The Good Wife
After much investigation and some research I have come to a conclusion that the Hillary illness is a complete fabrication based on the optics and typical poorly orchestrated MSM scripting. It was hard to believe they did not want us to know the 911 and Sandy Hooks were staged. I mean considering the fact that they have managed to cover the Apollo to Zebranomics conspiracies so well, how can we buy into the dumbed-down obvious holes that permeate these other Hegelian dialectics?
Hillary is an actor just as the rest of the crew in DC Holyrood. She also is as intelligent if not more than her counterpart Bill. Rhodes Scholars do not always equate to brains but the commitment to the NWO and a real drive for power. Hillary would be top of her class at Georgetown while Bill would be average. Neither are stupid but Hillary is a professional career criminal and her
head count in the governors and presidential periods are proof. You could say that her career really started with "
stand by your man"
Clinton Body Count: Link ( I had to use a Startpage Quick Proxy or else the Googleplex will send you to
House of Cards
After posting the sequel to
Bill Clinton Has AIDS?, regarding the health of Hillary and what her afflictions may be, I began to wonder why this thing called love was so strong between Bill and Hillary, a couple who obviously had love but not for each other. It was apparent that she was not one to love anything but herself and her pursuit for power. Her staged episodes since this reality show started have been so scripted for a purpose yet to be determined, but please look at the beautiful timing and the quality of the photography. What appears to be a serial of episodes is worthy of Ridley Scott or Jodie Foster for dramatic effect, this saga may be more a game of thrones buried beneath the house of cards and the good wife may be sacrificing her chance to sit in the round and instead be written out of the next season. I can now comfortable say she will not take office.
Medically speaking the MSM is right on cue coming to the script of Parkinson and Pneumonia, but the fact is her symptoms and observable antics could be anything from Graves Disease to HIV Neurosyphilis to Autoimmune Thyroidism. If I were to write the final episode I would have her in hiatus getting full blood transfusions in a basement full of live babies but I am not bound by the vortex of virtual reality and real life. Her illness is only life threatening to every member of the viewing audience. I think it is time we show this hand.
The house of cards includes the Trump. This card is wild but it hard to see it being played this season and yet I cannot commit to anything except my prediction that there will be no election. Whether I mean there will not be a vote or the elected never taking office I am still flip-flopping. So what are the options?
Game of Thrones
Obama and FDR, Clinton and JFK, and Hillary and who? This is the question. Where does it go when the script has the country so divided by two of the worst prospects for leadership? There is no law preventing Obama to run for Congress again. Speaker of the house #3 in line after CIC and VCIC. Wow that's a stretch. What the 22nd Amendment is may be vague, but it is an eleven times two. There could be 322 here by the cabal to get this overturned after a major event. By demand of the public in crisis to waive it entirely and have Barry win by a write in vote count. The electoral college decides but the voice of America speaks as well. So it is not out of the realm considering the man of change has been loose with constitutional law.
Add SCOTUS and the Roberts factor. It's likely the place where this scenario would end up. Or if there were something to happen with some state of emergency the whole election could be cancelled. What Obama said in his meeting is important. Law prevents him from running yet he would win. Also though he said he did not want to run if it were possible, this is what FDR said as well. That is a microcosm of the global fraud of political correctness where everything you say is a lie or exactly the opposite of the truth. That's how the vortex works in dialectics . Hillary is a pro like Bill and Obama. Antonin Scalia's death can go on the Clinton body count ledger.
A meeting held Thursday at the White House will likely allay some of those concerns. During that meeting, Obama Administration officials met with representatives of the Democratic and Republican presidential campaigns to discuss the preparations for the "
peaceful transition of power" in January.
There is no peace, it is not the right time. Why call it such? We are fighting proxy wars with every single country on earth in some fashion. Whether currency war, the fake war on terror, weather warfare or a silent one with death by omission and the actus reus of softkill. Therefore Obama needs little to exclaim a Jefferson moment and there would be little needed to include in the script to get this narration into a real event. I have often considered Obama Act3 as a better bet for America than the two party psychopaths on stage but it would be a lot less interesting watching a rerun than getting a fresh new and more exciting script.
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Dial M for Murder
Watch the Alt-Right and Alt Left Media for murder of News and real journalism. Watch Alex Jones, CIA plant and his counterparts like Rachel Maddow and see the joined forces of the cabal working in tandem. MSNBC's Maddow is even helping Jones push his snake oil. You can't miss this example of how the alternate media has been created to provide the vortex of the dual paradigm divide and conquer. Is anybody really able to listen to a full Infowars broadcast and suffer the ego of Jones and his incessant blather on Trump and his sophomoric ranting on the leftists. Notice the lack of Paul Craig Roberts, Max Keiser, Gerald Celente, etc. and his lack of having anybody discussing chemtrails, HAARP, Sandy Hook, the Black Pope and Zionist Joo-Bees. His shows have deteriorated to hours of self promoting hero worship, including his courage facing death enhanced by his juvenile personal vendettas with the young turks, Maddow and other actors.
Take note he doesn't talk staged events on any level as it would bleed over to the fact that this whole election is a farce and that Trump and Clinton could never have made it to finish line if it were real. No possible way could these two dismal and deficient human beings ever have made it to this point had the producers not intended it to be a farce. Gene Wilder presented Springtime for Hitler and the Bilderberg producers surpassed that script by far with this treatment. Now we are left to wonder our own sanity as we await the daily installments of Dial M for Murder. Would anyone even flinch if one were to end up dead? If you have spent the time to review the Bush Clinton Soetoro Body Count chronicles it is a serial drama by serial killers and impossible to pass off as conspiracy theory.
Is it possible Hillary has a love so deep that her life and her health are secondary? Is there a mind-control and handler relationship there? Her health might include psychosis, but I do not believe her pathology is in the physical realm but if it is she and all involved know it is terminal and she is ready to die a martyr. What the next installment and script will offer is anyone's guess. I will not predict it. I will continue though, to try to stay one move ahead of all the global apparatus and their psy-ops and I will confirm the Clinton body count now includes Hillary herself. This event is not a disclosure and leak expose' but a staged operation meant for public consumption.