ever contriving and forming wicked and dangerous projects, to make the people poor, and themselves rich; well knowing that dominion follows property; that where there are wealth and power, there will be always crowds of servile dependents.
They will engage their country in ridiculous, expensive, fantastical wars, to keep the minds of men in continual hurry and agitation, and under constant fears and alarms; and, by such means, deprive them both of leisure and inclination to look into public miscarriages. Men, on the contrary, will, instead of such inspection, be disposed to fall into all measures offered, seemingly, for their defence, and will agree to every wild demand made by those who are betraying them. -Cato's Letters; Number 17; Saturday, February 18, 1720 (Cato's Letters were our Founding Father's inspiration, long before Thomas Paine, for recognizing tyranny and declaring independence).
So that's the point of this post. WE NOW HAVE...COTO'S LETTERS!!! And as Cato pointed out in the above quote, "It is the business and policy of Traitors, so to disguise their treason with plausible names..." such as Oen and The Nation, etc. BUT COTO...KNOWS...
I had more than 1600 thumbs up.
ReplyDeleteRobbie the doebot and his Lesser butt-buddy couldn't stand it...Lol
I think I said something too true about the Trembly little snit fiddle that peesed them off good.
I knew it would, I thought it was time.
I wrote Rob just after I no longer could post and said it had better be permanent...
Oh, yea, I told him to go fuck himself in Latin.
RoboEd didn't like me from my first comment forward. A "doom&gloomer" he sayed at me.
He's a pinko commie prick.
I always enjoyed your comments on robed. Btw, how do you say fuck you in latin? I was always using foreign words to bypass the narrow minded synapses there. My two favorite words were chingered up and merde. They always flew under the radar at the cuckoos nest.
ReplyDeletesome of what I was thinking when I posted the article about "giving it away for free"
ReplyDeleteI posted more than a thousand links and gawd-knows how many comments at OEN. Never wrote an article because I didn't feel enough at home there.
ReplyDeleteFeels very comfy here and it was a no-brainer to follow the news from Jersey Girl to CotoCrew. I enjoyed OEN as a place to find links and discussions in areas of interest. I doubt most of those show up there now.
Rob is duplicitous: when he wanted free input, he took it. When he decided to move on, he cut those same people off without even minimal explanation. Screw him.
I just read that and I completely agree with it.
ReplyDeleteNon illegitimi carborundum has been my adopted family motto for years! But in truth it's only pseudo Latin.
ReplyDeleteWikipedia says: The phrase originated during World War II. Lexicographer Eric Partridge attributes it to British army intelligence very early in the war (using the plural dative, or perhaps they meant ablative--it's the same form: illegitimis). The phrase was adopted by US Army general "Vinegar" Joe Stillwell as his motto during the war.[1] It was later further popularized in the US by 1964 presidential candidate Barry Goldwater.[2]
"Fuck you and the horse you rode in on" in Latin is: Te futueo et equum tuum!
Folks, we all know why we are being silenced, and fine, let them try. When people are hungry for truth it is those they try to silence they listen to.
ReplyDeleteRob has done us a favor, all we have to do is run with it. He's posted a huge neon sign saying, "DON'T LISTEN TO THESE PEOPLE!" ... all we have to do is keep on and take it a step further. We're in control of our own destiny.
As times get more desperate people will smell Rob's bullshit a mile away. Him dismissing 9/11 as new evidence goes viral on a daily basis, diminishes him and his site. He's fucking himself.
And it's not just 9/11, it's everything the banks, eugenics, mind-control, poison water, food, air, people know that things aren't adding-up, and awareness is accelerating.
Now is it accelerating as fast as we'd like? Not for me ... but that's why we're doing what we're doing, each in our own way need to keep talking, not be silenced.
And I don't mind saying that I'm doing this for selfish reasons - I love to live and I know that if a certain number of people become aware some enough, not only will less blood be shed, but we may actually beat the devil altogether.
And even if that statement in fanciful, so what? It's not a bad premise to live by even if we should be trampled by tyranny.
Eloquently put, laughnmatter. I think the consensus is nearly unanimous. Rob did one smart thing - identify all his "bad apples" in one group. And simultaneously shooting himself in the foot. From an evolutionist's point of view - if a creature steps on it's reproductive organ too many times, keeping it's bloodline alive eventually proves to be a hardship. Fatal attractions sometimes have a perverse sense of justice. A fond farewell to Rob. We will enjoy missing you. Forcible intercourse with peace of mind has been a hard act to swallow, let alone digest.
ReplyDeleteCredat Iudaeus Apella, non ego.
ReplyDeleteCute, John!
ReplyDeleteMake note folks: that's "Tell it to the Marines, not me" a retort well worth saving up for later use, but right now I can't think where..... -g-
The movie "Tombstone" with Kurt Russel & Val Kilmer. Johnny Ringo and Doc Holliday were having a serious word exchange across the table over a Faro game - in Latin. Was one of the most tense scenes in the movie - another one worth owning - or at least viewing. Btw, a fairly historically accurate western. I went to an all boys catholic high school. I studied latin. I was always adding captions to the pictures in my latin books, like "Vidae, nullae mani!" for the victorious chariot driver holding up his hands. Now on the other hand, our motto for Rob could be "Age quod agis." :)
ReplyDeleteWell, I've made it, but I've not been given a reason. Perhaps their attentive perusal of COTO revealed A Want of Frankness here as well as there - as a 'diary', and it has now disappeared from 'there' and the diary has been swep clean - And Oh, I'm lost! - gone, gone and never called me darling nor nothing!
ReplyDeleteCan I borrow your hanky a minute?
You give him the best years of your life and the best that your brain can produce, and what do you get, a thankyou? a goodbye kiss? nothing, nothing - Well, except freedom and the clear confirmation that he's just another sheister of the use'em, rinse'em and lose'em breed. Not nice at all, even though he's up there, there in the merging spotlights, in the pantheon of 'the Great Communicators'!
But then I never thought he was anything else. And that is what the rest of the poor unsuspecting subscribers can expect, as they bend to their pens with renewed and dedicated application and sweat and tears smudge their poor pages.
But don't you somehow think he ought to be biting his thumb in his adulatory self-taken phoatie? I don't know why. It just seems kind of . . . right. Send him your opinions please, on a postcard . . .
One notes, still being sent the OEN, all unasked, that we might "consider volunteering. Tell us your member page address, your interests, your volunteer interests, your experience that's applicable to volunteering and your phone number. Volunteering with OEN is a highly gratifying, fun experience."
ReplyDeleteIf the poor devils are in such need, surely couldn't we ALL consider volunteering?
Flak and All
ReplyDeleteOh, oh, oh let me volunteer, please.
Oh wait, never mind. Fuck 'em.
I am hearing the strain of taps in the distance.
Give it time.
ReplyDeleteWe have another bird of the same type but worse, and rude and unmannerly to boot.
Them's not taps. Them's the walls of bowels straining to produce to order, to contribute, to volunteer - to honeyed request. For later ungrateful spurning - Oh, Rob, how could you!
ReplyDeleteCan I have my oscar now?
Flak... think of it as graduation! You've joined an elite group. Don't even bother giving them any "hits" by looking back.
ReplyDeleteHonestly...I forgot how to say "Go fuck yourself" in Latin...I have it in a Word Doc on my computer. I am on my girlfriends up in the mountains for now.
ReplyDeleteGoing through all my stuff is going to be a giant task...Lol
I have some articles on NEWSPEAK Magazine that I will be posting here as soon as I am back on my own machine. These are things I probably could have posted on OEN; one is a technical deconstruction of a military college essay on controlling cyberspace. I want to write a more thorough ending for it.
Slow on the uptake here...all I feel like doing is smoking cigarettes, drinking coffee and listening to birdsong.
ReplyDeleteCareful with the nico intake. I have a brother just sacrificed his trachea to the tabac industrialists' monetary (spit) ambitions. But as to the rest, if you need help in your chore . . .
Hey Rob...
"9-11 was an inside job" used to get you banned ipso facto from most left-gatekeeper websites. So did "not a nickel's worth of difference between pubs and dems," as did any mention of "Zionism."
My favorite rationalization: " will alienate the swing-voters..." Yeah. The fucking "swing-voters." As if "elections" were fucking real and you had any fucking choice. YOU DON'T.
Well ok... we have a "choice" between "let's-pretend-we're-not-fascists" and "fascism-butt-nekkid-and-in-yer-face." About 30% of the US actually LIKES butt-nekkid fascism. Aint that a riot? So... it is my personal mission through writing to try to get this 30% sausage-head suck-holes marginalized and ridiculed.
Nobody needs to have a "civil discourse" with the fuck-heads. They're fucking NAZIS (oh yeah... another word that's not so nicey-nicey). Hitler said that the strength of totalitarian governments was that other governments that fear them the most must become LIKE them. Hel-LO??!!
AND... the reason other "governments" fear them is pure raw military power. The rich shitpokes that own the place don't give a rats-ass about us lumpenproles who might suffer. They're afraid the OTHER rich shitpokes might use THEIR lumpenproles to come and take their shit.
By now, this should be OBVIOUS to anybody with the brain of a fucking oyster... but it's not. Why is this?
Because the illusion is being maintained by people who have "money" who want to keep their "money." Consider... FUNDING. Every website owner wants to make more "money." So... they must have patrons... "advertisers"... say hello to the rich shitpokes. OK... you get the idea.
COTO is a brilliant meme. I was using RBC- the Reality-Based Community for a long time. COTO is MUCH better. If it isn't OBVIOUS by now that most of the rich shitpokes plan on exploiting the die-off to usher in their neue Reich of Neofeudalism, how fucking obvious does it have to get?
We are in DEEP FUCKING SHIT. And I don't need some edit-bot to put asterisks in "f*cking," and I don't need some real live editor to tell me, "wouldn't 'serious trouble' be better?" No. I don't mean "serious trouble." I mean DEEP FUCKING SHIT.
Those naughty no-no words will seem unimportant on the way to the gas chambers.
I think everyone knows why I'm here. No sense beating that dead horse.. nuff said...
ReplyDeleteWhy jersey girl, beating dead horses is fun :) Besides that, all I wanted to do was memorialize our thoughts, just for the record. Much has happened in the last two weeks, and I felt an update for new members would be appropriate. But I also agree that we need to move on and work on strategy. Personally, I'd like to see some articles of your own - you've got a great mind!
ReplyDeleteCinder.. I think your idea of venting was a good one. I just figured my reputation on oen is known to most here. First I had all privileges taken away except for using their message system and rating comments. I was finally banned when I was using their system to message others to join coto through their email & comment section.
ReplyDeleteI will be writing my own articles in the near future. Bank on it :)
I was banned for many reasons, one of which was for advocating that people not vote, as Tony Forest mentions.
ReplyDeleteBut basically, the reason anyone gets banned is for not being sufficiently respectful towards the Democratic Party and its operatives who run OEN.
The gatekeeper websites were a bit (not much) more tolerant before the Democrats controlled both Congress and the White House. Now that they have absolute power, they have become absolutely corrupt and have no tolerance for dissent whatsoever. And what they mean by dissent is dissent from what they still call the Republican or neo-conservative agenda, even as they use their total power to continue and expand that same agenda.
Because they control the national treasury and have trillions of dollars, they don't need us. OEN can run perfectly well with only paid political operatives from the Democratic Party, and simply ban anyone who doesn't agree with them. But they'll always ask for money and volunteers. Remember Kerry, the billionaire, asking for money when he ran for president and already had more campaign donations than he could possibly spend? He still has most of it sitting in his war chest. Fascists don't get rich by paying for work or spending their own money. They use tax money for everything and they use slave labor whenever possible.
I remember an interesting argument I had on OEN with a Libertarian who insisted that people had the right to choose to be slaves and that everyone should respect their freedom to do so. I lost the argument. OEN believes that people should be free to choose to be slaves. But it doesn't believe that people should be free to choose NOT to be slaves. That's where we have a difference of opinion.
Harriet Tubman said that she could have freed thousands more slaves if only she'd been able to convince them that they were slaves. Steve the Leser is an experienced political operative and he knows how to always be on the winning side. Rob, however, is a dilettante and sooner or later he will have a few drinks and say the wrong thing to the wrong person and his Night of the Long Knives will come. What goes around, comes around.
The average democrat wasn't against the war to begin with; they were caught up in the revenge factor/American Supremacy Hype like most others. Only a few stood opposed to it then, like now. The democrats never grew to be "anti-war"; they simply resented it's management and became comfortable hijacking the rhetoric of the antiwar movement to pummel supporters of "the other side". They didn't want the war to end as much as they wanted a war they could believe in, again. Now, like you say, they have absolute power and Steven Colbert shaving his head with the troops, and the world is set right again for them.
ReplyDeleteI think that quote should be the motto of this site!
ReplyDeleteSo, Rady, since you were one of the senior editors who voted to ban me, do you still believe that I deserved to have been banned due to my hostility, etc.?
ReplyDeleteAm I the only one here who really deserved to be banned?
If so, I'll leave because I don't want to be the only person who really deserved to be banned in a group with so many people who did NOT deserve to be banned. I'd feel uncomfortable and out of place.
I'm curious to hear the answer to this, but since the editors I contacted during the banning knew nothing at all about it for days, I suspect the Axman is not a collective of all editors but instead just a few with an agenda, and a slick excuse.
ReplyDeleteIn the meantime why not look around this site and see if you feel at home?
Laudyms, in my case it was a unanimous decision of all the senior editors at the time, including Rady. Rady subsequently, after being banned herself, wrote that I had deserved to be banned due to my hostility.
ReplyDeleteYou may notice in Rady's comment above, that Rady is quite hostile towards Rob.
There's a reason that Rady didn't want to talk to Rob on the phone and wanted anything he said in writing.
In other words, Rady did not suddenly have a revelation that Rob wasn't a pleasant person only after having been banned.
It you take Rady's Sam Adams quote and substitute the word "status" for "wealth," perhaps you'll see my point.
OEN is a bureaucracy like any bureaucracy. The way to survive in a bureaucracy is to work your butt off (in the case of OEN for no pay and little if any thanks), kowtow to your superiors, and axe your inferiors when given the order. But that only works up to a point. If you ever rebel against that servitude and those chains, then the bureaucracy no longer has any use for you. Some day the same thing will happen to Rob himself. But not to Leser. Some of us refer to Leser as the OEN KGB as he is the political officer for the Democratic Party on OEN. He is a high-level political operative, totally ruthless, totally amoral, and will never rebel. His allegiance is to fascism and he has always known it.
When Obama said that those who are guilty of torture should not be prosecuted because they were just following orders, he stood the Nuremberg Principles on their head. There are many Democrats who believe that the Nazi war criminals at Nuremberg should not have been prosecuted and convicted, because they were just following orders. How obvious does fascism have to get before it is recognized as fascism? Leser's job is to enforce the party line no matter how fascist it may be and to quell dissent. But it is different for Rob. Some day they'll go too far, perhaps throwing his children in concentration camps, perhaps ordering him to do something that even he can't stomach, and his Night of the Long Knives will arrive. He's not a conscious, dedicated, and committed fascist, he simply reaps the benefits as long as it doesn't touch him and his. One day it will--there are few things of which I am more certain.
But he won't come here crying that they did unto him as he did unto us. He'll want to salvage his pride and he'll insist that we deserved it but he didn't. After all, he was just doing his job.
Well Rady, I want you to know your Ku Klux Kall made me laugh! You hit the (s)nail right on the head. I'm sure he's just a little squishy outside his cell. Thanks for the repost.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget mark - you pissed me off too on robed! We then made amens. You gotta bear some responsibility for your verbiage. While I recognize most of the folks here do have a volatile side - or should I say - passionate one, at least we're all willing to communicate and not call each other names. That's not what this is about at COTO. It's about truth seekers bonding for solutions. I'm sure Rady's a forgive & forget kinda person. So why don't we just drop the past and get on with the present? Even laudyms above said take a look around and see if you fit in. But thanks for your input, just the same. We're trying to be a team, not adversaries. Let bygones be bygones. That's what this article is really about - catharsis. We can't change the "what is" but we can change the "us."
ReplyDeleteLet me start off by saying I'm not a group person, I'm a loner who tries to play well with others when I have to, but first last and when push comes to shove, I go my own way. Groups have their own processes and protective strategies. Cyber groups are even tougher than face to face since we're stuck with just written words without body language or facial expressions to help us interpret. So it's all quicksand.
ReplyDeleteI know in my own case I sometimes come up with a pithy phrase I'm so enamored of that I forget or discount how it will be taken. I just like the sound of my own voice.
I hope most of us have read that "About Coto" page because it's about ideas and perceptions- not personalities. All I can say is I'll try to supress the thornier parts of mine and give you all the benefit of the doubt. Seems like a fair way to start.
"Some of us refer to Leser as the OEN KGB as he is the political officer for the Democratic Party on OEN. He is a high-level political operative, totally ruthless, totally amoral, and will never rebel. His allegiance is to fascism and he has always known it."
ReplyDeleteOh so true. I remember directly referring to Leser as the DKGB in a diary. That didn't get me banned so I guess no one noticed. Like I have a fucking make me invisible cape on most of the time. Most of the time. Oh, I recall, it was a play on words using German, the German word "Leser" which in English means "Reader".
There's just so much one can get away with on a left gatekeeper site. And there's just so much you can write that people will actually read. Few of us are willing to go over the magical mark of one hundred words. Unless it's Lendman we're reading. And even if we read other people's stuff, it doesn't mean we will understand it.
On another note, a majority of the COTO crew are Alex Jones fans. Alex Jones on the other hand is very good at stirring a hype. Beware, fellow Lemmings. Beware of the pied piper.
Amen, laudyms. I always get caught up in my own voice. I love wordplay as much as foreplay. When I come up with something clever, however so nasty, I'll post it anyway - just to see if I can get away with it! My publishing history goes back 40 years now. Both msm and alternative. WSJ to Whole Earth Catalog on op/ed stuff. Then 20+ years on Maui keeping a lot of feet to the fire. I'm a true muckracker at heart. A diehard one at that. As a psychologist/friend of mine once told me.. "if you can't be tactful, at least be tenacious."
ReplyDeleteTony - I'm with you on the Alex Jones hit - however I do ck out his site daily. I don't quite trust him, just like I didn't trust Ku Klux Kall - and that's why I never submitted content to robed. My only article posted was at the suggestion of rob himself after I used it as a comment (a satire on sarah palin). My bone to pick with Alex is the global warming issue. For me, the jury's out. I've heard both sides from some well informed individuals. One of which has already been taken "out" - Bill Cooper - who I knew personally. Google him and ufos. I was heavily involved for a while, then had to drop out totally. When one get's too close to the truth, there's a price to pay to get there all the way. It's called Wellstoned.
ReplyDeleteStephen the Leser is no doubt the one who gave me all of my 11 "rejections" on oen. We went at it verbally many times. It's obvious he's the dlc's darling. That's kinda embarassing for them I think since he's basically a dumbass. But isn't that exactly what they want out of their followers? People with a brain that don't bother to use it to think critically? Blind loyalty is what keeps the parties happenin'.
ReplyDeleteAs for Alex Jones. I'm with you cinder in that I part ways with the climate change issue. BUT, I also think they will use it to further tax and control us while doing nothing to the corporations that are raping and pillaging the earth. They will measure OUR carbon footprint and impose carbon taxes upon us while the real environmental criminals rake in the "green" profits. Al Gore is among those set to make billions from the greening.
Yes, climate change is obvious to anyone. even AJ. What's not so obvious is what's causing it. I personally think decades of government tampering with it is the biggest cause of all..... H.A.A.R.P is deadly to the planet as are chemtrails.
Yeah, I don't think you are batting a thousand on the Alex Jones guess. I'm not a big fan of his at all. Every time he opens his mouth, the web address of one of his 15 for for profit web sites pops out. You'ld have to be a fool not to know what Jones is in it for. I certainly don't like how he has recently hijacked Aaron Russo's work in the last year or so. Russo was a good man. I did a whole thing on him the day he died on my site, and absolutely nothing in the MSM and most "Truth" sites... I'll even go you one further... I know another pied piper leading Truth advocated over the edge... his name is Steven Jones and his little "Active nano-thermetic material' is about to become a final nail in our coffin. 10 tons? 10 tons of the stuff remaining in the dust AFTER the demolitions? How much does that mean there was BEFORE the explosion? 100 tons? 100 tons of explosives brought into the towers? And nobody catches this?
ReplyDeleteyou will change you views on global warming--guranteed--time will sure tell--
ReplyDeletehow is it that sunspot activity is at its lowest in a century and the planets temp is at its warmest--not here where the masses are due to dimming spraying--
if the gov wanted to do weather experiments they could go elswhere--
cindeman must live in a moderate climate-remember the temp at the poles goes up 12 degrees with every 1 at equator--hence its in the 90's in fairbanks and cold as heck in wisconsin-
a friend i have says they have not been spraying up there this spring like the last two--they dont want to stop the melting any more since they want to search for resources with ships -
wonder why al gore doesnt mention global chem spraying???-because he is bound by national security==he cant or would be fucked--its funny how in your face the temp increese was before the really heavy dim spraying started last summer--and now that they have the temps down below normal some of you run like rabbits the other way--5 winters ago before the heavey spraying we had no snow in february---our coldest month--never before in the history of the good ol usa was that a fact---so believe what u want--seems their spraying got to you too
Nothing is determined--All is in flux.
ReplyDeleteRemember, they are all just stories, campfire tales.
The most exciting ones...the ones that resonate take. The others fall by the wayside.
The longer I'm here [on this planet] the more I think it's all magic. Technology is just another ritual. Just talk 'sweet nuthin's' to your computer at times, you'll see how much happier it is.
no really...really?
give me an An, give me an Arch, I'll give you the Key.
William of Whitten
ReplyDeleteGood to see you here. Sorry it took you being banned to get here. But I am delighted to see you here.
I, like others have stated, am with you on the Alex Jones thoughts.
I just take what info he puts out there that works and leaves the rest. Global warming? Sorry but it is very real. Even though he is right about that asshole Al Gore (the corporate whore) making money off of it.
William, I just love this..."give me an An, give me an Arch, I’ll give you the Key." But the Black Bloc is a shitload of density.
ReplyDeleteMichael, I was banned Nov. 2008, but thanks all the same.
On Global Warming, brace yourselves for a green tax on the things bears do in the woods.
your tf, curtis sherwood
P.S. join the fun at
Al Gore's a corporate whore. Let us never forget who he "picked" as his running mate - Joe Lieberman - who would have done exactly the same thing the Dick Tator did. And John Kerry was nothing but a snake oil salesman at best. And I do admire Alex Jone's chutzpah, however he and I part ways on the global warming issue. One only has to look at the problems Greenland is having. That's real. One can't expect enlightened individuals to be fully integrated as well.
ReplyDeleteSorry for showing up late here - I'm very busy these days because I have to prepare for moving with my family from CT to FL by the end of this month. In addition, I'm a single parent, and providing my kids with breakfast, lunch, dinner, bed-time stories, etc., takes its toll on time as well.
ReplyDeleteI have signed up with the COTO crew because I share the views and concerns of the COTO folks regarding the REAL politics in the US and abroad, and the more than bleak outlook for our future if we let everything happen according to the intentions of the Illuminati. I've done a lot of research on the NWO (OWG), and continue to do so; therefore I have no doubt in my mind that we already are being ruled by a secret governement, which is responsible for conducting the 9/11 terror acts, as well as many other atrocities world wide.
Even if it may look sort of hopeless to try and fight the power-Goliath of this world, I simply consider it a civil duty to do EVERYTHING possible to resist the evil developments we are witnessing today, and an obligation towards my kids (and all the kids of the world).
As I'm basically an optimist, I believe there's ALWAYS a chance out there, however difficult the subject of concern may appear, we just have to open our eyes and ears, and be ready to ACT on every opportunity given.
Regarding OEN - I am grateful for all the valuable information I found there in the past, especially based on the input of the COTO crew (and associates). Now, that Rob (with the help of Leser, Tremlett, etc.) has banned most of the folks I consider my friends, and did so in a disgraceful way, it has become a pure Obama-promotion site, though some people still try to carry on the good fight there, like Stephen Lendman, and Kevin Gosztola. In particular Leser and Tremlett are utterly disgusting folks, who pollute the site to such an extent that it's hard to breathe, and I don't see the slightest meaning to try and engage in discussions with such idiots, as they NEVER EVER answer on any real argument (which to do would eventually shred the views they represent), they just keep on repeating the kind of obamanian, empty rhetoric that has always been one of the major weapons of deception in so called "politics".
I hope to be able to contribute some meaningful aspects to our common cause in the future, after I've settled in FL and got some more time again. Meanwhile - I'll stick around and keep watching ya!:)
"we already are being ruled by a secret governement"
ReplyDeleteHello, Mr. Hunter.
They would like it to be a secret, but it's no secret. Start at the top with the Rothschilds and their in-law Rockefellers, with their orders coming down via the Bilderbergers to all our 'governments' with their uniformly bribed 'leaders', giving a free hand to the bosses' friends and agents - the Wall St. mob and corporative chiefs.
And there you have it, and there they have us, or so they think. A herd of cattle mixed with a flock of sheep and all driven by a few lice. All we need is a little insecticide or the patience to pick them off one by one.
But if you don't know about the Rs and their long term plans maturing over the last two hundred years, then you know nothing about the world, nor the grip that their manipulation of the delusion of finance gives the Rs over it.
Bring on the insecticide.
The best of luck Dave to you and your family in your move to FL. Which coast East or West? Florida is such a beautiful state.
ReplyDeleteSpeaking of the Rothschilds. I've heard their dynasty is in excess of over "four hundred trillion." Amazing! The power they wield is beyond anyone's belief.
Thanks for your comment, flakstopper!
ReplyDeleteI use the attribute "secret" just because those criminals hide the fact that they stand (and rule) behind the official governments - they're sort of hidden to the average people. The history of the Rs is well known to me, as the fact that they belong to the core of the bandit formation that seeks to implement the NWO. An appropriate anti-R-insecticide would surely be of some merit, though I doubt its effect on the group as a whole - the eliminated individuals most likely would be replaced by successors, who'd carry on their evil job.
More efficient, with respect to crossing their plans, would definitely be a large-scale awakening of the folks they want to eradicate and enslave, just that this seems a very difficult endeavour, given the degree to which the candidates have already been brain-washed.
Anyway, it's worth a try, I think.
Thanks a lot, munich!!
ReplyDeleteWe move to the South-West, rather close to the alligators... ;-)
I actually like the climate and environment there, don't know much about the people though - have been told there's a lot of wealthy freaks around, so it may be rather hard soil regarding brain-matter(s)... :-)
Welcome Dave. I always enjoyed your comments on oen. I also agree about Leser & Tremlett. They were the bane of my existence when posting on oen. You are so right. They never answered a question you asked of them but rather disappeared (in leser's case) or gave some kind of smart ass comment (tremlett's case).
ReplyDeleteGood riddance to bad rubbish.
Scott, trust me, I'm not in the business of doing PR for Alex Jones but I feel he's getting a bum rap here. If he was in this just for profit, wouldn't he copyguard his dvds instead of allowing them to be freely copied and shared? Aaron Russo copyguarded "freedom to fascism". Did he make that movie just for the money? Since you are an admirer of Aaron (as am I) you should know that he and ALex were friends. Aaron was a frequent guest on his show before he passed. I don't think Aaron thought he was some kind of scam artist.
ReplyDeleteBtw what for profit websites are you talking about? The only one he sells membership to is prison planet tv and that's like $52 a year. I don't think he's getting wealthy doing that. I'm sure he makes some money on his movies but since they are all over the internet for free and the originals can be copied & freely distributed(at his urging) how much can he make?
Alex has some great guests on his show. From those in the forefront of the 9/11 movement like Richard Gage to trend forecasters like Gerald Celente, political figures Dennis Kucinich, Cindy Sheehan, Ralph Nader & Jesse Ventura. You should really listen in some time. You don't have to agree with everything he says. I don't. But he pretty much backs up everything he says with links to govt sites, respected alternative news sites or msm.
You dont' have to like him but you don't have to disrespect him either. He's waking up a lot of people to the nwo & the phony left./right paradigm. He was one of the early leaders in the 9/11 truth movement whether you want to acknowledge it or not. That in itself makes his voice valuable.
AJ predicted 9/11 in July, 2001 (though he didn't know the exact date it would happen). You can't get any "earlier" than that.
ReplyDeleteI didn't say he was a scam artist. I said he promotes his for-profit website a bit too often for my taste. And as far as his videos are concerned, A. he does sell them on his site, and B. the passing out of DVDs that are littered with ads for his website, isn't the worst form of advertising a person can get.
ReplyDeleteHe does do good work sometimes. I think he's "getting the message out there" and that is good.
But lets face facts, this guy was going off about the swine flu outbreak being a "population reduction" attack or a "false flag" attack for 3 days, before he all of a sudden caught on and started saying that he new it was just "hype" all along. I know because I watched a few of his "emergency broadcasts" on the subject that first week, while I was writing and blogging about it being over hyped.
That's the problem with setting yourself up as the messiah and then surrounding yourself with young, naive people who will echo that fallacy back to you everyday. Everyone says the MSM over hyped that scare, but notice those same people will NEVER include AJ in that group.
He advertises the InfoWars Tee-Shirt shop, Ecoloblue water, Home Gain, BioActive, Silver solutions, Immune Detox, Survivalist Seeds, THE ALEX JONES MONEY BOMB, various "INVEST IN GOLD BEFORE THE WORLD ENDS SCAMS" and that doesn't even take into consideration the advertising dollars he gets from the RADIO SHOW... and yes, he does sell his films there as well.... I can't wait for the Alex Jones XM Radio "Extreme Skateboarding Challenge"... (sarcasm)
And NO, Aaron Russo didn't do all that. He made his film, he gave speeches, ... he didn't advertise his Tee-Shirts on top of his website all day... There is a difference.
ReplyDeleteI was gettin ready to quit op a while ago and I talked to you. At the time I didn't believe that anyone else was pursuing the key to solving all of our problems,,,,9-11. I kept getting,"leave it alone,, it's old news" attitude. Everyone just see's the act and they don't see the "coup" which took place. The attitude that 'this will fix itself' is suicide. There is work being done, by the elite, not by us and when they're finished, so will we be.
You convinced me to keep on, that there were others ant to keep reacing more and more people. I got thrown off because it was inevitable. Rob was a hypocryitical ass hole and I treated him as such. He doesn't care much for me either. That's OK, I never mind telling an ass hole that they've got shit on their lip. Now, I've read almost everyone here and I like everyone, I like the attitude and I'm looking forward to being a part of the movement which stops the Elites, hook or crook. Eat The Rich.
Actually, I think the earliest recorded prediction was in 2000 in a document called "Rebuilding America's Defenses", but no one gives those guys "credit" for seeing it coming.
ReplyDeleteDon't hold back,,,,, let it all out!
Hey Jersy,
ReplyDeleteLike your' new picture, and
did I say Thank You?
Scott.. Alex is trying to run a radio show.. Aaron was a wealthy film producer. Aaron's message was a good one and he could have given his films out for free to spread the word but chose to sell them. Everyone needs to make a buck to live eh? ALex's first moneybomb EVER was last year and he used it to build his new studio. HOw long has this guy been on radio? I don't think that's outta line. Don't radio stations do all sorts of stunts to bring in revenue? Geez, give the guy a break. Its his livlihood.
ReplyDeleteAs for the swine flu ALex DID say they were hyping it and he didn't think this flu alert was the big one. He did have a guest on, whose name I forget,. who was somewhat of a religious nut, guaranteeing that it WAS the big one and we were all gonna die. He even had alex and the audience take a moment to pray.. lol. Actually, I wasn't sure what was going to happen. WHO sure was promoting the pandemic going to level 6 which would mean martial law. Then when it died down Napolitano came out and said that it was coming BACK stronger than ever in the fall. Soon after that Obama said they'd be pushing THREE flu shots in the fall instead of one.
So that tells me, they are up to something.> Especially since it's obvious that flu was produced in a lab.
Willie, good memory, but I'll see your "Defenses" and raise you one Zbig "The Grand Chessboard" written in 1997. However, "Defenses" and "TGC" are hardly in the "Truth Movement". They are in the "Fraud" Movement, so they don't count.
ReplyDeleteAs far as AJ promoting his wares, in getting the truth out the guy has expenses. I hope he makes millions. COTO should take a page out of AJ's marketing strategy and do likewise. The important thing is getting out the info. Revolutionaries are not saints. But then...there's...Jesus...(myth or otherwise).
Hey Peter, What are you thanking me for?.. thank you for joining us :)
ReplyDeletetouche' Mark.. excellent point ;) I always did enjoy your comments....
ReplyDeleteI have already said, the man does good work for movement. But I know the difference between "activism" and self promotion. Go on over to the Alex Jone's InfoWars Store and have the argument. Buy a Tee-Shirt that has a figure with a gun pointed to another person's head and read the caption that this is what Socialism is.... (that's not socialism, By the Way).
I listened to his "emergency broadcast" when the story of the pandemic first broke, and no, at first he wasn't saying it was an over hyped hoax.... I know... I heard him. He was acting as if the bodies were going to be piling up in the streets and was talking about the 1/2 million caskets in Atlanta... He was talking about involuntary quarantines on massive scales...
He takes himself too seriously. Now that he is "the prophet" of the "Truth" Generation, it's like he has the magic bullhorn.
I hate Michele Malkin (I think that is her name) just like any other right thinking liberal should, but I saw that video of him chasing her around some street gathering, yelling at the top of his voice and pointing at her like she is some kind of monster.
Whatever you think of her, she is nothing more than a TV moron. Who the hell cares about changing her opinion about anything? Her opinion is what she is told is her opinion.
But what she is, is a little 110lb woman, who at that time had some overweight, 220lb yelling asshole, chasing her down the street and screaming at her.
The whole time he did this, he kept making sure the videographer was still filming... making sure this would be Alex' next viral YouTube sensation...
You don't change countries by running down the street yelling at 110lb women. You just don't.
As many people as Alex reaches, all he would have to do is set a damn date, and a million people would show up at the White House, and we would be able to start negociations from there...
But will Alex do that? No.... he won't do it, because it would be the end of his career if it didn't work, and he makes a lot of money, the longer this drags on.
I will grant you that one. I was going to mention Zbig, but I didn't want to look up how to spell his name.
ReplyDeleteAnd I would agree with you about the "truth movement" and the "fraud movement"... BUT... you and I both know that there are members in each who are members in BOTH...
But I will give you the Zbig points... he was the first.
(on a more controversial note, my biggest problem with Mr. Jones is that he is NOT a "revolutionary". With his reach and his "street cred" he should have put people out there in D.C. long ago. But he won't. He never will.
The thing about revolutionaries is eventually they have to actually "revolt"... not just talk about it and sell Tee-Shirts. Though they both have Tee-Shirts, Alex ain't no Che.)
Hi there, Jersey Girl,
ReplyDeleteThank you, same compliments to you, re your comments on oen - I always appreciate your spirit, and I'm glad to see you here! :-)
Let's take 'em on!!
19 and counting banned from oen. Who knows how many others? Steve the Leser is at least a factor 3 liar, perhaps much higher. We're just lucky enough to have found each other. Makes one wonder, "how many more?" Make note: I prefer bonding over banning. Let's try and work on the former and the latter will be unnecessary. And geez louise, Rob! - I do hope you're following this thread. You notice how your visitor count has dropped off? You put a noose around your own neck. But shucks, maybe you can live with that! When it's time, maybe you can just take a leap. Hikes evidently do you no good.
ReplyDeleteAlex has put himself out there with his bullhorn. Where are all the marches by ANYONE? Last large one was against going into Iraq and i was there in Philly with them.. It was worldwide and msm treated it as if it was a township parade. If it's not on the teevee it didn't happen, right?
ReplyDeleteNow with all the obama sheeple baaaahhhing away at all the wonderful things he does, fat chance any kind of movement will happen except against we the people.
When ALL americans wake up and get out into the streets in a general strike or get a major boycott going just to show our numbers THEN we've got something. Till then? not so much.
I'm on your side Scott. I just happen to like what Alex is doing and you don't . No problem there. Now, what can we do to turn things around?
I have said about 4 times that I respect the work he has done. In fact, I think I mentioned his "Road to Tyranny" as one of the earliest and most effective Truth films out there.
ReplyDeleteI just have issues with a few aspects about him. But I think, all of those things that I mentioned could have been fixed if he just had at least ONE person around him that had the guts to pull him aside occasionally and say, "you're goin a little far here buddy."
All Americans aren't going to "wake up". In fact, the WeAreChange crews are even shying away from the "Truth" movement at least they are down here in Florida.
Good thread cinderman,
ReplyDeleteI'd lay odds that there were many moe banned who weren't even aware that they were part of a purge. Hopefully , they may find their way here. If not, we start off just like every other site does with one exception, we stand on the absolute truth, no bullshit, just balls.
While everyone else is "discussing" the "issues" we all know that they all lead to the issues which truly count; 1; There is an Establishment, it's not a fairy tale and it's not nice. They are intent on seeing the demise of the so-called "middle class" by any means including murder and if we don't stop them we are history. And, 2; We have a weapon. That would be Sept 11. It is the biggest mistake they ever made. They left us with enough evidence to put an entire administration away for life or even the death penalty and when chicken shits like them start to feel the heat they sing. Then, who we can't get legally we resort to their measures. There aren't many like us, who speak out, there are many more who know but are afraid. Those are who need to be reached.
The more people we connect with who have connections, the stronger we get.
I don't think connections with "FOX" news counts as a building block unless you swing to the far right so good luck to rob and his leser man. Ballsucks are a dime a dozen.
Strength to us all,, we will need it.
Thanks Peter. We need to work on converting non-believers to truthers. As an aside, back in the mid 70s I almost got a job at the Bohemian Grove. A friend of mind (sic) worked there. Although I was curious, I was too busy on my own path. I knew back then there was some serious hanky panky going on.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry if I "pissed you off" on OEN, Cinderman. Was it that you felt that my remark, "Good luck with your book, Kid" addressed to someone only five years my junior wasn't sufficiently respectful towards an OEN senior editor? Did you feel it was a hostile, abusive, personal attack? Or was it that I had advocated not voting? This is a link to the first time I recall interacting with you, and I don't can't see what I'd said that made you so angry.
We didn't "make amends." Other people intevened and you stopped making personal attacks on me. Now you've started again, accusing me of needing a therapist, deserving to have been banned, etc.
I do take responsibility for having said, "Good luck with your book, kid," to Brasch. If you want to forgive and forget, you might start by explaining why you found that so offensive, showing me another example of something I said on OEN or here that you consider to be over the top, hostile, or otherwise offensive, or by dropping your insistence that I was more hostile than you or than anyone else who was banned.
Am I ever sorry I signed on to this thread! The only good thing is that the repetitious tit-for-tat has gone so far off into the right margin it is no longer readable.
ReplyDeleteMy delete key finger is getting sore. Any of you (and you know who you are) who are enamored with the politics of distraction to this degree should be called out as the agents provocateur that you are.
Do it, Laudyms! If there are provocateurs, they deserve to be called out.
ReplyDeleteBut with actual quotes and citations, not with unfounded allegations or vague and mysterious innuendos.
Scott.. . hugs ... I'm glad we're done debating the pros & cons of Alex.. lol
ReplyDeleteAgents provocateur? What? Did someone tie you down and force you to read this thread? If it was so excruciating for you to follow why did you keep coming back?
ReplyDeleteOn "climate change."
ReplyDeleteThere's a difference between "climate change", "global warming" and "pollution."
Climate change can happen as witnessed by the Dust Bowl, when man over used the soil by not rotating crops. Deforestation can also bring about climate change.
Pollution, by contrast can also have an effect on climate, but more often than not it's localized.
Global warming though is a fraud. And it is this that AJ is exposing. Does the Earth warm and cool? Yes, but not because of man. It has to do with the Sun's activity and the Earth's tilt and proximity. It's a natural occurrence. Otherwise how do we explain past Ice-Ages and warming? Are we to blame man for them?
GW is a tool that the NWO is using to further enslave us. Knowing the distinction is as important as knowing the difference between real news and what is presented on MSM.
Remember that the mind games and semantics they play is to confuse and manipulate. We can work and fight for a a better environment by cleaning-up our polluting ways, and by stopping the destruction of of natural buffers, but there is nothing we can do about what the Sun does, unless you believe Chem-trails are working on that, which is like believing the official story of 9/11.
I took this thread as an opportunity for unfamiliar members to get to know one another. We all have our little quirks and some are easier to take than others. I realize, for instance that I can be a bit of an ass hole but I do try (to not be). Some of this thread has been a bit much grab ass and pukey but it's also been a bit informative.Not once did I get the impression that anyone was here for any other reason than to partake.That being said I think tat this would be a perfect time to turn this thread around. Rather than introducing ourselves, how about discussing what we each perceive to be the initial threat, who is threatened and what is our course of action.
ReplyDeleteFor instance, I believe our greatest threat is the Establishment,, or the Elite,, the Rothschild's,,whatever the fuck you want to call the greedy, murdering bastards. My course of action is to eliminate every fuckin one of them but obviously that's not going to happen. Too bad. Not legal, you know.
But,, we do have a weapon almost as strong. Sept. 11, 2001! There is more than enough evidence to put an entire administration on the gallows. Boy, would bush sing with a noose around his neck. Imagine an entire population who hears from the horses mouth that they've been nothing but fodder for the Fed for the past hundred years. Damn, maybe then, I'd get my wish.
In any event, this thread is about to turn into a pissin contest and if that's what I wanted I'd take my other address, re-join oen, and call Kall a Jew bastard. So, "Can't we all just get along?"
ReplyDeleteKumbayyyaaaaa My Lord.
Sorry man, had to do it.
I have no doubt that we will indeed get along. Just like family.
Yo Michael! I hope we get along better than I do with my own family :) When you gonna update your "gravatar?"
ReplyDeleteBy any chance did you know Bill Cooper? He wrote "Behold a Pale Horse". He said 15 years ago (before he got murdered - a wild story in itself) that global warming was a hoax. I spent a little bit of time with him, but I could never figure out what side of the fence he was really on. But regardless, his story is interesting. Just google his name with the tag "ufos".
ReplyDeletePeter, yes I sure hope we can all get along and I think we can. I personally like everyone here and can disagree with any of them without getting all pissed off and wanting to take my toys and going home :).
ReplyDeleteAs for your question.. yea, I agree the Bilderbergs and the whole nwo agenda. 9/11 was an inside job. The truth is already out on that but no one but we truthers are paying attention to it. Too many sheeple are still in denial. If everyone would acknowledge the truth, the jig would be up for the power elite, eh?
lol Michael. I do get along very well with my family and people in general. So yea, that would be a good thing in my book ;)
ReplyDeleteAnd yea, Cinder's right, get thyself to the gravitar machine and get that puzzled look off your face.. lol.
Cinder and Jersey
that puzzled look is me.
Seriously though, I am not a computer person. I would not have even the slightest clue as to how I would "change my gravitar."
WTF is a gravitar anyway.
Hey, could I have the picture of Cops on top of Mikey's Diner during the RNC be my picture?
How would I do that?
Michael... you go to YOUR blog. Click on My Account then click edit profile. On the right you should see a box that says upload picture or something like that. It will then let you "browse" for a picture you have saved on your computer such as the diner one and voila! You will have a new picture.. your very own original one :)
Look it, look it at that dere ugly asshole.
Thanks. I wanted the RNC cops on Mikey's Diner shot but do not have it on my computer hard drive.
This is a pic from my campaign lit, when I ran for US Senate in Minnesota.
Looks almost trustworthy, eh?
Hey..... Great picture Mikey! Trustworthy.. .errrr ok.. if you say so.. LOL
ReplyDeleteBanned without warning. It was likely for:
ReplyDelete1. Posting COTO Logo
2. Anti-Obama themes
3. Scathing photos of his cabinet
4. Discussing "Clinton Death Count" (over 40 now)
5. The clincher was likely when I posted an email from OEN where they they stated this regarding an article of UCAV drone warfare
Thank you but this kind of article is either commercial, out of date, or for some other reason doesn't work for us. (Articles are evaluated by a team of 20+ volunteer editors. We trust our editors. Any abuse by email is cause for banning from the site as a troll.)
Op Ed News Administrator
We see now what happens to volunteers who do not conform. Right Rady?
Thanks Puddy... I think you were the only one missing here. Free speech always carries a price tag. Take care & beware.