Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Little Bunny Foo Foo

'Little Bunny Foo Foo  I don't wanna see you  Scoopin' up the field mice Bop 'em on the head! --The Good Fairy

Holy Roller Polly Mark Souder Steps in His Own Steaming Dogma Pile.

This is huge news where I live in dominionist krakkkerland:  Rep. Mark (the Chicken-Hawk) Souder gets caught with lipstick on his dipstick.  Big deal. Even better:  you can watch a video where his alleged kanoodle cookie “interviews” him about “abstinence education.”  (whoops- “removed…”) Too funny. And while this may be the most Schadenfreude fun this neighborhood had since WJ Bryant fell in the canal, I’m saying: Not. So. Fast.  While it is high hoot to see the deflation of this proselytizing douche bag, he looks like the guy who woke up with the horse’s head.  And who the hell is “Tracy Jackson?”  Go ahead.  YOU try to find out.  “Part time,” $12k per year… still “on staff.”  “Married” to whom?

It ain’t the money. Who does the doo in DC (or even here in
Duckberg) for $12k a year?  Nobody… except maybe spooks… and operatives.  Checkout these videos here:  same line of horse-plop, same row of books, same lighting, same outfit.  If she’s “…in her mid-40s,” I’m Grandma Moses.  And in the other direction, if Souder is “59,” I’m a teeny-bopper sk8ter boi.  I’ll be 63 this Fall, folks… and Marko was a year ahead of me in school.  Yep, I knew him “back in the day” when IPFW (aka “Highway High”) was one building.  He was a YAFfer… I was a “green-bagger.”  A staunch war supporter, he could not go himself for “religious reasons.”

He was also high tweets on “Christian morals,” even back then when it wasn’t so chi-chi. What was funny back then is dough-boy had the same chance of getting laid as Sherman’s necktie.  Look, I’ve been sick of salami politics since long-before bubba and his stinky cigars.  What grown-ups do with their doodles is their business… even if the book-smackers have made it their drooling tool.  It’s darker, deeper and more dangerous than bobbing-butt hypocrisy.  It’s about global omnicide, neo-feudalism and murder most foul.  The people who actually run this husk of a “country” know that, and they don’t care how many billions die.  They are busy setting up private fiefdoms all over the world.

Whatever Mark Souder is, he is not stupid.  And, he has demonstrated that he is a master at “compartmentalization.”  That’s why he showed no incredulity whatsoever at being a “chicken-hawk.”  That makes him a pure ideologue, and that makes him dangerous.  He actually believes his own shit.  He got too close to the source, and he might get some kind of “message from God” or something.  He had to go. This was too quick, too clean and too heavy (like “9/11”).  The polished Trojan Mare has probably been dunking doughnut-boy since 2004, the year of the rigged election when Mordechai Vanunu was released from prison.  This was no time to risk some loose creationist canon (pun intended) spilling the soup.

To me, this has set-up written all over it. They need a more cynical car-salesman or lobbyist to pop the fundamentalist mice. Hare today, goon tomorrow.  The Good Fairy has spoken.

We are all going to die.


  1. It gets curiouser and curiouser. All day long, any attempts to dig up info on "Tracy Meadows Jackson" and her link to the Xian flak radio station WFCV locally has been met with viral attacks and browser shut-downs.

    As you know, every "careerist," especially in "Marketing and Communications" has prints all over the web. Not in this case... BUT... According to ms. waldo... who is using a Mac- therefore not victim to all the cyber-barriers thrown up yet- a Mary K consultant... husband construction/ real estate (like the Riches)... and SHE says... bored housewife- wanted to get involved in "politics."

    Down-home around Lake Wawawsee... a regional money-laundering haven for at least the last 100 years. ms. Waldo don't think it's all that complex... but I DO. Here's what I speculate:

    The next false-flag "terrist" attack is going to be nuclear... and it's going to happen right here in my little corner of dominionist krakkkerland, It's going to be an Israeli device that can't be traced to domestic sources... or will be traced to former "Eastern Bloc" manufacture.

    At this point, it really don't make a hill-o-shit difference to me.

    The Stars are Out.

  2. Interesting how deep this goes for you. What would normally appear to be another committee mending fence Op to keep the balance of the yin-yang thang.

    I concluded sometime during Billy Longzippers time that the requisite to get elected was you had to provide some insurance to the Khazars lords. Like Skull and Bones, you had to take it up the poop-chute on high resolution Kodachrome.

    So when you decide to buck the banksters, they give you the choice of coming to your senses. If you don't the full length feature arrives on Blu-ray for Showtime.

    If you get real nasty with them, they send you down the 'WELL like a STONE.' Look at my USA map on the post for Oklahoma City-Hammer and notice where the nuke went off.

    Luck don't be a nasty ho tonight. Souder has all the credentials of the neo-Khazar indoctrination. What do expect from a Notre Dame Education. It's the antithesis to Harvard degree.

  3. boomerangcomesbackMay 18, 2010 at 6:50 PM

    Nice writing. Witty in your wacky way. Enjoyed it!

    Your points are well pointed. 'cept WE ain't goin die -- They are.
