Thursday, November 4, 2010

Signs Of Intelligent Life In Oklahoma

Rampant brain death in the remaining states. Very much out of character the okies have done something intelligent by proposing legislation to prohibit international law from being cited in a state court. In the belly of the beast not a word is being said by the tea-party insurgents about the real issues such as repealing NAFTA,GATT,overturning the federal reserve act,repealing the patriot act,ending the wars for Israel and putting the Army on the border WITH BULLETS IN THEIR WEAPONS.

Voting for the red "Mounds" bar or the blue "Almond Joy" bar will never change the fact the we end up eating a plate of shit as long as Mr. Mars owns both trademarks. (Korn-tech is in no way affiliated with the Mars Corporation or any other candy-asses for that matter)

This political intelligence report brought to you by Korn-tech information services a sister corporation to Korn-tech Chicken Coops and Korn-tech Agricultural Experimental Research Compound. Korn-tech is not funded by the ADL,SPLC or any other group of ass-holes.


  1. Korntech is country fried (countrifried) good.

  2. your humorous word twist :)

    Coto knows nothing will change no matter which candy bar is dispensed from the black box machine.

  3. Mars is the god of war by the way,he runs both sides.
