Sunday, October 29, 2017

Gigantic Health Conspiracy Explained

Learn the TRUTH the so-called "Health Organizations" don't want you to know.

Life-Changing Information for a majority of health issues found here.  Perhaps, the most important information you will see to improve you and your family's health.


  1. It's scary. The fact is that this was a Disney-Monsanto conspiracy along with the factory farming AGRICONGLOMERATE. The best thing to do is to eat fresh greens and as much raw veggies as you can with the free-range meat.

    It's an agenda that has moved to countries everywhere. Remember the post I did on the CHICKENWARS, Britain wouldn't buy ours. Garbage in garbage out.

  2. Americans foremost, drive a gauntlet of poison selling stores along their highways and byways every single day. When Fast Food restaurants are viewed as dangerous purveyors of slow death, then folks will have the right idea to protect their health.

    Just the other day at a Walgreens, I got the "Don't forget your flu shot?!" invitation with a smile from the check-out clerk. I drolly replied, "I don't do flu shots".

    People just don't know.

  3. My goal is to stay healthy so I can watch fate catch up with these liars.

  4. Aye, Pat. Ditto.

  5. Me too. I've known about these health issues for a long time. Food is medicine, and (drug) medicine kills men. Health care means self care.
