Sunday, September 23, 2012

The James Holmes Conspiracy (full documentary by James Howitt)

This is a little over an hour and a half long but you will want to watch the entire fascinating documentary.  Combine this with the mind control experiment video that Veri posted and you have a really powerful presentation. 

The strongest information is that presented at the end regarding James Holmes' father, Robert Holmes.  He was scheduled to testify before a U.S. Senate panel regarding the Libor scandal.  He is credited with developing algorithm software to detect banking fraud.  He is the senior lead scientist for FICO.   You will see a motive develop beyond the gun control issue.  Kill two birds with one stone comes to mind. ~jg

Apparently youtube is not allowing this to be posted anywhere else.  Too close to the truth?  When you copy and paste the url, it comes up as a different documentary.  So click below to watch.


The new mugshot.  (thanks Oz)


  1. What's with the Marty Feldman eyes???

    They must have done permanent damage to Holmes...he looks as crazy as a shithouse rat...just like...hmmm, too many others.

    That video is too long for my mobile device pay schedule at any rate.


  2. I will put a star beside it and watch it when I have time. Thanks JG

  3. Prepping for Holloween too. Late night and dead tired. I will watch it tomorrow as well Deb. I believe I was nixed from OPED Spews for my MK-Ultra postings back in 07 when I was nailed up the Clinton hit list. Even though I had included the Bush Box gangland slayings. It was when I had the audacity to peg the SPLC as the major player in club Delta.

    I actually got some emails from a certain editor there who pushed me to continue, just not on huffpo and OPED anymore. Oh well, it was fun while they all lasted. It just won't fly in the MSM frequencies as a part of the disclosures and I am certain it opens the jar of Pandora for all of us. There is a little James Holmes in each one of us. When they decide to rush you to a higher fraternal order and designation you should begin to worry. If youre a legacy to an insider you have a target painted on your back.

    Where Monarch begins and ultra ends is vast into every segment of theatre. In sociological stratification the nobles often sacrifice their own and it shows itself in many of the cases we have examined. Hinckley to Holmes, the castes are created. I've seen the same look on Holmes as I have George Dubya and many Holyrooders. It's a study in itself.

  4. Can you watch it in smaller segments at a time, Will? It's broken up in smaller videos on youtube as well. It's nothing we here don't already know but it's so well done. They use Sirhan Sirhan in comparison and go into the history of MK Ultra and experiments on unwitting victims.

  5. Patrick.." I’ve seen the same look on Holmes as I have George Dubya and many Holyrooders. It’s a study in itself."

    Don't leave out Bill Clinton. That little video clip of him in a "trance like state" is included in the video. You can argue he's probably just exhausted as they apply his makeup but then there is the "before the show" conversation(?) with Larry King also in the vid which belies that idea. Creepy...really creepy.

  6. UHOH .. check this out:!

  7. Steve Piezchenik (sp) on Alex Jones predicted a false flag on yom kippur which starts tomorrow and sundown. THere is a UN meeting today which includes Ahmadinejad and Nuttyyahoo.

  8. Just finished watching this, spooky stuff further down the rabbit hole. I've got a DVD collection called "Evidence Of Revision" that is 5 discs long that starts at the Kennedy Oswald assassinations and goes as far as the Jonestown massacre linking RFK's and MLK's murders that tells the story linking it all to MK ULTRA with history back to DR. Ewen Cameron. It's a presentation done from newsreel footage and commentary from the times around the events that presents a picture that's easy to grok. LBJ was a crooked SOB through and through and is alleged in this to have engineered the Murder of JFK amongst earlier ones in his rise to promenance.

  9. Issa strategia de tensioni honey a buncha bulloney


  10. What are you referring to rougie? The Camp Weather alert?

  11. Those sound like really interesting cds V. Where did you get them? No doubt about it, Johnson was a real SOB.

  12. Check out You'll have to scroll down quite a ways but it's there. There's lots, you might get sidetracked getting to it. The Rogue'ster would have a field day there. I've got a growing collection of stuff, I show DVD's I've got to people from time to time but it has to be the right crowd, I find it takes a modicum of intellectual curiosity that not enough have to view this kind of stuff. I'm also curious about the emerging life sciences, I recommend "The living Matrix", it'll lift your spirits. It relates to the energy field and our connection to it. It's quite enlightening. I need to do that to be away from this dark stuff.
    In " Revision Of Evidence" it presents an event that happened the night before the assassination where LBJ, J Edgar and others got together in Dallas that hints at them being co-conspirators in what happened the next day with Poppy Bush getting the F--- out of Dodge (Dallas) and lying about it that very morning. That wild west in the territories beyond the law is still a mentality that prevails to the day. There's nothing civilized about these beasts.

  13. Thanks V ! Lots of really interesting books & vids there. I watched the trailer for the eor and want to see more. I'm on a strict budget right now so I did find it on youtube and have bookmarked it to watch tomorrow. I've been up since 4 and am too beat to watch tonight but am looking forward to watching it.

    I saw evidence of revision following 9/11 for sure. We live in Orwell's World......

  14. Think of it COTOmoto's just 2 days 'till the NUKULER ARMYGETTON...

    See y'all in the Dream Field....


  15. In that case, hope I'm standing right under it.

  16. Interesting...

    I have been arguing with a coupe of people about the new articles by Jeff Prager, and his assertions of nukes at WTC.

    I decided to email Professor Jones, who Prager has publicly challenged for debate.

    Jones wrote back that he had never heard of Prager, and wanted to know if I had links to Pragers essays.

    It seems odd that Jones wouldn't have heard this through the grapevine already...but I suppose he is distracted by his new work. And I know he is somewhat disgusted with the new turn in the "truth movement".

    We see what happens now...if'n the world is still around in a few days....


  17. Thing about it is, they've never covered their tracks very well. Is it by sloppiness , or just right out contempt for us that we're too gullible to catch on. The bad actors in 9/11 like Bush junior sitting in that class room looking like he got caught stealing from the cookie jar, Rumsfelt announcing that they had misplaced 2.3 trillion taxpayer dollars only to have an so called airplane nail the office dead on next day. What's the odds of that. Then Cheney, the indicators are, he knew of the airplanes inbound. Then Silverstein and his statement about pulling building 7 and the screw ups on NBC stating the building came down an hour before it did. Then the BBC reporter, all she would have had to do is turn around to see it still standing. Evidence of Revision? That's the whopper of whoppers.


  18. Well, what can I say Deb? This was like reviewing my minds history over the last fifty years. Kudos to Howitt, you and OZ for gtting it on the archive of a thousand posts we have amassed here.

    Wonderfully separated tentacles in a strategic series of factors presenting the Octopus. Full of subtle clues and it hit me hard like a long lost brother coming back. Really well done. I have to see more of his work and see where he goes.

    The connections of the blue omnibus tie all these things into the master schematic. I was hooked immediately with the image of my favorite Mandelbrot spiral.

    Anyone who views this carefully will find many interesting fractals and one such is the footage of the Al Gore CURRENT network Libor clip with Eliot Spitzer. There are a dozen and I praise Mr. Howitt on his attention to detail.

    **** - five stars.

  19. Could it be ummmm...Satan? Like the fractal shows V, might the connections in 911-Bldg 7 SEC-Pentagon and connect the Holmes and his daddy -grandaddy DARPA -algorithm to Libor.

    Woo Wee, it all just too beautiful in disclosure not be design with purpose. Can we atribute it to capricious, random events?

    Let us not be computable altered states of protein induced subjective experience directed by the PTB that have disabled the majority.

  20. Looks like they're starting to eat their own. Satan? can't say I buy into that one either. Awfully malignant fractal, like a screechy string in a symphony. This induced protein subjectively see's it as a bad acid trip right out of a Hunter S Thompson story. No point in distorting the field anymore than it already is.

  21. I refer to the whole pazazzarooni of this trip to give the appearance that the world is on the verge of nuclear war.

    I lived on the edge of my proverbial seat all through school with this nuclear sword hanging over my head...the 'Civil Defense' drills at school...hiding under our desks...the radio alerts..."If this had been a real emergency you would have been advised..yada yada etcada...

    Maybe it's be boy who cried wolf scenario here...but I am not going to sweat it. I've had enough of worrying about ghosts and goblins.

    If a nuclear war starts in the ME, we'll have plenty of time for peeing in our pants from that point. Or maybe we'll get a dribble out and see the light quicker than that if the escalation goes exponential. Either way I'm keeping my undies dry till then.



  23. I know PD. I thought of you while watching it. Howitt does a great job presenting the info and tying it all together. I actually found his video after watching that vid on hypnotism that V posted. It was listed on the same page. The perfect tie in and along with the mugshot pic Oz sent me, the perfect post.

    I'd like to send the V vid along with the Howitt doc to my email list but most likely the only ones that would take the time to watch it are the ones that already know the truth, It would however, send them further down the rabbit hole where we are residing :)

  24. V, that's a very well written, thought out commentary. The Prisoner was a very good tv show from back in the day and a good illustration of where we are 40+ years later.

  25. I don't think anything will happen either Will. In fact, I don't trust Piezchenic or however you spell his name.

    However, on the other hand, I won't put anything past these monsters that rule. They've already poisoned the planet and one has to wonder why they'd do that when they inhabit it as well, right? So what's to stop them from blowing it the hell up then? See? When you're dealing with such craziness, anything is possible........If it does happen, I want myself and everyone I love to go in the first flash.

    I too remember growing up being terrified that we'd be incinerated from a nuke. Duck n Cover, bomb shelters, Cuban Missle crisis, assassinations.. yea.. talk about PTSD.

  26. Sometimes I just invoke a little jocularity

  27. Another ****-five stars V. The Prisoner was a staple in my early childhood viewing. Along with my early reading of Farenheit 451, Stranger in a strange land and Jack Londons Lone Wolves, Call of the wild and white fang.

    For this B-Boomer in the nuclear threat age, I found my zen in this education over the legalism brain entrainment of the international technocratic domain. I proudly wore my libertarianism though often cited as rebellious or contrary. Now I realize that I was always an anarchist and it's in the DNA.

    That I preach in Bluebeam as a major factor in the data mining and catalouging and why I defend religion (even the scams) as a necessity of theocratic sovereignty. I have to defend the rights of those I may disagree with and that is what the committee uses to divide and conquer.

    As a week where the UN General assembly is meeting I hear Ahmadinejad will speak to the Occupy Movement? Bravo! Let the dialogues begin. Non-comformists such as myself have no use for hope as hope is a path to One World Order. Dystopia for me but others may see it as a solution.

    How they can advocate the end to liberty, expanding consiousness and enlightenmment for trinkets and peace is beyond me.

    Thanks for posting that spot on point of light.

  28. Yes Clinton is a holyrooder JG and he is most definitely an MK in my book. Total slave and handled well by the SS handlers who 'cleaned the scenes' of his mayhem.

  29. In my zeropoint theory this is just the kind of phenomenon that I find in daily frequency. Not random or coincidental you stumble upon that video from an exchange of links with Veritable who was driven to his by the same type of energy or force.

    It is a matter of possible pre-conciousness, from the universal event of awakening. The Perfect Year. Maybe 366 cycles of a universal transmission of the ZP frequency breaking through the distortion and smog of a purposeful committee dampening of this energy.

    It is where you pre-cognition has overtaken the superposed assault by the PTB with all their WMD. If I am correct then you can begin to discern and connect what you may have thought just coincidental fortune and begin to evaluate their meanig and how they form significant design and meaning to your world. It is the small, appearing insignificant events that have a connection to the larger set in the quantum superposition. You have got to follow it, identify it and let the 'self' gravitational movement from interpretation direct you on a daily basis. It's a unique experience and one I recommend considering.

  30. I've noticed the connections my entire life. I don't believe in random occurrences, never have. Everything happens for a reason. So that's the zero point? Well, hell I've been there all along.

  31. I beleive it so for COTO. It helps to identify and know when to flow like the river and when to follow the streams, when to resist the CURRENTS and avoid the undertows or rips of the committee blue waves even when they appear pacific.

    Whether surfing or swimming, knowing the waters makes the course less daunting and can even guide you through the storms. I expect the Tsunami hits soon enough and that will be the big test. The leviathan that is this octopus can only intimidate, coerce or compel it's victims. No force can stop those who will know the truth regardless of the turbulence.

    -enough wet metaphors ;)

  32. Listen guys, this is going to sound a little whacky on my part but I had an event happen to me that has shaped my perception to the day. This happened to me 42 years ago in what I'd call a dream quest but one that happened to me not in the way I would have chosen. I'd turned searcher and am a product of the sixties. In the day, we were very much into the paranormal, some of us stayed on this side of the paradigm but most had to get a job, ya all know the routine. I'd say very few of us that didn't throw up their hands and say "oh all right" and went along to get along have had it easy through life because of our convictions. Maybe we were destined to walk a hard path but as the saying goes "that that doesn't kill you, makes you stronger". All through my life, I've had events happen that defy logic in the classical sense of the word. I'm sure many here reading this have had some similar experiences, Like picking up a phone to call someone and there they were on the other end of the line trying to contact you even before the phone rang. Things that have happened to me are along that line but much more so.
    My little dream quest happened as the result of a bad trip. I ended up in a jail cell and had the carpet of my reality completely yanked out from beneath my feet back in the day when they didn't know what they were dealing with. It took about a week and a half but I wigged and ended up in solitary confinement and was there for 3 days having what I'd describe as an all consuming hallucination. In this conscious dream, I was earnestly battling against a creeping malignancy, there was this noise in the background, a howling like you hear from a big vacuum, the kind they use to clean street gutters with, might have been from a factory nearby, don't know. It was like a musical instrument called a theremin from a creepy old horror movie. it brings me back to the event every time I hear that. I ended up in the bug ward from there, I escaped but that's another story, suffice it to say that I conned my way past the locks..
    As I speak to you here, it's like I had a premonition and believe it to be a premonition, you be the judge. Here I find myself on this quest telling this story to the world in the company of others on the same quest. Doing what we can to tell the world, we're in grave trouble by a creeping malignancy called NWO.
    Something finally snapped in me just in a conversation with someone that started me on an insatiable thirst for information that has consumed thousands of hours of time in a relatively short period of time in relation to how much time many of you have put into all of this. I believe we are the gathering storm clouds, I see signs of the an upwelling as it's intended to be, we're the nature of the All correcting herself as she can't withstand imbalance. We here and many others are the hints of a wind portending to a crescendo coming. They know it, I don't believe they're as well prepared as they would have us believe. It's in the rendering us powerless through fear that they hope to contain us with.
    There comes a time when fear loses it's stranglehold. Like anything, when it's been used too much it loses it's potency. People become tired of being afraid. It's happened before during the bombings of the great cities of Europe in World War 2. Don't want to over use a phrase but as has been said "I'd rather die a free man than live as a slave".
    For my kids and their kids kids
    We're in big times.

  33. I see signs of the an upwelling as it’s intended to be, we’re the nature of the All correcting herself as she can’t withstand imbalance. We here and many others are the hints of a wind portending to a crescendo coming. They know it, I don’t believe they’re as well prepared as they would have us believe. It’s in the rendering us powerless through fear that they hope to contain us with.
    There comes a time when fear loses it’s stranglehold. Like anything, when it’s been used too much it loses it’s potency. People become tired of being afraid

    V !! I couldn't agree with you more ! I've been feeling the same way for many months now. They are AFRAID OF US. In spite of all their weapons and plans they have in place, they are still afraid of US. They have always been afraid of us. They are the ones that cower in the darkness and pray to their evil god. I say, their god can't help them. WE are the power and WE are legion not them.

    I love David Icke and my favorite line of his is "human race get off your knees".

  34. I wouldn't call them demonic, just demented as witnessed by their insane antics that have killed millions. That's a hint of how big this is. Our hope is that the mutton heads don't knee jerk us into this when they get slapped upside the head awake.

  35. I think the term demonic fits these bastards quite well. As I've mentioned before, I do believe in the forces of good and evil. They became real through our thoughts and deeds. Demons are the manifestation of the evil in the world. Those that rule are monstrous demons.

  36. I guess the way I see it is as a play of words. I'm a little more prosaic about it seeing it along the lines of a tape worm growing while sickening the host. Reptilian is too kind a phrase to describe them, too high up in the order.

  37. Just so as you have verily well put my man.

    I had the slow steady voyage - compared to that at least...from the time I was a young kid I just couldn't buy the jujujive...I thought the grown-ups were crazy. And by himiny they sure as spittin' are.

    The story Peter Pan has something to say in a Prometheus Unbound sorta way...Never Never Land as Turtle Island, Captain Hook as the Red Coats/Pirates...the Lost Boys as the colonists...and of course the Indians...and Tinkerbell as the muse of the Pan....

    That is a short synopsis of an essay I wrote that got zapped when my old computer died...

    Yea in the metaphorical sense__we fly.


  38. WTF???

    That's why I hate TV...



  39. I like the church lady. That skit always made me laugh. Wonder whatever happened to Dana Carvey?

  40. I appreciate when the personal events are recorded. Thanks V for that experience. As a most private person, it has been hard for me to tell my experiences but if they are not shared, then no one learns or connects. They miss an opportunity to recognize a real energy. And real energy explains your event to me.

    I believe the ruling minority's fear stems from being 'all in' on the deal. It has the finality, biblically illustrated. The largest part of the puzzle and theft is not so much to reduce our numbers for security sake though the Nazi phenomenon required drastic measures for them to contain it. It is more directed at their ability to remain in power and in this realm (3d)

    Like JG eluded via Icke, 'get on your knees', Biblical-Religious themes tend to instruct people to do so. Peace, like Hope [imo] are fantasy. Energy is real. If we tap the right ones we don't need anything else. Fear is for those who have something to lose.

    To what degree cototypicals see the world as a holographic, illusionary projection may differ but we are limited to certain senses. Tinnitus, sightings, visions, pre-cog, deja-vu, exigency and experience are all connected to a common energy. It's the dipole reception that is the issue. It may be the difference in sheep and serpents. If we had unlimited access to memory, that would help as well but the effects of the assaults are real and deadly to our energy.

  41. Agreed, We're vortex's in the field as all that's living is. It appears the energy is incredibly organized in a flux of cognitive resonance. We're the product of her reflecting upon herself. The complexity is incredible yet so is the simplicity of it all. I give my description the feminine because it beguiles me to call what is as " It". One of the crop circles in Wiltshire England described the nature as "The Goddess of all Creation". That rings true with me.

    If you guys get a chance, check this one out. It made a tingle run up my spin, not in a bad way. It's an hour 43 minutes long and was put out by Project Camelot and Bill Ryan. Spooky lady.

  43. That video sent a tingle up my spine as well, but not in a good way. Maximize the video size and watch her eyes at 1:31:49.

  44. Ever see the reptilian videos of George H W of his eyes while he's speaking? It appears in a flicker that his eyes shift to that of cat eyes.
    Real or the result of a poor quality grainy video image? A lot of what Project Camelot puts out is what I'd classify as in the really far out category as this is. A person has to be careful into what one buys into. I see salient points in this but I leave believing it to open conjecture.

  45. Someone else in the comments under that video interview mentioned her eyes at that moment. I just see a weird blink but nothing else. I couldn't stop the vid at the exact moment of that blink so I'm not sure what you are seeing there.

    As for the Bush Sr eyes. Oh hell yea, that was easy to see. There are many videos on youtube of those reptilian eyes and shape shifting. Could easily be camera glitches but considering these people are destroying the very environment that we live in one has to question if "they" are human after all. I certainly do. We've seen their agenda. The term psycho just doesn't cut it for me. THeir plan is too vile and coordinated.

    The woman in the interview isn't preaching anything detrimental that I could see. How about you?

  46. What I seen is a flicker of light in the darkness at a time when all seemed gloom. We're not very far out of the dark ages where there was ghosts, goblins and devils in every eddy and shadow are we?

  47. I see that same flicker V. As for the paranormal...ghosts do exist.

  48. No arguments from me there JG. More than once I've felt peoples passings and their emotions in doing so and more. Everybody intuits, just some of us have tuned in. Ego and fear are the stumbling blocks. We've been provided with a sense of where with all in the continuum and can feel the coming storms. We're the sentinels at the gate. We listen to our muse.

  49. I watched it about a week ago. Crazy coinky-dink?

  50. Well said. Great thread.

    Fear and Ego. Toxic to healing the assaults of the physical weapons. I got to kill more of the ego. the fear I am relatively free from now. The doorways seem to be most obvious at time of death but that is only for the reasons you have just expressed V.

  51. Can't say for others but I'm up against my ego a lot. Occasionally I have clear moments when I can see through as I'm sure we all do. I qualify myself as just human trying to grok a great mystery. Onward through the fog.
