Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Ground Zero Mosque Distraction - The Corbett Report

The purpose of the "mosque" was obvious from the day this "issue" raised it's turbaned head eh Coto?  War with Iran is always on their mind.......


  1. I'm glad you got this up here J-Girl.

    I've been emailing this info to all the folks I'm in contact with.

    The Cordoba Initiative, and Imam Rauf, affiliated with the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations and support for that came from fellow Council on Foreign Relations’ members. Imam Rauf himself was on the Council on Foreign Relations’ Religious Advisory Committee. The Cordoba initiative’s website cited “Christian support for the Cordoba House” from a Christian publication, “Sojourners,” which is owned by evangelical Christian writer and political activist Jim Wallis, also a sitting member of the CFR’s Religious Advisory Committee.

    American Society for Muslim Advancement (

    Carnegie Corporations of New York, Rockefeller Brothers, Rockefeller Philanthropy, Rockefeller Brothers Fund, the Henry Luce Foundation, and Hunt Alternatives.

    “The Imam of the now infamous “ground zero mosque” is a member of the ultra elitist Council On Foreign Relations and receives financial backing from powerful globalist sources including the Rockefellers, the Carnegie Corporation and the Ford Foundation.

    “This information provides a compelling backdrop to the theory that the move to establish the mosque is a deliberate attempt to further stoke religious tensions and and divert attention away from the real enemy of free humanity, the corporate globalist elite who continue to profit from global war and division.”


  2. BTW Jersey, glad to see you got your computer problems sorted out. We wuz all wondren where ya wuz.

  3. From WorldNet Daily we get this twisted lying PR from Joseph Farah, who promotes the idiocy of Glen Beck, Rush Loonbah, William Krist-hole, etc.:

    “My brother’s remains were never found.
    He was killed by Islamists and now they want to build a mosque on his grave.
    Their victory will be complete.”

    Indeed. Their victory will be complete!

    These christianoid bastards playing the emotional trump bump, pulling right out of their pouty poopshoots. Vile lying sunsah beeshes. May they roast in Hell.


  4. Fox News and Murdochs buddies are funding the mosque? Sure.

    Just like the Mexican WOT funded by Rockefeller & Soros

    TRIADS people TRIADS

    This report is alway spot on Jersey.

  5. I understand the premise of the Mosque is to divide and conquer, and fufill the Grand Chessboard, and I know this is an informative video, but I am "really1" wigged out at all of the chemtrails in the background of this video. It's bad enough we have to see and breathe them in on a daily basis.

    Why! are wavy white lines that resemble chemtrails incorporated into basically the entire video? Astounding!

    Like I previously mentioned, we are beyond Orwell's 84' who is rolling in his grave.

    It's only a matter of time now.

    This is far worse than any Amway presentation.

    Peace, love and stock up on non perishables. It is goin ta be a bumpy ride.

  6. Speaking of Orwell you might have see this.

  7. Thanks Will. It's still glitchy but working well enough that I can get some Coto time in :)

  8. They are PD. He fits so much info into one little report.

    Btw, thanks for all the concern from my coto family :) Speaking of concern, are you on the coast of NC Patrick? I seem to remember you being more in the mountains? NC may get battered by the nasty Earl. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he veers east instead of west.

  9. Hi Munich,

    Yes a friend gave me a copy of that video a few years ago. It's very good.

    As for the lines in the video, I don't think Corbett is trying to indoctrinate us to accept chemtrails. He is very aware of their dangers and has done reports on them. He's as much coto as we are.

  10. Yeah but with HAARP and the ability to steer it, the mountains are ripe for flash flooding and rock slides. Are you computing again? It's been like a funeral around here.

  11. Nice video Jack. I'd never seen that one but it sounds so familiar. Hard to believe the grunion can't get this point. Even Michael Moore and Bernie Saunders sound rational. We can look forward to Palin and some other committee trainee soon enough. Now more will get the vaccine lobotomy this year and we'll have even more mullet flopping around.

  12. You know I missed you guys :) So far so good. The price of laptops has been dropping. I need to have a computer. I'll have to take the dive and splurge on one soon. This ole desktop is getting ready to death rattle.

  13. Will we see another terrorist attack? You can bet on it. The only question is: When?

    Special days are often chosen for special events. Will the next mass murder be on Rosh Hashanah (September 8th)? How about the ninth anniversary of September 11th? Or Yom Kippur on September 17th?

    Will the next incident be nuclear or conventional? Will it be staged in the U.S. or the E.U.?

    And most important of all: will it be blamed on Hezbollah or Hamas? Or will the “Pakistan Taliban” be portrayed as the requisite Evil Doer responsible for the next mass murder?

    --Jeff Gates opinion-

    End dual citizenship and get these Zionist motherfuckers out of the US government.

