- You believe a better name for our “two party” electoral system is the “United Corporate Party of America”.
- You didn’t vote for either Obama or McCain in the last election and instead voted for a third party candidate e.g.… Nader, McKinney or Ron Paul OR didn’t vote at all because your vote doesn’t count anyway.
- You do not believe the official “fairytale” of 9/11. You want a real investigation into what happened that day and know from doing your own exhaustive research that it was an inside job.
- You know our govt. invaded Iraq and Afghanistan for imperialistic and monetary reasons & had nothing to do with 9/11. You also know, for those reasons, the “war on terrors” is a lie.
- You know waterboarding is not “enhanced interrogation” but torture & that the Bush/Cheney regime should be prosecuted for war crimes & crimes against humanity.
- You also know that many democrats are complicit in these same crimes and that is why Dennis Kucinich’s Articles of Impeachment ended up in the trash bin.
- You know the new world order is a fact not “theory”, you know who is behind it and their agenda and you know Henry Kissinger calls us “useless eaters.”
- You know that the chemtrails, that paint our skies daily, are showering us in toxic chemicals and bacteria and making us sick.
- You know Monsanto’s gmo frankenfood is poison
- You own the movie “V for Vendetta.” and watch it for inspiration. You also know the words to Howard Beale’s spiel from “Network” by heart.
- You wish Jesse Ventura would run for President in 2012.
- You listen to Alex Jones.
- You refuse to get a flu shot because you know their vaccines can be deadly.
- You are disgusted that our civil liberties have been crushed under the boot of both the Bush and Obama administrations and know that 9/11 was the catalyst for the destruction of the Bill of Rights under the Patriot Act, the Military Commissions Act & Fisa.
- You know what the “14 Points of Fascism” are and you know the U.S. meets all 14.
- You know "the federal reserve is no more federal than federal express" and "end the fed" is one of your favorite bumper stickers.
Thanks to JerseyGirl for this great list of COTO tenets for us and any newcomers as well. It is posted in the membership tabs.
Hey Jersey!
ReplyDeleteThanks for the list of coto pointers - good job. Special thanks to puddy dune for walking me thru the signup. As they say in the new age, I would have never made it on my om :)
There it is- the COTO Manifesto! It only takes a few of yesterday's crack-brained "conspiracy theories" to become today's "reality" before you start to doubt EVERYTHING.
ReplyDeleteWhen USA PATRIOT passed like gravel-through-a-goose with nary a mumblin' WORD from the Supreme Court, it should have been a sign that we weren't in Kansas any more. How many people have read... or are even aware of it?
According to Kucinich, 80% of the people who VOTED for it did not read it. The only part of the Beale schpiel you need to know:
"I'm as mad as HELL... and I'm not going to TAKE IT ANYMORE!"
hey hey waldo --i have lots of great guns stashed in home made bunker on brothers place--plenty of ammo--just kidding-but you know --unintended consequences
ReplyDeleteOh...sorry...I thought it said tenants...
ReplyDeleteI was going to see if I could get a room here.
I didn't bring any guns, but I have a steak knife for my dinner setting.
Is there room service? Or do you have an outhouse?