Saturday, February 25, 2012

All (the Indians in the World)

Come down on you like


"...and they won't leave you two heads to bury."  --old movie.

You could call it:  how to spend Hunger Moon.  <there it is.  All the shit that needed to be written down so somebody could dig it up in a thousand years and digit  later.  Digital pot shards could at least be part of the score on terra preta, man the black earth aint gonna mind a bit.  General Custer is out there... his world turning to shit.  That's how it is on  cav-path into swarming black hills.  The coming race war.  All that Aryan Nation shit.  Morphological meat wads tend to think that way, especially surrounded by angry savages stinging with ordinance  sold to them by fatty pork wad boss wick head.

But it aint like that oh  diggers of 3012-- the physics caught us long before the memes did and many of us realized that.  The idea of a meme pandemic was just as alien as a smallpox epidemic for Americans in 1492.  Maybe we did not know about ground zero release language to the psych nest yet.  We saw results among those who had contact.  But even those who equated contact with certain death still did note/ understand the mode of transmission and emission can not avoid it any more than the 1491s could.  Now we gotta get passed  Human Resources let alone anticipate the little big horn honkies.  Beep beep.

Who never left the farm without thinking about the house unlocked?  Fashion.  Beep beep.  They could be Indians sleeping on the floor... moccasins out their soles never thaw.  Walking in on  ice age raw.  Fashion.  Beep beep.  That was only about two hundred years ago round these parts.  A thousand years before that people lived in food forests made by ancestors so long ago it had been forgotten.  Most of what we learned in the last score millennia  lost in the last few centuries.  Beep.  It would be foolish to think it is gone.  It is beyond the porch light where the sidewalk ends.

We do not think we are alone in our cities we know the dead are not without power and we know there are others in dimensions to bottle him off the read public.  Two sea is too bee leave.  It is lapping on the brain beach lake a hundred psych nest amps and lightning office lighting grape shot terrible serf bored.  Shoot the curl in slipcraft and make it thru  Mist ruthless marching gone 2be 2 slipspace dudes.  Same as your world is now thirty twelve diggers.  Same as it ever was.  Samba zit Everest.  Whatever.  Weird join noun the meteor of the war.  See saw it as you see it teeter typee tottering toward its own destruction.

The river to prey hydrocarbon overlords boat gloat. 



  1. Yup inside up is outside down in the old buzz town tonight. Po po grave diggahs ne'er did know to look up and around but frowned at da ground.

    Thanks for the touch Waldo. Always luv'd Archy Lalajee.

  2. "large numbers of Americans may find themselves in areas of instability and conflict", such individuals might benefit from being "equipped with an electronic individual position locator device (IPLD). The device, derived from the electronic bracelet used to control some criminal offenders or parolees, would continuously inform a central data bank of the individuals' locations. Eventually such a device could be permanently implanted under the skin..."

    ~'The Revolution in Military Affairs and Conflict Short of War' - 1994, by the strategic Studies Institute (SSI) of the US Army War College


  3. Whirled World Improvement via Improvised Eugenics Developments (IEDs) by the World Improvers? WHO is your Enemy? Does one even need to ask the question? WHO is implementing said transhumanism mutations?

    WOT a Crock!


  4. We should note that they would do the same for their dogs because they love them. And with Lo-jack, we track our cars, we love our cars as much. We are an asset or liability, period.

    It's not personal, just business.

  5. Ian Morris, Juan Enriquez, Ray Kurtzwell:Revenge of the Nerds

  6. Further on following:

  7. Further on from:

  8. A school shooting in Ohio this a.m.:

  9. Ultimately remaining sane is the issue, and it is always a personal issue regardless of culture and whatever the dejour paradigm

    So far, throughout the history of our species, the capacity for sanity has not been lost. It may wain and woof in the strength of its manifestation, and this may be a particularly dark period. But the fact remains that it is in the realm of each individual from time immemorial to the present.

  10. But wait! There's more!
