Thursday, November 4, 2010

Has the Next False Flag Event Been Predicted by a TV Show Once Again?

I found the link to this video in my mailbox tonight from Lisa Long.  In the video are several shows and or movies that eerily predicted real events shortly before they happened.   These "predictions" happen a little too often to be called "coincidences".  I mean really, what are the odds? It seems the "Simpsons" are an illuminati favorite.  This particular prediction from this episode seems to be more of a stretch but absolutely nothing surprises me anymore. ~jg


    November 14th at 6:50AM Pacific Coast Time (UTC + 8).

    Repeat - Tipping point starts on 11-14-2010.

    November 14th of 2010, nearly double in a very rapid fashion over mere hours (1.12 hours) on January 7th, at about 5 AM. Further this increased rate of emotional release language persists for an additional 23 hours until 4:30 AM on the 8th of January. Then, whew, the rate of release language goes back to its previously experienced levels, which , while steep, are not as intense as the January 7 to 8 'purge' of anguish.”~HPH

    “Given the current economic, social and political atmosphere in the United States, combined with the reports of accelerated governmental preparedness programs, one might assume that the emergency supplies are being prepared for specific actions and/or events to occur at a date in the near future.

    Whatever the case, we have to continue to assume that any region-specific or national emergency will lead to complete pandemonium in the populace, which explains why much of the regionalization focus as outlined by Missouri DPS is focused on governance and law enforcement.”~


  2. HPH's first analysis...this is an update, was for a November 8 through 11 timeframe.

    This whole trip is fascinating.

    I wish I still had my Timewave Zero program.

    That would show it to a point focussed within a matter of minutes.

    Keep your eyes peeled and you nose in the air...
    November looks like a very iffy month for 2010.


  3. Well Deb, you know what I think about Holyrood as insiders. Interesting outakes.

    It made me remember this article I posted on OPED trying to explain the money wars to the lemmings.

    Terrorism and the war on terrorism is simply a state sponsored attack at a particular location to allow the state or authority to perpetrate a larger crime, be it pre-emptive war, martial law, human rights violation or simple fear and intimidation. The Corporatists don’t mind, it’s good for business. The governments don’t mind as it gives them a job and it never involves their military service and rarely that of their children. And finally the New Order [bankers] are the ultimate winners.

    State sponsored terrorism has been around for a couple hundred years. You have to look at it from a business point of view. Bill has a bank. He makes money loaning money. Zeb has a bomb manufacturing plant and he makes weapons for protection. Bob has left the military, has no job but wants to be rich so he applies for work with Zeb. Bill has loaned Zeb money and Zeb has produced and sold some inventory. That’s great, but Bill wants to loan Zeb some money. Zeb says he doesn’t have the orders to pay the loan. Easy, Bill hires Bob to start a war. Now Zeb has the new orders to pay the loan. Bob runs for office paid for by Bill through Zeb. Bob will get rich and powerful and he won’t forget Bill and his generousity. Bill reminds him that he will hire more Bobs to go through the same ranks as he did. Bob understands. Bob is glad to have other friends that he can relate with. Bob is not a racist. He likes all military types no matter what color they are. They share a tradition of special service.

    Bill tells Bob that his friends need to prove themselves and Bob needs to help them and protect them. Bob agrees. Meanwhile Zeb is bringing his friends to Bill and Bill is loaning to all Zebs friends. All Zebs friends are finding Bobs of their own. This goes on until they realize they need to start a fellowship, an organization, a private club for all members. So they meet and make their charter and begin their club. A group made up of nothing......but “BillZebBobs”

    And there you have the modern history of war!

  4. What is so fascinating at this point, one of fairly comfortable stability personally—is how the HPH Reports coincide with Time Wave Zero, even the visual similarity of the graphs, both proving some degree of accuracy upon investigation.

    I personally graphed a TWZ prior to the first Gulf War that charted out to the minute the beginning of the unannounced “shock and awe' champaign, and following events, the wave returning to stability at the end of the hostilities.

    Now, HPH has had a real proven hit predicting the HP Oil disaster, right on the money.

    Putting all this in the context ,that the world is certainly in a period of exponential novelty that has been speeding towards intense complexity, time seemingly on fast forward; the assertion that there could very well be reason to believe that there is something ahead that will culminate on 2012.

    That the times are apocalyptic is obvious to any that are paying attention. That it is a period of tribulation, meaning 'trials' {tribunal as root} must be obvious to even the casual observer.
    The economic crisis, the political crisis, the continuing “war on terror”, the “bomb threats”, the ongoing conflict in the Middle East, spreading hot wars spilling over many boarders; a great tension engulfs the world at large.

  5. “BillZebBobs” ...Bezelbobergers and the Trilooting Commission...yup


  6. Good one, JG!! It sure was eery to see the TV show of the plane going toward the twin towers. Of course they are showing previews of coming attractions, cause like Puddy said, they run Holyrood.
    BTW, Lisa Long was one of my buds. I was sad about losing her partner Michael. She's been putting out alot of good info, for years, although I dropped off her list awhile back.
    So far under Barry's watch, state intel falseflags have been regular events but very low level, clumsy stagings. I hope and pray they don't do the Simpson show...but like everyone here pretty much expect them to do something very nasty again sometime.

  7. Will, sorry to be so dense, but I don't know what the hell that stuff you just posted is or means. I do agree that November is an iffy month. As I mentioned on here somewhere before, Obama leaving the country for India (???) can't bode well for us. I have had a very uneasy feeling that something is going to go down while he is out of the U.S. Seriously, with America about to collapse why is the president and his family going on a good will tour to India,spending millions of our tax dollars? WTF??!!!

  8. Patrick, that is an excellent article. Where do you keep that crystal ball? I also like the way you explain the whole terrorism/money scam in a way even dumb and dumber could understand.

    I think the bomb that changes all is about to detonate, both figuratively and literally.

  9. Mar, you're right, I've been getting great stuff from Lisa for years now. Why did you stop getting the newsletters?

  10. good post Jersey, bit close timewise to get much out there though:-(
    the point re the bummer being away from convenient!
    the massive security entourage going with him?
    is a drip in the ocean compared with the amount in India and pak that would happily die to take him out.
    renting a whole hotel or two..well it didnt stop the Taj mahal guys to have security around..
    if they nuke anywhere lets hope its that round white place. conveniently near empty this week.
    and yes Puddys brilliant at clarify convoluted matters:-) it was Puddy that enlightened me at op ed re disneys other land...

  11. So do I JG. I, by now, have to conclude the 911-II. It has to be an attack of 10th power to that of WTC. It has to drive the permanent wedge into the heart of "us and them."

    USAnTHEM - "O" say-tan u see, by the Dawns Early light.

    The Dawn:
    It represents the Triune Unification of the 33rd degree of world unification, under the Anti-Messiah 666 who is to descend upon the unfinished capstone of the Great Pyramid. OPERATION NEW DAWN is much larger as a catalyst for GENESIS VI and not a simple redeployment as indicated. It will be a cleansing of world for his most illuminated.

    It's coming and who will be ready? What do you think?

  12. I remember when we were kids I bought myself and my little sister each one of those "Rolo-pops"?? they were round lollipops with a chewy carmel center.
    My sister was young, maybe three. I handed her the candy an was happily eating mine when I looked down and saw Marici {my sis} with the sucker in her mouth but a strange baffled look on her face.
    Looking closer, I realized she hadn't taken the wrapper off the sucker, and was just getting the flavor of the waxpaper wrapper.
    I realized I needed to show her how to unwrap it before eating it.
    Then she was happy. {grin}


  13. Is November 2010 Going to Be False Flag Month in America?

    From Ken Adachi, Editor
    Nov. 5, 2010


  14. All the Soft Kill preludes from day one combined with the current events, numbers and signs indicate the time is right is for an intro into war, followed by assault on our already weakened minds and bodies.

    Total global makeover. Our immune systems are at all time lows and the campaigns at an all time high. Where is the intersection? I'm not going to be a dolar short or a Psycle late. Locked and loaded for coming hijinks. Down Periscope!

  15. Puddy, it is wise for all to be attuned to the tenuous "vapor" that is our existence. We should not fear the cadaver contortions of the already dead, as they are but the last gasps of beings bent upon evil and deserving of an ignominious fate.

    So...the living should seek shelter as they see their own bulwark against the enemie(s). Prudence and Prophetic wisdom precedes all of our subsequent preparedness. You know of what I speak.

    It is time to get Right. It is time to Think. It is time to weigh in the balances all that weighs heavily upon our minds.

    Creatures are we, and yet we are imbued with common sense and wisdom, that should we access, we would KNOW what will come...


  16. " matter how much destruction they unleash, and no matter who they dig up to blame, remember that by no coincidence was the entire Washington elite on vacation at the same time…"

    Part of a comment on a thread I just picked up.

    It sure fits into the scenario here...anybody who's anybody is booking--have booked and skeedattled...Elvis has left the premises.


  17. That's a good point HbdRg.

    And they get paid for their work? They should be hung for so many tReasons.

  18. Yea Boom,

    And Now Today...on the Cusp of Mystery...

    So now it is the 7th of November 2010. We enter the period of the eerie predictions of all the sooth sayers on the Internet—tic tic tic...and yet, things seem even more eerily calm.

    It could be the calm before the storm.

    Catastrophe always comes in the blink of an eye. Monday will be the 8th the day the count down is supposed to begin in earnest.
    Strangely, Obama's trip abroad takes place in this exact frame.

    Is this all an omen? Or are we but in a state of excited senses?

    In a world of such heightened tensions, it is difficult to distinguish. After all the “chatter” that HPH analyzes can very well be the feedback of the hysteria anticipation—it could be merely THAT which is the event itself.

    Decoding the oracle is always the most difficult task, for they do not 'speak' in human tongue and must be 'translated'--there is always personal bias in the translator.~ww

    “Zbigniew Brzezinski explains – generally there is awareness of global inequalities, exploitation, and disrespect. This awakening is largely the result of the information revolution – thus revealing the contradictory nature of the globalization project – as while it globalizes power and oppression, so too does it globalize awareness and opposition. This awakening is the greatest threat to entrenched elite interests everywhere.”~ Marshall

    This very fact is why “the opposition” is anticipating an attack, an imposition of a 'shock doctrine';
    The “global awareness” must be countered and shattered before a tipping point is reached.

    Simple attrition is too slow. A boost is needed for more efficient oppression. Something needs to be done about the Internet. The stabbing of a British MP yesterday has brought on the purging of YouTubes.

    Legislation is spinning out of DC like clay pidgins from a battery of launchers.

    Are things twisting into tight knots? Weird warbled wanky ones indeed.

    Of course the weirdest thing is, anything is possible at any moment—and always is.~ww


  19. Well ww....Will they shut down the net before or after the event? Seems wiser for them to pull the plug and THEN commit their next horrific act of terror doesn't it?
    After all, there are way too many blogs and alternative news sites spilling their beans and ruining their surprise isn't there?

  20. Gee JG...I guess that would depend on the nature of the the 'event'--taking out the web would be an event in itself, wouldn't it.

    It is pretty obvious that too many parts of the infrastructure are dependent on the web--they would be cutting their own throats to take it down. What they want is effective CONTROL--which means selective blocking capabilities. All of that is evolutionary in nature, where as what we would term an 'event' is some sudden unexpected action.

    So will their actions will be in anyway 'wise'...?? That in itself seems an oxymoron, knowing their history.

    A whole lot of words here that can be summed up: I don't know.


  21. गणेश गणपति विनायक विघ्नेश विघ्नेश्वर ॐ गणेशाय नमः गणेशगाणपत्य श्री ईश

    This transmission seems to indicate:

    "An obstacle will be..or has been removed" for a new "base, foundation".
    अष्टविनायक : Mumbai/Ganesha/Obama trip...


  22. Just a review of another false flag, to keep our perspective honed:

    Rare footage from the day of the Oklahoma City Bombing that reveals that there were 3 explosive devices planted INSIDE the building. How did Timothy McVeigh pull that one off?


  23. Another interesting recent developement;
    Noam Chomsky has awoken from his long MSM induced trance and stated that al-Qaeda is not responsible for 9/11 because there is no supporting evidence. This is a giant development for 9/11 Truth because for years he has attacked the movement, even calling it a "waste of time".

    Read it here :


  24. Why is Netanyahu in the U.S. while Obama is out of the country?

  25. tha's a scary as shit quesiton Boomer....yoiksa



  27. That is a false flag event in itself. He aughta be rested as a war crimey.

    ///*\\\ stinky ash can nazis___________________


  28. Netanyahoo is in the country while Barry is out?? wow that is truly weird.

    Chomsky coming clean about 9/11??? Double wow.

    It just get curiouser and curiouser............

  29. The curiouser curser of Alice's virtual Wonderland...indeedee Miss Jersey.



    Little-Known 9/11 Truth Organization Strikes Gold in Court Action Against NIST, Unearths Striking Video/Photo WTC Evidence


  31. There is also the possibility that the EVENT could be sparked by a natural disaster of mega proportions:
    If a Krakatoa type event happens, we are looking at a mini ice age like in the 1770s/during our First Revolution {grin}

    Der Spiegel: Geologists Warning Of “Mega-Eruption”

    The Merapi eruptions are becoming more violent – and the big bang could be just ahead. The Indonesian volcano has been spewing 800°C ash clouds for days.
    IF THIS VOLCANO goes off between November 8th and 14th, it will be the tipping point to trigger the new ice age and climate change in a global perpective.

    >>>>… danger time is the 8th through the 14th

