Friday, February 4, 2011

Protesters in Tahrir Square break into song Feb 4, 2011
11:36pm Amid cries for Mubarak's immediate departure, demonstators - led by a guitarist off camera - break into song during the "Friday of Departure". Al Jazeera cannot verify the authenticity of any Youtube videos.

Translation: Let's make Mubarak hear our voices. We all, one hand, requested one thing, leave leave leave ... Down Down Hosni Mubarak, Down Down Hosni Mubarak ... The people want to dismantle the regime .... He is to go, we are not going ... He is to go, we won't leave ... We all, one hand, ask one thing, leave leave.


  1. hey, who are those gorgeous peeps in the banner pic?


  2. amazing.
    it's like being right there with them.
    sending energy for the highest possible resolution
    for the people of egypt.

    and elsewhere.

    i see mubarak leaving. i see elbaradei leaving.
    i see a good and determined choice of the people
    stepping in.

    and no interference tolerated from the axis of evil.

    in freedom for the egyptians we will find our own freedom.
    no need to know how it comes about. just that it does.

  3. Shooting Stars Gracing the Skies I Imagine...

  4. Put it to a Melody, and indelibly imprint it upon their minds... Out with the refuse, in with a new muse. Someone, something worth believing in. Anything less is just a lame excuse -- for living.

  5. Methinks they will eat NWO cake,not yellow cake,unless we need a reason to bomb them then its yellow cake.

  6. I'm raising my bic lighter high and singing along............OUST THEM ALL!

  7. I couldn't understand a single word of it.



    Egypt’s Revolution May Not Produce Democracy
    ~Rob Kall

    My Comment:
    Mediocre analysis mundane conclusions sans penetration.

    The heart of the matter?
    The actual center in today's architecture of political power; the Money Power. Any analysis which leaves the global agenda under the table in ignorance or for distraction is simply so much trivial blather. It is like describing the elegant curve of the blade, the intricate hand etched motif, the way the hilt blends 'breathlessly' into the overall arch of the complete work, the wondrous weave of the silk wrapped handle...while ignoring the blood and gore running down that blade.

    It is incumbent on all of us that the first task is to identify the enemy of liberty and freedom worldwide, and to note that it is a concerted and focused agenda that is hiding in plain sight, The New World Order which comes to fruition before our very eyes while tongues such as the authors wag Newspeak psychodrivle and lay the opaque lens.~ww



    "The International Institute of Strategic Studies said Iran had two routes to making a nuclear weapon from its existing nuclear plants.
    Iran's nuclear facilities have produced enough low enriched uranium (LEU) to be used to make nuclear weapons."**

    This is Orwellian bullshit in a completely Orwellian world. Iran is no more an independent state than any other in this new world order.

    It plays the part of the foil.

    It is the controlled opposition.

    No matter how seriously the pawns and actors on this world stage take their parts, they are all merely reciting prefabricated scripts. The money Power plays everyone against each other.

    If this simple central rule is ignored nothing is understood.

    And this ties in with my analysis of the Egyptian situation. As much as my heart goes out to their hopes and dreams, I know what they face. The same thing everyone on the planet faces; the iron grip of the Money Power, which by it's global extension has leverage on any single body of people.

    What is the answer?

    A single global uprising everywhere.

    That is why it is PLANNED to spark the uprisings regionally. Then the Money Power has that leverage of arranging everything bordering it against change to the underlying status quo.

    Obviously the underlying status quo will not tolerate change--that is their whole reason for existence, to maintain their power status.

    "If one strikes at the Prince, one must kill him."~Machiavelli, THE PRINCE

  10. Somebody's still reading Rob Kall?? To be expected that he's more pro-Zionist than pro-democracy and distributing breadcrumbs of doubt. Screw him.

    For some interesting articles in the "we have met the enemy and it is us" vein:
    The Egyptian Uprising Is a Direct Response to Ruthless Global Capitalism By Nomi Prins and

    Egyptian Protests Expose Fraudulent U.S. “Spreading Democracy” Meme- both of which I have posted on my blog.

  11. Are you trying to say that humans are all so weak and enervated that they can't possibly revolt against tyranny unless it has been planned in advance by some ruthless elite?

    And I thought I was a cynic..........

  12. Firstly Rob Kall is nothing but a zionist shill as laudy says but good response to his bs piece, Will.

    Secondly, I agree with laudy that the biggest part of the revolution is actually the people of Egypt who have had enough. Sure we know the agents are in there trying to manipulate the whole show but how do we know they aren't losing to the will of the people?

    We have to hold out some hope for the human race, don't we? Let's continue to
    be vigilant but not have a totally defeatist attitude. Does being totally pessimistic help our cause? I don't think so. We SHOULD be cheerleaders for those that stand up to their oppressors even though in those crowded streets the bastard globalists are mixed in with the legitimate humans.

    It's the REAL super bowl... Humans vs Reptilians.

  13. "It’s the REAL super bowl… Humans vs Reptilians."

    Very well said Deb!

  14. "Are you trying to say that humans are all so weak and enervated that they can’t possibly revolt against tyranny unless it has been planned in advance by some ruthless elite?"~laudyms

    I think you are misenterpreting what I mean by planning here Laudy.
    I don't mean that the people are manipulated by provocatuers in this instance, I mean that the stresses put on the people by economic controls and the tensions of austerity are played by the regions. And OF COURSE that part is planned by a ruthless elite.

    I have a lot more faith in the unfettered human being than what you read into what I say--I am speaking to political systemics, not anthropology.

  15. Sorry if that was so. I certainly agree that the "austerity" moves have been planned as part of siphoning off people's wealth.

    Americans were quite content as long as that just happened elsewhere. Now that multinationals are targeting the American middle-class, we too are victimized. But the process is the same and I refer you again to " The Egyptian Uprising Is a Direct Response to Ruthless Global Capitalism By Nomi Prins" at the link above. I wish it were an easier read...

    Globalists and multinational corps have abandoned their allegiance to nations, especially the US. They have used the WTO to trump national sovereignty, and they will continue until they form a planetary feudal state with the vast world population treated like domesticated animals or worse.

  16. JG,

    I hope my reponse to Laudy will mollify you somewhat as well.

    I have stated many many times sense I met all you cool COTOfolk, that Liberty is not an invention of revolution. Liberty is the discovery of enlightened reason.

    What is the distinction between an invention and a discovery?

    We all know that an invention is an artifact--and that discovery is of a fact of nature, a fact of the universe. Human liberty and the craving for it is as natural as our lungs seeking ogygen.

    The desire for freedom will never be beaten out of the human race--ALL of my commentary is based on this central premise.
    My analysis is of the brutal system that is attempting to subvert the human family and put it in bondage...a very sophisticated system that must be understood and taken apart widget by widget, psychopath by maniac, brick by brick...

    I describe the architecture so that it can be deconstructed and restructured on real human terms.


  17. A worthy task! I'm posting a commentary on "slave management" as its own item since I agree wholeheartedly.

  18. I ran into the Kall article getting email updates from Greenville post.
    I never go to OEN anymore--like all here I have that stench well remembered.

    Of course he is a well reconized Zioshill, but Greenville is a hotbed of "Leftist" loonies as well--damning the "Right" and missing the whole Hegelian manipulation of this system, and all of its dialectical bullshit.

  19. Thanks Laudy, I found that and made a short comment...

  20. without truth
    there is no liberty
    it is truth
    that will insure
    our liberty
    our self sovereignty
    forced labor is slavery
    the truth is
    we are not free
    why ?

  21. Black Magic Koalice...high tec blended with the ancient shamanic spells of the Talmud. Most are enchanted--the medium is the message....

  22. “The White House has been criticised throughout the week for failing to call unambiguously for Mubarak to go immediately. But the administration does not want to alienate pro-American leaders in Saudi Arabia and elsewhere in the region with an unseemly rush to dump a long-time ally. It also does not want to be seen as interfering in Egyptian domestic politics and fears humiliating Mubarak would be counterproductive to efforts to push him towards the exit.”
    "I recognise that [$1.3bn] certainly is a significant investment, but it's an investment that has paid off for a long, long time."~Admiral Mullen

    As if US support of this kind for the past 30 years is not “ interfering in Egyptian domestic politics,”
    what unmitigated bullshit

    They have coaxed out the main puppet now--and who remains? The new vice prez, a known torturer and Mubarak's right hand goon. So Egypt can have a "peaceful transtion to democracy"?? Right back into the pocket of western finacial slavery.
    The APPEARANCE of change--just like the US got with Obammy.
    Crap piled on crap is a higher pile of crap.
    When do we cut the crap?

  23. Good insights Coto folks. There's two sides to the question, maybe it even has more sides?

    1) "How" humanity got to where it is today?
    2) "How" humanity can successfully Get Out of the predicament it is in today?

    Analyzing number 1 is probably helpful in seeing the manipulation by the elites, while examining the laziness and foolhardy "too trusting" complex that keeps humanity in the cage.

    Exploring number 2 would no doubt at least create a "plan", an outline, a battle plan for winning the war against the reptiles. They are heavily funded with stolen funds and own the fiat money printing press. So taking those away immediately seems rather important. Exposure, investigation, and guerilla warfare, revolution, awakening from the mass hypnosis and ignorance, etc. are also super important.

    Frankly, humanity's efforts at fighting back are ill-defined scattered skirmishes, and I don't see any cohesive "front" to take on the Octopus Beast. Maybe chopping off all its arms before shooting it in the head will work. Or shoot it in the head, and mince the flailing arms? Starve it, Poison it, bleed it out, on and on...but we humanity better get with Some Program more effective than the reactive banner waving and rhetoric we've been seeing.

  24. "Frankly, humanity’s efforts at fighting back are ill-defined scattered skirmishes..."

    Yes the kernal of 'divide and conquer' is sown every generation...

    I see the only thing that will bring an end to the current system is nature herself.
    "it's not nice to try to trick Mother Nature"...and if hubristic military science really believes they can trick her...well Nemesis is already stalking the planet.

  25. I got my badge in my hand and its loaded.


  26. Can't eat guns.......

    Maybe here's a better solution:

    Corporate Control? Not in These Communities

  27. I'm aware of the Shasta goings-on. I've climbed Mt. Shasta. Rolled some large boulders down its snowfields {I was young then}. They're standing up for themselves a bit here.

    I offer this 'cause its the latest thing I read:

    by Paul Craig Roberts

    Yeah, Rogue1. A loaded Badge is a "must" in today's world. In fact, when was being "unarmed" EVER a smart position to be caught in? Seeing the massive spike in gun sales in the US, I'd say people aren't trusting their government or local law enforcement to protect their assets and families. Folks have been lied to so much, they're getting their own "backup" just in case. I reckon they'll need it.

  28. Gee Laudy...I never once considered eating a gun...???


  29. The oath of office

    repeat after me -

    I, boomerangcomesback,
    do solemnly swear and affirm
    that I will support and defend
    the Constitution of the United States
    against all enemies, foreign and domestic;
    that I will bear true faith
    and allegiance to the same;
    that I take this obligation freely,
    without any mental reservation
    or purpose of evasion;
    and that I will well and faithfully
    discharge the duties
    of the office on which
    I am about to enter.
    So help me God.

  30. Ifn there really was such a "person" as this boomerangcomesback character, and not simply an ethereal persona who is 'everywhere' and 'nowhere to be found' simultaneously -- a real enigma -- he/she/it would surely side with the common folks who give power to the ideas encapsulated within such a document as the Constitution. For common sense and common folks stand together as a society worth living in.

    The type of lawless beasts of the basest form are those nanohearts who plant a flag of conquest on every piece of land their deformed feet land upon, any land within the reach of their wretched hands. With guile and murder aforethought, they commence to kill, rape, and pillage every living native soul, culture, and pure environment before them.

    Viewed in historical context, they are twisted and deranged suicidal beasts. As 1% of the human population, they will ever be mutants. Human excrement.

  31. Thanks Laudy, that article by Nomi Prins is just right...exactly my analysis in more elegant form.

    And I have to say this as a male creature...Lol, Nomi Prins is one beautiful piece of pie, my my my...and so smart.
