Well, you know it's close.
Larry Nichols says within the next two-weeks.
Apparently Obama and a bunch of others are thinking the same. Martial Law is no longer some "conspiracy theory." It's kicking in our teeth.
UPDATED APRIL 13 AT 12:03 AM EDT ---- (BOTTOM) RUMORS swirling say "Martial Law discussions over a banking system failure" are the reasons President Obama and Vice President Biden are to meet with Fed. Chair Janet Yellen today after the Federal Reserve's Emergency Meeting this morning. In the history of the United States, it has never before taken place that both the President AND Vice President meet "unexpectedly" with the Federal Reserve. Speculation is already flowing all over Washington, DC that it may have something to do with "the survival of the government."
Members of the House and Senate are said to have been "up all night" in discussions and meetings; with floods of phone calls back and forth.
More: Tuesday and Wednesday the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors meet in DC and on Thursday the IMF and World Bank meet in DC as well.
All the leading bankers in the world will be in DC this week. Something wicked this way comes and it is coming very, very soon; within days we suspect.
Next Tuesday: The Chinese are scheduled to announce their switch from dollar to yuan on Tuesday, April 19th; which will send about two TRILLION in cash back to the US and send inflation skyrocketing overnight.
If you are not prepared, you have run out of time.
You need to have emergency cash to live on in case banks close for a couple weeks and shut down credit, debit cards and ATM's; not cash to pay your bills, but rather cash to SURVIVE with for food, fuel, medicine.
Stores may have to close, so you'd better have food, the shelf-stable type that doesn't go bad: 50lb Bag(s) of rice, Boxes of various Pasta, canned meats, jarred sauces. Butter, sugar, salt etc. Enough to survive for awhile just in case.
I'm not prepared. I'm stuck in a house with delusional maniacs. If I were somewhere two-tank fulls out of the city, I could survive on my own. As it is I don't give myself a month. At best.
But I have two new cameras now. So I'll be able to a least video the end of the world.
Somewhere in there is some humor. It's a dark-humor. It's always been a dark-humor. Now it looks to get a lot darker. So I thought I'd pop-in to say "Hi!"
Oops ... more of that damn dark-humor shit again. Wish I could stop.
Does anyone think it is a coincidence that at the same time these cretins are resurrecting the Temple of Baal that they would collapse the economy?
Oh-wee folks are we in for a fight or what? The unholy hoards along with the holy-war sleeper-cells, what fun!
Anyway, I wanted to say my "hello's" and "good-byes." I would like to think that there is going to be a best-case scenario, but even at this point, even a best case scenario is going to cost tens-of-millions of lives.
Or maybe not? Maybe there are those that are not sleep-walking over the abyss, that are in positions to stop this from happening? Recently I talked to a Major that confirmed the FEMA-camps were prepared, but did not get from him what he was going to do when ordered to put us in them. I got the sense that he wouldn't.
You know that they have to do something to derail the awakening. Love him or hate him, Trump has spearheaded the populace-uprising the Ruling Aristocrat Tyrannical Society (RATS) have always feared. And they are behind in their plans. Or so they have said. But getting the people's idea that they may actually have some say in upsetting the power-structure? Well, we all know that isn't going to happen without the RATS doing something to take everyone's mind off some silly election. Now what better way to do that then starvation? I still say we won't see an election.
What can we expect? A military-coup? This seems like the most logical, but not without perils of its own. Disruption of services is guaranteed for several months.
So I don't know folks? Are the RATS going to unleash Hell on Earth? Are all the prophesies and warnings going to come true? In the end the Bible says we win. Or at least those of us that can make it through a worst-case scenario.
Pray for peace. Prepare for war. God bless you all.
And would someone PLEASE tell me what happens to all the nuclear reactors that are going to go unattended?