Saturday, January 10, 2015

"MUST SEE" Video Reveals How The Elites' CONsPiracies Have Changed History. Right up to the Latest French Scripted False Flag "Crisis".

RIVETING NEW VIDEO EXPOSE' REVEALS "HOW THEY DO IT!" {Control and Exploit the populations of the World -- You're going to be Furious!}, "WHO IS INVOLVED". I could not stop watching this video -- boomerangcomesback.

LOST -- Freedom, Peace, Prosperity, Decency, Health, The Truth

FOUND -- The "Racket" that brought it about, and how it maintains control over humanity

The majority of every country's populations are asking the same question -- "Where has the money gone?", "Why can't we make it, when we're doing everything we can?", "Why the Terror?", "Who has created this broken world we're living in?"...

Do you know who is behind it?

The final video on this post will explain it all to you.  See if you can refute the conclusions...

Pick your country friends...Ukraine, Yugoslavia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Libya, Greece, Honduras, Vietnam, Cambodia, the U.S, etc.  Pick your continent and geographic area -- Middle East, Iceland, N. America, S. America, Europe, Asia, Africa, etc.  Notice the commonality.  Notice the set-up, the ramp-up, the Wars and the aftermath.  Notice who is installed, in what policy positions -- and now you know What has been and is going on. 

History is not what you were told it was?!  Bet on it.  The comprehensive video below will Shock you, and Reveal "The Truth" hidden behind the propaganda our world has been sold.

Sourced from:  "JFK to 911 Everything Is A Rich Man's Trick" by Francis Richard Conolly

UPDATE:  The Paris False Flag at Charlie Hebdo is being used by the Elites (like all scripted "Crises") to further their power and control.  This is pointed out in the following article from Lew Rockwell's site:

“Truly Massive Display of Hypocrisy by Western Leaders” in France” — Walk of the Real Terrorists!

“Hypocrites up and down the line. Terrorists themselves. Leaders who have been stoking the furnace of terrorism themselves, creating terrorists, supplying them with arms, tolerating their education in Saudi Arabia. Hypocrites. All those leaders who have been attacking Muslim countries for years on end and supplying arms. Hypocrites. All those leaders who yell “terrorism” when it suits their grander schemes of domination. Now when there is blowback in Paris, they yell “extremism” and use the occasion to continue and enlarge the war on terror. They use it to strengthen police state surveillance and to frighten the populations under their control. The West’s leaders have created terrorism, intentionally and unintentionally, knowingly and unknowingly, depending on the person and situation, and now they again are seeking to benefit from an attack on western ground. These same leaders stand by while Netanyahu engages in slaughtering Palestinians. They dismember Libya. They supply arms in Syria. They attack and destroy Iraq and Afghanistan. They now bemoan deaths for which they bear responsibility, for it is they who have invaded one Muslim country after another.  (Read the complete article at the link above).


  1. Ahhhh....Love the Brothers GRIMM flashback.

  2. Elites Leading Paris March? Hiding on side street Dodgin

    "Truly Massive Display of Hypocrisy by Western Leaders" in France" -- Walk of the Real Terrorists!

    "Hypocrites up and down the line. Terrorists themselves. Leaders who have been stoking the furnace of terrorism themselves, creating terrorists, supplying them with arms, tolerating their education in Saudi Arabia. Hypocrites. All those leaders who have been attacking Muslim countries for years on end and supplying arms. Hypocrites. All those leaders who yell “terrorism” when it suits their grander schemes of domination. Now when there is blowback in Paris, they yell “extremism” and use the occasion to continue and enlarge the war on terror. They use it to strengthen police state surveillance and to frighten the populations under their control. The West’s leaders have created terrorism, intentionally and unintentionally, knowingly and unknowingly, depending on the person and situation, and now they again are seeking to benefit from an attack on western ground. These same leaders stand by while Netanyahu engages in slaughtering Palestinians. They dismember Libya. They supply arms in Syria. They attack and destroy Iraq and Afghanistan. They now bemoan deaths for which they bear responsibility, for it is they who have invaded one Muslim country after another.

    “British prime minister David Cameron, German chancellor Angela Merkel and Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu are among more than 40 world leaders who linked arms as they led the march to loud applause from the massive crowd.

    “Speaking at the march, Mr Cameron said extremist violence would remain a threat for many years to come.

    “‘We in Britain face a very similar threat, a threat of fanatical extremism,’ he said.”

    Among the unnamed 40 are the hypocrites who have been on the attack.

    Hypocrites, including Obama:

    “In the wake of terrorist attacks in France and elsewhere, the Obama administration announced Sunday it will host a Summit on Countering Violent Extremism next month.”

    These leaders have no moral standing whatever, no moral credibility whatever on this matter or any other. They have long since dirtied their hands with their lies and propaganda. In their foulness, they have given up all respect. These are despicable people who are so low that they use the Paris attacks to jump on a moral white horse and act as if they are pure and defenders of their citizens. Hypocrites. They have no intention whatever of changing their very own policies of extremism and foreign intervention that have brought about attacks such as those in Paris and on 9/11. The West indulged in new forms of colonialism and imperialism in the 20th century and now the 21st. This has to be recognized, admitted and ended. It is leading to an even greater conflagration than anything yet seen". Source: Michael S. Rozeff, Lew Rockwell, 11 January 2015

  3. UK PM David Cameron: There should be no "means of communication" which "we cannot read" --

    What an Asshole!

    It didn't take Cameron long, after the Charlie Hebdo attack, to promise more spying on the citizenry - you know, to keep everyone "safe"...this noted in a comment from thread .

    WOW! These elite scum jump right on the crisis bandwagons, not wasting nary a second, attempting to justify MORE, AND MORE SURVEILLANCE powers. Readers should be able to quickly see how TPTB manipulate every crisis (scripted or not) to increase their abilities to KNOW EVERYTHING about the poor, huddled masses. Seeking All Power, and Complete Control via GLOBAL surveillance under cover of "keeping the people safe" is now known and seen as a worn out meme justification used by the Elites to control and profit off of the masses.

    IMAGINE!!! If this was TURNED AROUND on THEM? And, humanity was able to watch, track, and know what these psychopathic "controllers" were up to? Like forensic CPA's, WE THE PEOPLE had access to their books, their capital assets, their phone, email, and ALL electronic communications?

    Do you think that would turn the world upside down? I do. Therefore, KNOWING should be humanity's goal. And publishing it. Criminals don't like the light, which is why They've made the rules for Them, and continue burdening humanity with all their bogus surveillance. Don't be a Sheep!
