Executory and Forensic Deceptions
Revealed!! Why PWC’s Stephen Mumbo committed suicide
Details have emerged on how Stephen Mumbo, the PWC manager who fell to his death at the company’s offices in Delta Towers spent his day.
The deceased reported to work as usual and proceeded to the boardroom located on the 17 floor of the building.
He had reportedly made prior arrangements to work from the 17th floor and not from the 12th floor.
Initial investigations reveal that he was in high spirits as usual and did not exhibit any signs of being troubled, a characteristic shown by most suicide victims.
Until his death, Stephen Mumbo was a senior forensic detective at PWC rising to the position of Assistant Manager at the Forensics department of the firm.
Prior to his engagements with the audit firm, the deceased had worked with several companies and built a successful career that is the envy of many.
Until 2016, he worked as a consultant at NASFAM, a Malawian small holder farmers company.
His career began at Pleng Limited, a consultancy firm, between March 2003 and April 2005 where he served as a design engineer for structures.
Away from the suicide theory, police are also keen on establishing if there was anyone else in the room in what could point to a murder.
According to The Standard, a worker at the building reported that said he saw Mumbo struggle to hold on to the window before screaming as he hurtled down to his death.
In the wake of his death on Friday, Consumers Federation of Kenya lamented that employees at audit firms work for long hours and are often left to shoulder the stressful nature of their works alone. Forensic auditors handle tonnes of sensitive information as they audit, dig and find fraud in company accounts.The JKUAT civil engineering graduate succumbed to the injuries he sustained from the fall at Aga Khan hospital.
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PWC Employee Throws Self From The 17th Floor Of Delta Towers
Kahawa Tungu has learnt that the deceased and his wife were struggling to have a child and only a couple of months ago adopted a baby girl.
Speculators say that while he could have jumped all on his own, it is possible that Mumbo was pushed with sources pointing fingers at his immediate boss George Weru.
Suicide Spin - creating a conspiracy
a deflection misdirection
Audit firm manager booked 17th floor office for work only to jump to his death
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Mumbo Jumbo
I was a witness to a suicide swan dive in Boca Raton FL about 15 years ago. The man did a swan dive from seven floors and did not scream. Booking a conference room five floors higher seems to me a move to get privacy in a investigation that might include internal monkey business. This death has been cleaned by the Googleplex and dark web information scrubbed from the search results.
PricewaterhouseCoopers needs no introduction to the global mafia and they certainly have enough reasons to execute a forensics investigator who works in one of the most corrupt and fraud ridden countries on the planet. Stephen Mumbo may have had the Obamacare kiss of death as he screamed to his death from the Delta Tower in Nairobi.
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Eerie 'singing' sounds heard coming from the Antarctic ice shelf
The Independent
Scientists have heard strange "singing" noises coming out of the ice shelf.
The low-frequency noises – which sound a little like moaning when sped up – could help researchers track the ice shelves as they collapse.
The singing tones come out of the surface of the massive Ross Ice Shelf when the winds blowing across the snow dunes cause it to vibrate. That means they produce the "tones" almost constantly, and now scientists have found they can listen to them.
/_\ /_\ /_\ - THE r DELTA
M6.5 Earthquake - Vancouver Island, Canada region
Preliminary Report Magnitude 6.5
Date-Time 22 Oct 2018 06:22:49 UTC
21 Oct 2018 23:22:49 near epicenter
22 Oct 2018 00:22:49 standard time in your timezone
Location 49.314N 129.673W
Depth 10 km
M6.8 Earthquake - Vancouver Island, Canada region
Preliminary Report Magnitude 6.8
Date-Time 22 Oct 2018 06:16:28 UTC
21 Oct 2018 23:16:28 near epicenter
22 Oct 2018 00:16:28 standard time in your timezone
Location 49.347N 129.214W
Depth 10 km
M6.6 Earthquake - Vancouver Island, Canada region
Preliminary Report Magnitude 6.6
Date-Time 22 Oct 2018 05:39:40 UTC
21 Oct 2018 22:39:40 near epicenter
21 Oct 2018 23:39:40 standard time in your timezone
Location 49.250N 129.478W
Depth 10 km