Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Monarch "Sinnerman"


  1. That was interesting.

  2. nicely done, puddy. i like it very much.

  3. Why do I get sent to YouTube to see this?
    Did the rest of you Cotobakers get to see it here???????
    That's not fair and I'm gonna tell my mom.

  4. The degrees are plays
    in which the candidate participates.
    Each degree uses symbols to teach,
    just as plays did in the Middle Ages
    and as many theatrical productions do today


  5. The world is not as it seems~Freeman


    POW-POW-Powerful performances Pod

    The CERN established by 11 European governments in 1952. ENQUIRE was for them and the World Wide Web for us. Now the Collider will open the door to Seven Hells for us. Fifty years of Monarch has matured to GENEsis and BLUEBRAIN.

    Sadly we are all inside to some %/_\

  6. You don't have a youtube account so they want to garner your info. You see Willie now you can either mail it in or you have to go to the office.

  7. But thinking outside the box--puts you outside the box...If you can think that far outside the box.

    But most folk feel the warm and fuzzy inside the box.

    Just, meaning ONLY stories. Or put another way; It is just to say they are nothing but stories.
    For just means justice, not merely.

    Investments are what count. How much have you invested in a story?
    You "figured" it all out. So it must be "true". So there is your box.

    THAT is the one to think "out of".

    And when you finish doing that, bring in the dog and put out the cat.

  8. Not to lift any sealed scabs...but, I was just thinking how our once cotobaker, Flak seemed to me on the way to a Loughner state of mind. He's lucky to be in France rather than AZ, or Virginy. I hope he's cooled his jets.


  9. I was looking up some more info on this subject and Betty White turned up as a victim of Monarch as did Tiger Woods(Bob Hope was his "host/handler"). Wtf? Surely, not everyone who is famous in movies, tv and the music business is a victim. Are they?

    I do know not everyone with a butterfly tattoo or who gives the rock on sign is involved in this horrible program. So how do we know who is and who isn't? I do know Roseanne Barr said she was a victim. It's a fact she's been known to act very strangely at times..............

  10. Betty White...yes, that had something to do with the JFK hit...a moldy oldy in my backroom brain now. Tiger Woods makes a lot of sense considering his pedegrog.
    Mary has a link up to a site about Laural Canyon on the Moon Hoax thread she started...look it up--it is so crazy. All of the late 60s rock guys were kids from military intel...the links are undeniable and dumbfounding.
    I knew Jim Morrison's dad was the Admiral that did the major naval thrust into Nam, but so many others...really check it out. Great documentation too.

    I guess those who "get ahead" are for the most part carring buckets of state water.
    Even my bass player from SATYR who went on to gold records. His dad was intel, killed in action...all hush hush, but his mom was set for life.

    Seems spooks are everywhere--under every bed, in every closet.

  11. The alleged handlers include Jay Z, Billie Ray Cyrus, Bob Hope, Merle Haggard, Kris Kristofferson, Frank Sinatra, Box Car Willie, Lee Greenwood, Earl Woods, Ted Kennedy, GHW Bush, Lawrence King, JKF, Hugh Hefner, Gerald Ford, Pat Leahy, Robert C. Byrd, Colonel Michael Aquino and other lesser known. Some are handlers of handlers. Misery.

  12. Some words from my handler:

    Thomas Jefferson said in 1802: I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around the banks will deprive the people of all property - until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.


  13. Good god.. the more I delve into this cesspit the more creeped out I become. Thanks for the peek into wonderland PD !!

    I can't believe I've never seen this video of Anna Nicole Smith... SERIOUSLY disturbing. Supposedly the victims revert back to being 4 years old? I'd say that's the mentality she's portraying in this clip. Towards the middle of the video, listen to the song that's playing "angel baby". Did her handler Howard K Stern put that on purposely?


  14. I'll check that link out right now.. thanks will.

  15. PD who is the despicable Snooki from the Jersey Shore's handler? Any idea?

  16. http://www.infowars.com/inside-the-lc-the-strange-but-mostly-true-story-of-laurel-canyon-and-the-birth-of-the-hippie-generation-part-1/

    This is it JG

  17. http://www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel.cfm?channelid=137&contentid=4451&page=2

    Anna Nicole was most likely a 'Presidential Model'.

    WARNING: Steel yourself before you read this article.

  18. I like it too, Puddy! Catchy beat and a great finish. You got talent.

  19. One hypothesis about Laurel Canyon is that military family members were trusted agents with the requisite deep personality programming promoted to take leadership roles in order to reliably run the good ship USS Hippie aground by infiltrating it with luciferianism and fear. They had alot of help from legal repression and a long stupid war. Too bad the article did not get into the natural and innocent reasons of why LA and later SF became novel cultural petri dishes. This truth/beauty was what the crazy military kidz coopted for themselves.
    It would be great if someone wrote a series now on all the sold out former hippie leaders of Haight Ashbury. Kind of makes you wonder if they too were not infiltrators from the beginning, trained to jump on the runaway sheep and lead them back into the pens, for a slice of fame they pimp to this day, now in service to the regime, and no longer mentioning the lurid episodes in their bios. Not all of them were bad, tho, not at all. The Laurel Canyon series kind of indicts everyone in the dance, but it does tip us off to an agenda of some sort in operation.

  20. As per our remarks Mary. Having been there, both the LA and the Haight Ashbury scenes, the grreat majority of the people into it were really 'Peace Love' full blown flower Children; TOTALLY against the war.

    Many will debunk it, but it was a mind/consciousness expanding time for many thousands, perhaps millions of people--even though, with the mil-ind complex throwing in the towel on Nam, most bought back in and got swept up in the PR of Yuppidom.But 9/11 came along and something popped in a lot of those long dorment Hippy Minds.
    That is why our generation is the most 9/11 aware.

    I am proud to be a once and future hippy.

  21. lol PD...yea that works !!

  22. Right frikkin on, Will, I too will always be proud to be a hippie and alumnus of LA-SF from '63-68. Amazing things did happen, and that is what really drove the hippie phenomenon. For those in the tuberide still, the magic never stopped. We're just not quite so young any more, but still acting up. Look around, round, round.
    The last shall be first. Dirtbag hippie gardeners and farmers can survive on hempseed if need be. Hempseed saved the Aussies twice in the 1800's from starvation. The mass starvations of the last two centuries always occured when there was food but only if people could afford it. Laugh at hippies and Cannabis for being goofy and lighthearted, but think about what their plant can do once petroleum is super expensive. I know, only a hippie would think of that.
    "Something popped in alot of people." on 9/11 -WW.
    A beautiful friend of mine is missing from that day and it shattered my belief in the millenium yuppie state of affairs. I walked out of my job six months later......hoping to find my hippie roots again in the good earth. Once we see those big buildings blowing up floor by floor and then Bldg 7 drop in a classic demolition crimp, and the government is "you're with us or against us now", we all know the old beliefs are false.

  23. Oh no Mary! That means I have to meet Hasselhof or Piers Morgan. Watching either makes me cry!

  24. I did one on HufPo or OEN about Tom Hayden and Fabian poster girl Jane Fonda.

    I hear Peter found a dead body in his car last night?????

    What a web!

  25. "I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every from of tyranny over the mind of man." ~ TJ

  26. disassociative disorder - Splitting personalities - bipolar scam - Psychological gangstalking - Trauma therapy - EMR psychotronic synapse disruption - psychotropic drug therapies

    All from Russia/Nazi work from 1952 and designed for 3 year olds. They added sexual abuse for their personal therapies. It's a symbiotic connection from TI to handler.

    Lovely huh?

  27. Oh c'mon Paddy,Merle Haggard, Mr. velvet pipes ? Thats kinda hard to chew.
    By the way in the vid what are the ligature marks ? And I must be behind from working at the farm but what is monarch? beside the queen and other obvious lizards.

  28. Alleged by Cathy O'Brien and FBI agent in Transformation. Apparently the Grand ol Oprey is a den of snakes.

    I like Merle Haggard's music as well. Believe the unbelivable, then you have no surprises.
