Just like Katrina, the Rainmakers, Chemtrailists and HAARPists are actively steering the HAARP generated Arecibo facility in Puerto Rico. Arecibo has been manipulating the Jet Stream and Gulf waters since the Macondo event and Corexit program to alter ocean currents and wind patterns. We have experienced unprecedented moisture influences from this program for several years now driving Gulf monstrous up the eastern seaboard and endothermic steering of weather systems in the Caribbean. While the Pacific and el Nino are under Alaska and Pine Gap control.
Now they will begin driving the Trump anti-Climate accord agenda. You can now enjoy the likes of Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo playing meteorologists on CNN and running a 25/7 hype agenda of man made climate change which we know now is real and in the hands of psychopaths from the Navy, NASA, NOAA, NIST and NSA team and their affiliated corporate technology partners and fake media magicians.
They are just ramping up but we have already seen unprecedented scalar fallout and real earthquakes due to the massive global endothermic ionospheric heaters all working to drive the floods, droughts and their special Derechos around the globe.
The Trump wildcard not only covers the usual suspects in the flying economy, ISIS, Russiagate but the Vatican's agenda for Climate Control is a staple of the Agenda 2030 program. Our 11 year cycle here in the US began again in 2016. We saw the Caribbean Gulf damage and power is being used in Puerto Rico for multi=Gigawatt assaults. While people there still have no power, we too will soon know how it feels again since 2005.
The Carolinas are already fully saturated due to the Arecibp program and now a controlled and stationary HAARP Scalar monster will send waters flooding statewide if this cyclone is managed as the Lame Stream ENMOD team has been instructed to report and promote. But sending little Ms. Mockingbird Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon and Chris Cuomo instead of their usual meteorologists and stringer reporters is so, so obvious. What a cesspool we have centered in this cyclone but hey folks that is the NWO Vortex.
+285 -174 = 369
Now watch the mandatory evacs, military drills and MSM narrative go into action. COMMAND & CONTROL!
I wonder if they have any nuclear ambitions or just giving us the usual power outages?
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Massive outages, high winds and extreme flooding could push outage restoration for weeks.Based on the latest track and overall forecast for Florence, we are estimating power outages in the Carolinas could be between 1-3 million customers.
We will have more than 20,000 people in place to attack restoration, but those efforts cannot begin until the storm has passed and it is safe to do so. It is important to know this is no ordinary storm and some customers could be without power for a very long time – not days, but weeks.
We will continue to provide you with frequent updates and information throughout the duration of the storm until every customer is restored.
For your safety, please heed all warnings from local and state officials.
High-water and flooding safety reminders
Learn about your county’s emergency plans, warning signals, evacuation routes and locations of emergency shelters. Visit for more information.
Turn off your power at the circuit breaker panel or fuse box if rising water threatens your home or if you evacuate your home.
Stay away from downed power lines and electrical wires. DO NOT drive over or stand near downed power lines. Electric current passes easily through water.
Do not try to drive through flooded areas; most flood-related deaths occur in automobiles.
People who live along lakes and rivers, and in other low-lying areas or areas prone to flooding, should pay close attention to local emergency management officials, national weather service and media for changing weather conditions and rising lake and river levels.
High water conditions can create navigational hazards. Use caution and follow the advice of local emergency management officials before going on area lakes or rivers.
If you have electrical service to facilities (piers, outside lighting on seawalls, etc.) on or near the water, have a qualified electrical contractor de-energize this service to avoid injuries and equipment damage.
For updated lake level information, go to or call Duke Energy's Lake Neighbor Information line at 800.829.LAKE (5253).
Safety around hydro stations and dams
Watch for rising water levels.
Know where high ground is and move there quickly if you see or hear rapidly rising water.
Heed warning signs posted near threatening areas, and avoid boating and swimming in these areas.
Be especially cautious at night, the time of day most difficult to recognize the dangers.
Watch for strong currents, wear life jackets and stay alert to changing weather conditions.
Stay alert for partially submerged objects. High water can sweep heavy debris into the lakes.
Outage Information
If you experience an outage, please report it via our website, text OUT to 57801 or call 800.419.6356.
ReplyDeleteHurricane Florence is replacing its eyewall. Here's what that means.
What it really means is the engineerers are trying to stablelize the system for max damage. This means they are creating the double eye wall and holding it in a hot cell offshore. Thety know what they are doing!
ReplyDeleteSee ventusky and windy sites mentioned previously. Two days ago, I felt the unnamed tropical disturbance northwest and slightly ahead of Helene (Now, named Joyce) looked like it could "mate" up with Helene. Well, look at it now?! It appears Helene will catch up and overtake Joyce. I don't know the calculations on something like this, does it exponentially then increase Helene or what? Or maybe they march westward as a 1 + 2 punch on the Carolina coasts or thereabouts following Florence? Interesting. I don't believe I've seen this possible "mating" occur before.
Isaac seems "parked" now for 2 days, but will likely move into the GOM to turn into a giant problem.
7 Storms churning around the world currntly.