Sunday, August 1, 2010

Sunday Digest 8/1/2010


Oxford professor calls for drugging water supply

The ideas interview: Julian Savulescu 

"Eugenics need not be Nazi, and drugs in sport are good, Oxford's leading ethicist tells John Sutherland" - Guardian UK

-Must be one of those New World Ethicists in the Chemtrail Unit


EMPIRE BUILDING UPDATE - Israel and US not signing

Cluster bomb ban comes into effect - Al Jazeera

"The United States, the world's largest producer with the biggest stockpile of 800 million submunitions, has refused to sign the treaty so far, although it says it will ban the weapon from 2018."

~ Does that give you a nice timeline my friends?



Liz Cheney calls on Obama to shut down WikiLeaks

"I would really like to see President Obama to move to ask the government of Iceland to shut that website down. I would like to see him move to shut it down ourselves if Iceland won't do it. I would like to see them move aggressively to prosecute Mr. Assange and certainly ensure that he never again gets a visa to enter the United States," said Cheney.

~ I like the sweet little lesbian daughter Mary better. Sounds like a Jeb Bush-Liz Cheney ticket to me.



Bill and Hillary Clinton's daughter marries in NY

Security was heightened to keep Bill off the bridesmaids.

Police: Wendy's robber complains about skimpy haul

ATLANTA – Police say a man who robbed a fast-food restaurant with a gun was so mad about the amount of loot that he called back twice to complain.


"Obama bored with his Blackberry"

That isn't  politically correct or racially sensitive. Shouldn't it be Barry Soetoro hooking up with a ho on his dingleberry?


  1. ATLANTA – Police say a man who robbed a fast-food restaurant with a gun was so mad about the amount of loot that he called back twice to complain.

    Probly just a moonlighting stimulus banker.

  2. Savalescu..I would be putting something in HIS water supply alright, amazingly warped cahppie. Normal is a crime,?
    Cheneys daughter, well, what could we expect really,
    raised on Aspartame and daddy lies.
    :-) loved the clinton comment puddy, so true!
    I hear soteros lost interest in that toy anyway as security only allow 10? people to call him on it.
    awww, poor boy.
    the wendys robber story even made the news here, I wonder if he was cluey enough ...naw, I bet he used his own ph to call and complain too..

  3. with a daddy like that no wonder she doesn't want a man touching her...

    the wonder to me is that anything she has to say is supposedly know, like these are royal families or somethng.

  4. ..."can eugenics ever throw off the legacy of the Third Reich? "It depends what you mean by eugenics," Julian Savulescu

    The deeper question is can eugenics ever throw off the legacy of the Skull and Bones/Harriman/Sangure pre-Nazi abuses done right here in the good ol oosa essa ayayay.

    We all know that this is Illuminum dioxide genocide flim flam...too bad about academic anemic dupes like Savulescu with their delusional, "I'm doing the good work" when ANY work for the screaming mad scum that run this planet can be turned toxi with the switch of the dipole.
